Chapter 827: Why

“It looks good and it’s cheap. One is only a few hundred thousand top-grade Yuanshi. Why not buy it? You can make a lot of money when you go back and sell it later.”

Jiang Li didn’t feel that he had done anything wrong. When he was in Sect, it would take hundreds of thousands or even millions of superb gemstones to buy anything.

This one is only 150,000 yuan. Is it too cheap?

“One is only a few hundred thousand top-grade Yuanshi…Forget it, let me ask you directly, how many such things have you bought in total? How much Yuanshi has been spent.”

Ye Xiu was defeated by his ‘atmosphere’. This was a top-grade primordial stone, hundreds of thousands of which was already a month’s profit for many small sects.

“Not many, just a hundred pieces. This time I came out in a hurry and only brought 20 million top-grade yuan stones. Otherwise, I will definitely sweep away that market.”

Jiang Li said lightly.

“One, more than a hundred pieces…”

Ye Xiu took a breath of air, and this kid was simply a wealthy boy, and he scattered more than 20 million top-grade yuan stones at once, which was two billion top-grade yuan stones.

I’m afraid I don’t dare to be so extravagant even with a lot of money.

“What’s wrong, is there something wrong?”

Seeing Ye Xiu’s appearance, Jiang Li asked curiously.

“Do you know the true value of these things?”

Ye Xiu asked.

“It’s worth hundreds of thousands.”

Jiang Li has been in the Sky Profound Sacred Land since he was born. This is the first time he has come out. He doesn’t know much about the outside situation, and his master has not taught him in this regard.

Therefore, in his eyes, the more beautiful things, the higher the value.

“All right.”

Ye Xiu thought for a while, but decided not to tell him the truth, lest he could not bear it.

“Where are we going now?”

Jiang Li did not continue to struggle with this issue.

“Great Qin King City.”

After Ye Xiu finished speaking, he continued on his way.

At the same time, a mutiny was taking place in the imperial city of the Great Qin Dynasty. The entire imperial palace was surrounded by three and three outer layers of soldiers, and there was even more panic in the imperial city.

In the Great Hall.

“What do you mean? Is it impossible to rebel?”

It was Qin Feng, the emperor of the Great Qin Dynasty. At this time, he was wearing a dragon robe with nine golden dragons embroidered on it. His lifelike Cultivation Base reached the Ninth Stage.

It is a pity that at this time, he was pale and skinny. Obviously, the wine has hollowed out his body all the year round. Even the Cultivation Base of the Ninth Stage King’s Realm cannot make up for his lack of energy and blood.

“Brother emperor, this throne originally belonged to the third sister, you used a means to grab it, now it’s time to return it to the third sister.”

Qin Wanru said without changing her face.

“Sixth Emperor Sister, Fifth Emperor Uncle, I asked myself how I have treated you badly over the years, and it has allowed you to take charge of the military and political power of the dynasty. Why do you unite others to resist me? Have your consciences been eaten by dogs.”

Qin Feng couldn’t accept it, because these two people were the people he trusted the most, but in the end they were stabbed from the back, which made him very uncomfortable.

“Brother emperor, the younger sister originally supported you to inherit the throne, because the Qin dynasty has never had a precedent for a woman ascended to the throne for tens of thousands of years. Therefore, even if your throne came from wrong, the emperor and I are willing to support you. .”

Qin Wan said with a hatred of iron but not steel: “But unfortunately, after you succeeded to the throne, your whole person has changed and you have become reluctant to make progress. I’ve been defeated here. In the middle, I reminded you more than once, but you are still doing your own way, which disappointed me. Therefore, at this time, you are no longer suitable for inheriting the throne. Please take the initiative to give up the throne, lest our brothers and sisters Broken hands and feet.”

“It seems that you are determined to pull me off the throne, but you are too underestimated. Where is the worship!”

Qin Feng snorted coldly, and then three masters of the Supreme Realm appeared beside him. These were all the sacrifices he had solicited over the years, and he would pay a great price every year.

As for the elders of the royal family, he didn’t expect it at all, because they wanted someone from the Qin family to be the emperor, and they didn’t care who it was, so they wouldn’t help themselves at all.

Even if he is a contemporary emperor of the Great Qin Dynasty, he still cannot command them.

The reason why he said so much before was actually to give Qin Wanru and Qin Sheng a chance to reform. After all, if they were to be killed, he would not be able to enjoy the same peace of mind as before.

Now it seems that they are too kind, and since they don’t know how to repent, they are all stupid.

“Brother emperor, you are still the same as before. You can sacrifice everything to get the throne. In your eyes, the throne is really so important?”

Qin Wanqing said in disappointment that her main purpose of coming back this time was originally for revenge, not for the throne.

Because it was not Qin Feng himself who ordered the killing of Owner, but his subordinates’ own opinions, she still retained this brother-sister feeling in her heart.

Her purpose is also very simple. As long as Qin Feng surrenders the person who persecuted her back then, she will no longer pursue the matter.

Because she didn’t care about the throne at all.

But what she saw and heard during this period of time made her change her mind. If the Great Qin Dynasty continued to be in his hands, it would not take long before the Great Qin Dynasty’s kingdoms would fall apart.

This is the painstaking effort of her father.

“Of course it’s important. Just ask who in the Great Qin Dynasty didn’t want to be an emperor and enjoy the glory and wealth, isn’t it the same for you, otherwise, how could you come back?”

Qin Feng glanced at her and snorted coldly: “So, don’t tell me those truths here. If you want the throne, you can, show your true ability.”

“In that case, there is nothing to say, let’s see the real chapter.”

Qin Wanqing was very disappointed. At this time, Qin Feng was indeed not suitable for continuing to serve as the emperor of the Qin Dynasty, so she had to replace it, otherwise, the Qin Dynasty would really be over.

“Do it, kill them all.”

A cold light flashed in Qin Feng’s eyes, and he immediately ordered that if he wanted to snatch the throne with me, then all go to death.


The three of them responded and killed Qin Wanqing and the others.

“Get out!”

Just at this moment, a white-haired old man in a yellow robe appeared in the Great Hall. With a wave of his hand, a tyrannical force shook the three of them back at the same time.

“Grandpa Emperor, you, why are you here!”

Qin Feng’s face became stiff, and he hurriedly stood up, because the person here was their grandfather, Qin Tianhu.

After he abdicated to their father, he entered the secret place of the Great Qin Dynasty to meditate, and now he has already broken through to the Seventh Stage supreme state, which is the true foundation of the Great Qin Dynasty.

Qin Tianhu didn’t come forward to stop him when he mutinous, why did he come out today.

“From now on, you are no longer the emperor of the Great Qin Dynasty, and you will be succeeded by Wanqing.”

Qin Tianhu said disappointedly.


Qin Feng shouted.

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