Chapter 846: Borrowing the Dao Saint Ruins

Three days later, in Ye Xiu’s big account.

“Marshal, don’t we send troops yet? King Qin has already set off.”

Xia Yufeng said anxiously, although it was not too difficult for them to conquer the Great Desolate Dynasty this time, there is no doubt that whoever breaks the opponent’s imperial city first will have greater credit.

But Ye Xiu was not in a hurry. He had been holding the map of the Great Desolate Dynasty and had no plans to send troops.

How could he not be in a hurry.

“Don’t worry, don’t forget, it’s closer to Dahuang Imperial City than Daewoo.”

Ye Xiu shook his head, indifferently, he likes to make decisions and move later when he does things. This seems to be a waste of time, but according to his experience, it is actually saving time.

In the case of the previous battle, he had planned a series of plans before, so he was able to use the terrain in an orderly manner to wipe out the millions of troops of the Great Desolate Dynasty in one fell swoop.

Although this attack on the Great Wilderness will not encounter too fierce resistance, there are some things he still needs to figure out so that he can achieve the greatest victory at the least cost.

“But the distance is no more than a day away. They have sent troops for more than a day and a half.”

Xia Yufeng was anxiously scratching his ears, Daewoo was farther than Dahuang, but judging from their marching speed, the difference between the two places was only a day’s journey.

Now, they have fallen behind by one day, and the gap between them has disappeared. If they delay any longer, they will really give the credit to others.

“Why, forgot my rules?”

Ye Xiu glanced at him.

“Subordinates know their mistakes.”

Seeing Ye Xiu’s behavior, Xia Yufeng thought he was angry and quickly closed his mouth. Although Ye Xiu’s Cultivation Base was not as good as his own, he was a little bit embarrassed by Ye Xiu.

Of course, this was not fear, but respect, and this respect was made by Ye Xiu with his own strength.

In the whole army, one is counted as one. At this time, who would dare to say no word in front of Ye Xiu.

“Don’t worry, the credit won’t escape.”

Ye Xiu smiled.


Seeing Ye Xiu’s familiar smile and words, for some reason, Xia Yufeng’s original heart suddenly relaxed.

Because before they faced the Great Wilderness army, he did the same. As a result, every time he showed this smile, he would make the Great Wilderness pay a painful price.


At this moment, a Daoist shadow rushed in from outside, a master of the Ninth Stage Human King Realm.

This person was named Xia Houwu, the former general of the Great Wilderness, and his status was second only to General Marshal Liu Weichen. After Liu Weichen was defeated, he decisively chose to surrender, and Liu Weichen’s head was cut off by this guy.

So he would never betray the Great Qin Dynasty, which is why Ye Xiu dared to reuse him, and gave him a lot of credit.

“How is the investigation?”

Ye Xiu asked, he was not playing for the past three days, but was waiting for Xia Houwu’s information.

If the situation that this guy said before is true, then it is very likely that they will be able to eliminate the great famine in less than half a month this time, and at the same time, they can reduce most of the casualties.

Therefore, let alone three days, he is willing to wait even if it is ten days.

“The situation is true. The subordinates have already taken people to walk through the magic talisman. Although there is a certain risk, the problem is not big, and it is within the scope of acceptance.”

Xia Houwu promised, patted his chest.

“Well, well, this is really God’s help.”

Ye Xiu thumped the table excitedly, and a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

“Marshal, what are you talking about.”

What Xia Yufeng listened to was full of slurs, but from their conversation, he could also hear a hint of conspiracy. Could it be directly related to the attack on the Great Desolate King?

Suddenly, he thought about Ye Xiu’s previous performance.

Ye Xiu is very good at winning by odds. He often performs odd tricks in places that ordinary people can’t think of, and then trades the smallest casualties for the greatest victory.

It is not difficult to see in this contest with the Great Wilderness Army.

Ye Xiu first used the large array to kill 600,000 enemy troops, and then took advantage of Wushan Pass to destroy 50,000 enemies, and then used the terrain and environment in the swamp to continuously harass.

When encountering a small group of enemies, they will directly kill them, and when they encounter a strong enemy, they will quickly retreat without hesitation.

After a week of harassment, the Great Desolate Party directly reduced its staff by more than 100,000, and the remaining people were also tortured and exhausted.

In the end, he even released a highly poisonous one, killing the 300,000 army, and forcing the remaining 500,000 to surrender.

The current situation is so similar to before, maybe Ye Xiu thought of something strange.

“Look here.”

Ye Xiu knew that if he didn’t tell this guy about his own plan, he would go crazy, so he pointed to a blank area on the map of the Great Wilderness Dynasty.

This area is just behind the Great Desolate Imperial City.

“This is the Holy Ruins, Marshal, you don’t want to borrow this place.”

Xia Yufeng was shocked. This holy ruin can be said to be famous in the central part of China, and it can be regarded as one of the few Jedi in the central part of China.

It is said that this holy ruin is the remains of a powerful dynasty in the ancient times. It is also the only super dynasty in Central China that once dominated Central China, and it can even compete with Sacred Land in China.

I just don’t know what the reason is, it was eventually destroyed, and at the same time, there was no information circulating.

As far as the news they have received so far, they only know that the space in it is extremely unstable, and it is difficult to escape safely even if a master of the Supreme Realm enters.

As far as he knows, since the Holy Ruins were discovered, no less than a thousand Supreme Realm masters have entered it, but only one person is known to escape from the Holy Ruins.

This person was the founding emperor of the Great Wilderness Dynasty, and he established the Great Wilderness Dynasty in a hundred years and gradually grew stronger with renewed efforts.

This situation also attracted the attention of many people at the time. Even the people in Shenzhou were alarmed. For this reason, three experts from the Quasi-Emperor Realm were dispatched.

But as a result, these people were all dead inside without exception.

Since then, the foul name of the Holy Ruins has been completely spread, and no one dared to step into it easily.

Ye Xiu wanted to hit it’s attention. Isn’t this looking for death?

“General Xia, don’t be so surprised. The situation is not as bad as you think. In fact, there is a secret road here that allows us to bypass the various stages of the Great Wilderness and reach the Great Wilderness Imperial City, and I have already walked this road myself. , The situation is generally the same as what I have learned, there is no danger.”

Xia Houwu smiled and said, he actually knew about this situation a long time ago, but he has not dared to take the risk to check it.

But this time he surrendered to the Great Qin Dynasty. If he could not surrender a qualified nomination certificate, his status would probably stop here. Therefore, he risked his life to go this trip.

He believed that once the Great Wilderness Dynasty was defeated, his military exploits would be enough to make him a king.

“This is serious.”

Xia Yufeng’s eyes lit up. If this is true, that would be great.

The Great Wilderness now doesn’t have many troops to deploy, so those levels can’t stop their footwork, but they will definitely waste some of their time and strength.

If you can borrow the Daosheng Ruins, bypass these hurdles, and directly arrive at the Great Desolate Imperial City, you will definitely be able to catch them by surprise.

In this way, they really belonged to them.

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