Chapter 842 We should withdraw

“I don’t know what happened to Ye Xiu’s Big Brother.”

In contrast, Qin Wanqing paid more attention to Ye Xiu’s situation.

Half a month has passed, and the battle on Qin Sheng’s side is still going on, because Daewoo’s troops are more than half a million more than those mentioned in the intelligence. It was sent by Big Sect.

This situation also prevented him from sending troops to support him.

However, judging from the battle report from the front line, Ye Xiu only blocked the attack of the Great Desolate Dynasty with the 300,000 soldiers allocated before, but also cut the enemy by more than 1.2 million.

It directly refreshed the cognition of everyone in the Daqin imperial family.

You know, Qin Sheng has more than one million soldiers in his hands, and he faces almost the same number of enemies. In this case, Qin Sheng can only kill more than 600,000 enemies.

At the same time, Daqin also lost more than 100,000.

Although such a result was already very good, it seemed trivial compared with Ye Xiu.

It’s just that Ye Xiu hasn’t sent back any news for three days, so no one in the entire Daqin imperial family knows how far the war on Ye Xiu’s side is.

Although they also sent a lot of people to investigate, but the swamp was too wide, and no news came back until now.

“Sister Sister, don’t worry, Ye Xiu’s force is at least 200,000, and the gap with the Great Desolate Dynasty is only about 200,000. Before, he could advance and retreat freely in the face of an army of more than 1.5 million. Nothing will happen.”

Qin Wanru also saw Qin Wanqing’s worries, and at the same time understood that her heart of this Big sis was on Ye Xiu’s body.

Originally, she felt that Ye Xiu was a bit unworthy of her Big sis. After all, Qin Wanqing is now the king of a country, and Ye Xiu is just a Rogue Cultivators.

But now she doesn’t think so, and even thinks that the two are just a match made in heaven.

If he really had such a brother-in-law, it would be easy for the Great Qin Dynasty to create a ten-thousand-year foundation. Don’t forget, the money is still his brother-in-law.

“I hope so.”

Qin Wanqing nodded, and even though she said that, she was still very worried. After all, there was no eye and no one could guarantee that she would be able to win.


At this moment, a guard ran in from the outside and knelt in front of Qin Wanqing and said: “Your Majesty, the victory is ahead. Marshal Ye led his army to wipe out the soldiers of the Great Wilderness Dynasty. Now he has led his troops to Hulao Pass to support King Qin.”

“What, wipe out the soldiers of the Great Wilderness, how is this possible!”

“Are you sure, the soldiers of the Great Desolate Dynasty were really all killed?”

“Yes, yes, this is a big deal, you can’t be sloppy, you have to be responsible for your words.”

For a while, there was a mess in the Great Hall, and all the ministers’ eyes widened. The news was really overwhelming.

Although they had predicted from previous intelligence that Ye Xiu would eventually win, they did not expect Ye Xiu to be so efficient and wiped out all the soldiers of the Great Desolate Dynasty.

This is more than 1.5 million enemy troops.

Don’t talk about them, even Qin Wanru and Qin Wanqing found it incredible.

“The subordinates are sure that the head of the Great Wilderness leader Liu Weichen has been cut down by Marshal Ye and hung it at Wushan Pass. Many people have already seen this.”

The guard hurriedly said, he was also very excited, but this was the biggest victory the Great Qin Dynasty had achieved in the past few decades, and directly defeated the Great Desolate Dynasty.

But more is the admiration of Ye Xiu.

Three hundred thousand against more than 1.5 million, five times the gap, turned defeat into victory, this is the first time in the tens of thousands of years of the Great Qin Dynasty.

And this also means that Daqin will rise completely in the near future.

As a Daqin native, he is naturally extremely proud.

“Okay, okay, okay, let the order go on, and let Yexiu be the king by the side, sharing the world with me.”

Qin Wanqing immediately ordered that she was too excited. Ye Xiu’s move not only severely damaged the great famine, but also saved Da Qin from the deep waters. Only by making him king can she express her gratitude.

“Your Majesty, no, this…”

“My intention has been decided, and there is no need to discuss it.”

Qin Wanqing waved her sleeves and walked out…

At the same time, in the secret manor of the Daewoo Dynasty, Qian Duoduo looked at the intelligence in his hand and said in surprise: “As expected of Dage, he wiped out the millions of soldiers in the Great Wilderness in one fell swoop.”

“Master, what happened.”

Qin Yun asked strangely.

“Watch it for yourself.”

Qian Duoduo handed the information to Qin Yun, his eyes filled with excitement.

“This, this is true!”

Qin Yun was shocked. If this information hadn’t come from the Daqin Palace and had a special imprint of Daqin, he couldn’t believe it was true.

“Of course it’s true. I, Dage, is a dignified young man, the famous Eastern Wasteland. It’s just a matter of effort to wipe out powerful enemies.”

Qian Duoduo said with admiration that the existence of Ye Xiu back then made the surrounding countries not even have the courage to send troops, and the methods were not imaginable by ordinary people.

Therefore, the complete annihilation of the enemy is not too shocking for Ye Xiu, this can only be said to be normal performance.

“I still can’t believe it.”

Qin Yun shook his head. This was too terrifying. Three hundred thousand versus one and a half million. Thinking about it, he felt his scalp numb, and even his foster father might not be able to wipe them out.

Doesn’t this mean that Ye Xiu is more terrifying than his foster father?

“Now that Dage has created such a good opportunity for me, we can’t boil the frogs in warm water like before. We will release the words immediately. We will release 5 million shares tomorrow and increase the profit to 70% at the same time. I don’t believe them. Can resist this temptation.”

Qian Duoduo’s eyes showed a sharp light, the wheat was ripe, and it was time to harvest.


Qin Yun was taken aback, 50% of the profit could already make many people take risks, and 70% of the profit could almost make many people murder and arson.

Although he still had some doubts in his heart, judging from Qian Duoduo’s previous performance, his decision could not be wrong, so he suppressed the doubt and went out.

Soon the next day came, and the situation was exactly as they expected. When the major chambers of commerce and the wealthy learned that profits had increased to 70%, everyone went crazy.

Almost everyone has started rushing for equity.

However, due to the large number of shares released this time, it took a full three days to sell all of them. Many people almost sold iron in order to buy shares.

Some members of the royal family even put their ideas into the treasury. After all, this transaction is a steady profit, and you can only return it when you make the money.

As a result, most of the Yuanshi of the two dynasties entered the pockets of a lot of money.

“Qin Yun, clean up, we should withdraw.”

Qian Duoduo’s mouth curled up. He has stayed here for so long, planning all of this, in fact, for this moment, and everything before that is for this moment.

Now that the goal has been achieved, they don’t need to stay here anymore.


Qin Yun immediately issued the order, and at the same time, after receiving the order, the members of the big money house chambers of commerce simultaneously returned to the Great Qin dynasty with the Great Move Talisman.

Until the next day, those equity talents discovered that the Qianjia Chamber of Commerce was empty.

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