Chapter 793: Situation Reversal

According to the colorful tiger king, in addition to the strong heaven and earth vitality and the power of the Star, there are also powerful toxins permeating the mist.

After entering here, Ye Xiu not only confirmed that this was true, but also understood the power of this toxin.

This mist is formed by mixing the power of the Star, the vitality of the heavens and the earth, and the toxins. The two are not a kind of power. The coexistence of the two is very mixed, which perfectly hides the toxins.

But it will invade the human body when the cultivator absorbs the power here.

This poison was still very secretive, Ye Xiu didn’t notice it at first, but after it entered his body, it caused a response to the poison of the bone-eating clam, and then swallowed it in one bite.

Therefore, the poison here is simply colorless and tasteless, it can invade the human body without knowing it, and it cannot be detected by people.

This situation is like boiling a frog in warm water. It is very comfortable when you first enter, but as time goes by, the toxins in the body will accumulate more and more.

When they perceive the problem, they will no longer be able to leave.

This should be the reason why so many people die here without knowing it. By the time they realize the danger, it is too late.

Unless they don’t absorb the vitality of the world, they can’t avoid all this.

Therefore, as long as time permits, Ye Xiu will be completely invincible here, because no one can claim the power at will without worrying about the backlash of toxins like him.


Zhao Yuankui’s soul is powerful, so as long as he observes carefully, he should be able to detect some problems.

But at this time, he was already in the bell of anger, and he hadn’t noticed this situation at all. With an order, everyone immediately led people to chase Ye Xiu in the direction of fleeing.

The vitality of heaven and earth here is inexhaustible, so they don’t need to worry about their own consumption at all, and various methods are used mercilessly.

Boom boom boom…

The powerful attack directly set off a violent shock in the Grand Canyon of No Return, making the originally peaceful canyon become lively.

But Ye Xiu was like a loach, swiftly moving under their attack, stupefied without any damage, and ran all the way into the Grand Canyon of No Return.

I don’t know how long it has passed, they have completely entered the depths of the Grand Canyon of No Return at this time.


Suddenly, Zhao Yuankui heard a scream from behind him.

Zhao Yuankui hurriedly stopped and looked around and found a disciple of a real Martial Ancestor lying on the ground with a pale face, rolling in pain constantly.

“what happened?”

Zhao Yuankui raised his brows, wondering what happened to him.

You must know that during this period of time his divine mind was locking Ye Xiu, he was also carefully observing the surroundings, for fear that there was something terrible here that would kill them.

After all, this is the fascinating Grand Canyon of No Return, how could he be unprepared at all.

But in his perception, nothing came close to them during this period of time, and Ye Xiu stayed in front of them all the time, and had no spare energy to do anything with them.

But this disciple suddenly shot himself and was seriously injured, which made him very confused.

“Does this kid still have a helper?”

Zhao Yuankui’s expression changed. If this were the case, then their situation would be dangerous.


The good times didn’t last long, and the faces of a few people beside them also showed painful expressions.

Especially for the first person to have symptoms, his face was covered with a layer of penetrating black air, his lips were also slightly purple, and his breath had become very weak.


When Zhao Yuankui saw this scene, he still didn’t understand that this disciple was poisoned.

So he immediately stretched out his hand to hold this person’s wrist, a ray of divine thought penetrated into it, and found that the toxin had penetrated the bone deeply, and he immediately took out the Jiedu Pill and gave it to him.

“It’s terribly poisonous.”

Zhao Yuankui’s expression changed. The Detoxification Pill in his hand was a high-grade profound stage, and most of the toxins could be eliminated.

However, in the face of this severe poison, the Detox Pill not only couldn’t solve it, but it increased the violent degree of the poison, and the poisoned person died suddenly on the spot soon after taking it.

And with the passage of time, the number of poisoned people also increased, and eventually even he himself felt a little discomfort.

“No, it’s that the vitality of the world here is poisonous!”

Zhao Yuankui immediately seemed to have thought of something, his face suddenly changed, and he hurriedly stopped running his Cultivation Technique, cutting off his contact with the outside world.

“I just found out now, don’t you think it’s a bit late?”

Ye Xiu’s figure didn’t know when he had appeared 100 meters away, and he looked at them with indifference.

“Why are you okay?”

Zhao Yuankui looked at Ye Xiu with an ugly expression. Hearing what he meant, he knew that the vitality of the world here was poisonous, and the poison was still very violent.

Even he himself was affected, but how could Ye Xiu be okay?

You know, he consumes a lot of power, and he has also absorbed the vitality of heaven and earth here.

Logically speaking, he should have been poisoned earlier than Juniors like own.

But now, Ye Xiu’s face was flushed, not to mention a sign of poisoning, even a trace of exhaustion was not written on his face.


Ye Xiu didn’t talk nonsense with him at all, and directly killed him.

The whole person was like a wolf entering a flock of sheep. With a sword, he killed several people on the spot, blood spewed out, and directly stained the ground with scarlet color.

He was not the main purpose of killing these people, because they were already poisoned at the moment, even if he did not kill them, they would not be able to leave here alive.

This was done mainly to force Zhao Yuankui to take action.

Zhao Yuankui’s breath is strong and the strength in his body is full, so the poisoning is not deep, his strength has not been greatly affected, and he is fully capable of killing himself.

So he must use these people to force Zhao Yuankui to take action and let him consume his own power.

Of course, this Zhao Yuankui still has a great use for him, so he is naturally reluctant to kill it directly, but he has to pay a price no matter what.


Zhao Yuankui couldn’t see Ye Xiu’s intentions.

But he didn’t dare to fight back at all, because he had already felt discomfort at this time. If he had been fooled by Ye Xiu and tried his best to kill Ye Xiu, he would probably never want to leave here.

So he shook his heart and rushed outside with a few more talented disciples around him.

Only by leaving here can he get rid of the toxins in himself and their bodies and stay here, then they will definitely have a dead end.

“I want to go, do I agree?”

Ye Xiu didn’t bother to take care of the people who were abandoned by Zhao Yuankui, and directly chased him with the sword of Hades.

Suddenly, the identities of the two were reversed 180 degrees, and the original hunter also became a prey, fleeing everywhere.

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