Chapter 848 Divine Armament Fall

Half a month later, Dahuang strictly implemented his strategy under the control of Elder Ge. All the seven Supreme Realm masters gathered on the border of Dahuang, waiting for Ye Xiu’s army to come.

At the same time, Dahuang had already notified the Daewoo Dynasty of this method. After receiving this method, it was immediately regarded as a life-saving straw and strictly implemented.

This hurt Qin Sheng and the others.

Although the masters of the Supreme Realm can’t play a big role, but with them sitting in the checkpoint, the power of the big formation is extremely powerful, and their advancement speed is greatly slowed down.

In a full half a month, they actually only went deep into the middle of Daewoo, and they also lost nearly 10,000 soldiers.

The most annoying thing is that these people don’t fight hard against themselves at all. Once they break the barrier, they will withdraw from the barrier and uproot all resources. This causes them to encounter more resistance as they go back.

At the beginning, they were able to break through a level within an hour or two, but now they may not be able to achieve a level at the end of a day.

When the Daewoo Dynasty saw this situation, all of them were very excited. This method gave them hope, because this method not only effectively prevented the progress of the Qin army, weakened the enemy’s strength, but also filled the deficiencies of the national treasury. .

Now they have collected 30 billion of the best primordial stones, and sent people to invite people inside China. They only need to hold on for half a month, and they will be able to tide over the difficulties.

Compared to the Daewoo Dynasty, Dahuang is another situation, especially the old Ge who thought of this method frowned, and the sadness on his face was getting worse.

Because his plan was based on the premise that Ye Xiu led the attack, otherwise he would forcibly search for resources, which would cause riots.

Nowadays, the interior of the Great Wilderness Dynasty has long been riddled with defects and precarious.

Once a riot is caused, then there is no need for Da Qin to take action, and they will perish first by themselves.

The reason why Daewoo was able to act according to the plan was that Qin Sheng’s strong attack gave their generals enough reasons. Ordinary people could only compromise in order to survive, and even ignited the enthusiasm of many patriots to join the army to protect their homes. country.

You must know that the Daewoo dynasty, like the other two dynasties, can be described as a nationwide cultivation, and you can go to battle and kill the enemy with a little training.

But what made Elder Ge extremely depressed was that after half a month, they didn’t even see a shadow of Qin Bing, as if they had disappeared out of thin air.

But judging from the news he got, Ye Xiu and the others had already set off with their troops.

“Have you not seen the soldiers of the Great Qin Dynasty?”

Old Ge asked with an ugly expression, the longer the time was delayed, the more uneasy he felt, but he didn’t know what Ye Xiu was up to.

So he can only keep an eye on the situation at the border.


An eunuch’s face was a little ugly and answered, this is the 305th time, can’t you give daddy a stop? If there is news, daddy dare to hide it?

Originally, he thought it was a good job. Once he wins, he can at least take credit for it.

But now he feels like living here is like years.

It was only around ten o’clock in the morning, and the old thing had already asked himself three hundred and five times, and if he continued to develop with this momentum, he could definitely make a breakthrough two thousand times in the evening.

Daddy is so annoying.

“What exactly is going on?”

Elder Ge frowned and said, he also studied Ye Xiu’s military style during this period of time. The reason why he was able to defeat the barren army this time was because of his surprise victory.

Now that he hadn’t seen Ye Xiu and the others for more than half a month, he had to wonder what other tricks this kid had used.

But even if he wanted to break his head now, he couldn’t think of what Ye Xiu wanted to do, and he couldn’t even think of any loopholes in own’s plan for Ye Xiu to drill.

After all, my own plan has already been implemented in Daewoo, and the effect is very significant. There is no problem in keeping Daewoo’s foundation.

As for what to do, he didn’t have a clue at all.

Because if you want to enter the Great Wasteland from Daqin, you have to pass through these hurdles, and there is no second way to go.

Even if they wanted to fight dangerously, it was impossible to do it silently. After all, this was a 600,000 army, not six or sixty people, how could it be possible that no news came out.

“Elder Ge, your Majesty has asked about the situation here again, how should our family respond?”

The little eunuch next to him asked.

“Just answer it truthfully.”

Elder Ge sighed and said, this is the 30th time that the ancient magical powers have inquired. At first, they asked every day, but as time passed, he asked more and more frequently.

Obviously, he was stimulated by Daewoo.

After all, there is already in full swing, and the first batch of resources have been accumulated, and people have been sent to the interior of China to ask for reinforcements, but there is no movement on their side.

To know this method, they first thought of and told Daewoo, but in the end, they used their own side, but there was no movement at all.

If it weren’t for the idea of ​​the old man, he should have doubted the old boy’s loyalty.

“All right.”

What else can the little eunuch say, he can only do so, he is even ready to be scolded by his majesty, because every time he responds like this, he will be scolded.

As for Elder Ge, he didn’t dare to disclose it.

After all, the Dahuang Dynasty still depends on him to support it, and if he offends him, he has nothing to eat.

“What the hell does this guy want to do!”

After thinking about it for a long time, Elder Ge was about to collapse. With his experience, under normal circumstances, he could figure out the general idea only based on the character of others, but facing Ye Xiu, he was helpless.

This feels more depressing than dead father.


Suddenly, there was an urgent voice from outside, and then a guard rushed in and said on his knees: “Old man Qi, Qin Jun has appeared outside the imperial city, and the Ministry of War requires us to quickly support.”

“Finally appeared…”

Elder Ge’s eyes lit up, but he froze before he could complete his words, and muttered: “Wait, what did you just say, where did Qin Jun appear?”

“Qin Jun appeared outside the imperial city.”

The guard replied again.

“How could it be? How could it be possible? Could it be impossible for them to put on the wings? Even if they were put on the wings, we couldn’t be unaware of it at all.”

Elder Ge said in disbelief that he had come to the border in person this time, but he hadn’t even seen the shadow of Qin Jun from beginning to end.

Just as he said, even if Qin Jun puts on his wings, it is impossible to escape from under their noses and enter the Great Wasteland, let alone outside the imperial city.

This is an army of six hundred thousand.

“This is the news from the Ministry of War, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.”

The guard sighed and said, to be honest, he couldn’t believe it, but he had confirmed with the Ministry of War three times and got the same answer.

Qin Jun has indeed arrived at the imperial city.

“How can this be!”

Elder Ge still couldn’t believe it, or said he didn’t want to believe it.

Because he knew that the news came from the Ministry of War, so it would never go wrong, but how did they pass? Even the Great Move Talisman cannot move directly to the imperial city when the national formation is turned on.

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