Chapter 813 Return to Scarlet Cloud Sect


Jiubiantian’s heart beat again, and a message appeared in his mind.

“The Nine Transformations of the Heavenly Heart, the Seventh Transformation, the Divine Lin Transformation… Nine Heavens breathe soil, the source of ten thousand earth…”

“Nine change Tianxin, it really didn’t disappoint me.”

Ye Xiu’s eyes lit up, and with the Shenlin Transformation, the physique of the Five Elements of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth had all been incorporated into his bag, and its strength was no worse than the others.

And as soon as Shenlin turned on, he immediately felt that his body and mind were connected to the ground under his feet.

He even gave birth to the feeling that as long as he stood on the ground, he could continuously draw strength from the earth and make himself invincible.

At the same time, the earth became very close to him, as if it were an extended part of his body.

As soon as he moved his heart, the ground began to squirm. It didn’t take long for a mountain as high as one hundred meters to rise from the ground. Standing on the top of the mountain, Ye Xiu felt like everything was under control.

However, changing the landscape also consumes a lot of power, and just this one hundred meters high mountain consumes almost half of his power.

“It seems that the environment here still has to be changed by themselves.”

Ye Xiu shook his head, absolutely no idea of ​​changing the landscape here, but Sect station could help Scarlet Cloud Sect solve it.

With a move in my heart, a huge building complex appeared in the center of the entire Wugui Grand Canyon.

Then Ye Xiu went to the high tower in the center of the building complex, put the Chilian Poison Flame in it, and left most of the Phoenix Blood Stone for its consumption, so as to continue to maintain the mysteriousness of the Wugui Grand Canyon.

His next plan is to move the Scarlet Cloud Sect here. In order to prevent people from other forces from continuing to influence the development of Scarlet Cloud Sect, the mysteriousness must continue to be maintained.

As for leaving the Phoenix Blood Stone, it was because he had obtained most of Zuo Yun’s memory, and learned that a fist-sized Phoenix Blood Stone was used to maintain the normal operation of Chi Lian Poison Flame for a hundred years.

The piece left by him was enough to keep the Chi Lian Poison Flame running for thousands of years.

However, every thirty years, Chilian Poison Flame will advance because of the power of the Phoenix Blood Stone, and there will be a major turmoil.

In order to prevent this incident from causing unnecessary losses to the Scarlet Cloud Sect, he only made a thousand tokens with the poison of the bone-eroding clam as the source of power.

Although the method used by the Blood God Sect is simple, it needs to be replaced every thirty years and causes a lot of casualties.

So he thinks it is better to own this way, don’t worry about this problem.

The fly in the ointment is that this token can only be made by yourself. Don’t let others say that they have done it, they will be completely poisoned by the poison of bone-eroding clams.

After doing this, Ye Xiu got up and left.

However, what he didn’t know was that not long after he had left, a Daoist shadow emerged from the ruins of the Blood God Sect.

The person’s face was pale and embarrassed, but his eyes were filled with endless hatred. After watching Ye Xiu leave, he looked back at the building not far away, and finally chose to leave.

He is the current leader of the Blood God Sect, Situ Kong.

Originally he had a Closed Door Training breakthrough to the Supreme Realm, but the appearance of Ye Xiu interrupted his breakthrough and caused him to suffer a lot of injuries. Only then did he use secret methods and mantras to survive.

It’s a pity that the current Chi Lian Poison Flame has changed, and he can’t stay here for a long time, so he can only choose to leave.

But what Ye Xiu did to his Blood God Sect, he would not let go.

Blood debt must be repaid with blood.

Ye Xiu picked up Qi Tian and Yan Tao, and then rushed out of the Wugui Grand Canyon.

When he came, he only had the seventh stage of his life, but now he has reached the third stage of the human king. Minor World is a thousand times bigger than the ordinary human king. Even if he encounters the sixth stage human king, he has the confidence to fight against the first stage. .

When I came to Ziyue City, the sky was already dark, and there were many people sitting directly on the street on the ground, but no one wanted to leave.

The turmoil that occurred in the Wugui Grand Canyon has caused many people to end their exploration early and come back here.

Therefore, at this time, Ziyue City was already overcrowded, and the restaurant didn’t even have a place to intervene.

“It’s not that something happened in Dao, there will be such a terrifying energy fluctuation. We are just on the edge of the Wugui Grand Canyon, and we can all feel that terrible power.”

“I feel that it is somewhat similar to Heavenly Tribulation, maybe someone has made a breakthrough in Cultivation Base and promoted to the Supreme or even higher Realm.”

“Regardless of the reason, this time we are here for nothing.”

Many people talked about it, because the place where the Red Cloud Tribulation appeared was in the depths of the Wugui Grand Canyon, and the time was too short, this happened when people outside just entered.

So no one knows what happened inside.

And after the turmoil ended, the toxins in it became more terrifying, directly causing hundreds of people to die, and the remaining people did not dare to stay in it and escape directly.

In this way, the once-in-a-hundred-year opportunity was wasted.

Ye Xiu smiled on the side. Not only was it wasted this time, there would be no similar opportunities in the future, because after the advanced level, the Chilian Poison Yan could not be isolated by stopping the absorption of the vitality of the heavens and the earth.

After adjusting all night, Ye Xiu parted ways with Yan Tao, and he rushed to Scarlet Cloud Sect.

Three days later, Scarlet Cloud Sect.

“Senior Brother Ye, is that you?”

Several guards of Scarlet Cloud Sect recognized Ye Xiu who was approaching and greeted him directly.

“It’s me, I want to meet my Master and Sect Leader, it’s okay.”

Ye Xiu asked.

“Of course there is no problem. Although Brother Ye has already left Scarlet Cloud Sect, in our hearts, you have always been a disciple of our Scarlet Cloud Sect.”

The guard nodded heavily and said.

They also heard about the day, so it was clear that Ye Xiu chose to leave Scarlet Cloud Sect to protect them from the real Martial Ancestor.

Therefore, not only did they not remember Ye Xiu’s hatred, but they also regarded Ye Xiu as their own role model.

Coupled with the humiliation they endured that day, it made them realize their own shortcomings, so that the atmosphere of the entire Scarlet Cloud Sect has changed, and each one is even more vigorous.

In just half a month, the overall strength of Scarlet Cloud Sect was 10%, and there were countless disciples breakthrough Cultivation Base.

Li Chunyang didn’t even think of this change.

“You can do it first, I can go in by myself.”

Ye Xiu didn’t know what happened to the Scarlet Cloud Sect after he left, but after entering, he found that the atmosphere of the Scarlet Cloud Sect had changed.

There are not many people on the road.


Before long, an old man fell from the sky and fell in front of Ye Xiu, who was Luo Qianshan. He rushed over as soon as he got the news.

“Good boy, I haven’t seen you for half a month. You have already made your breakthrough to the realm of the king.”

Luo Qianshan’s eyesight, he saw Ye Xiu’s situation at a glance, and was shocked in his heart. He had seen cultivation fast, but had never seen it so fast.

In half a month, even a master of the Ninth Stage of his life would never want to be promoted to the King of Human Realm.

And when Ye Xiu left, it was just Sixth Stage. He broke through six Realms in half a month, which is nothing short of a miracle.

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