Chapter 792 I agree now

“Luo Qianshan, you immediately send someone to arrest Ye Xiu for me, otherwise, we really Martial Ancestor will never let you go.”

Seeing that Li Cangsheng did not move, they raised their brows and immediately thought of Luo Qianshan. They were masters and apprentices, and they believed that only he could conquer Ye Xiu.

“Sorry, Ye Xiu is no longer a disciple of my Scarlet Cloud Sect. I have no right to influence his stay or stay.”

When Luo Qianshan saw this scene, he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. When Ye Xiu told himself that this world treasure had such power, he still didn’t believe it.

Now he didn’t doubt it at all.

And with this world treasure in hand, it is really impossible for ordinary people to kill Ye Xiu, so he can rest assured.

Of course, he didn’t want to give up Ye Xiu by saying this, but he didn’t want Ye Xiu to be dragged down by the Scarlet Cloud Sect.

Because he knew very well that Hao Yang died here, Martial Ancestor would definitely not give up, and would even send more powerful people to deal with Ye Xiu.

By then, his Scarlet Cloud Sect could not guarantee Ye Xiu’s safety at all.

If this is the case, it is better to let him go out to practice alone, so that the goal is smaller. Really, Martial Ancestor wants to find him is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Even if he found it, Ye Xiu could easily escape.

At the same time, Ye Xiu left the Scarlet Cloud Sect, and the real Martial Ancestor didn’t want to make a fuss about their Scarlet Cloud Sect, and it was even more impossible to force Ye Xiu to submit.

Even if they really dared to trouble the Scarlet Cloud Sect, the top forces within China would not ignore it.

The Scarlet Cloud Sect will be fine before they get the mantra of soldiers.

“You haven’t agreed yet?”

The disciple was startled and asked hurriedly.

“I agree now, what can’t you do?”

Luo Qianshan snorted coldly, and directly issued an order to evict the guests: “In addition, this is the site of my Scarlet Cloud Sect. We do not welcome you. We also ask you to leave this place immediately. Otherwise, we will not blame me for being impolite to you.”

A few cultivators below the Third Stage King, he really doesn’t To put in one’s eyes.

You don’t even need to do it yourself, Li Chunyang and the others can solve these guys.

“You, wait for me.”

These people were a little panicked. Just as Luo Qianshan said, this is the territory of the Scarlet Cloud Sect. If he really tears his skin, it would be really easy for Luo Qianshan to kill a few of them.

So a few of them didn’t even think about it, and fled directly after letting go of this cruel remark.

After they came out, they still wanted to take Hao Yang’s body away, but they were scared off by the Jie Bao in Ye Xiu’s hand, and they didn’t dare to approach at all. In the end, they could only ignore Hao Yang’s pleading and turned and left here.

“Ye Xiu, you can’t kill me, I…”

Hao Yang still wanted to fight for it. Although he knew that he could no longer survive, he didn’t want to die now.

At the very least, he had to watch Ye Xiu be beheaded by a master of the school before he died, otherwise, he would not die.

But before his words fell, Ye Xiu used Jie Bao to smash his upper body into meat sauce, and he couldn’t die anymore.

“Well, I have something to do with the magic knives, let’s say goodbye.”

“Yes, yes, I have something important for my Five Elements clan, so I’ll take my leave.”

In just a moment of effort, the people of the major forces ran away, they didn’t want the real Martial Ancestor to think that this matter had something to do with them.

Their current strength can’t even beat the Scarlet Cloud Sect. If they provoke the real Martial Ancestor, they will not be far from the destroyed Sect.

“Xiu’er, you let me say what is good about you.”

Luo Qianshan didn’t pay attention to these people at all. Originally, he wanted to take this opportunity to rectify Ye Xiu’s name so that the various sects could converge, but he didn’t expect this kid to get involved with the real Martial Ancestor.

This is a school that even he dare not provoke.

“Master, don’t worry, it is not so easy for Martial Ancestor to kill me.”

Ye Xiu said indifferently, the real Martial Ancestor is indeed powerful, but as long as he is more careful, he really won’t even want to find himself.

After the own Cultivation Base is enough, you can fight with them again, and it is not impossible to destroy them directly.

“Hey, this is the end of the matter, so don’t stay here anymore. No matter what happens to the Scarlet Cloud Sect in the future, don’t bother, let alone care, understand?”

Luo Qianshan did not wait for Ye Xiu to speak, and then said: “You have to remember that you are the hope of Scarlet Cloud Sect. As long as you are alive, Scarlet Cloud Sect still has the possibility of a comeback.”

In this situation, it was useless to say anything, and he could only find a way to keep Ye Xiu alive.

Although it is unlikely that Martial Ancestor will directly attack Scarlet Cloud Sect, he is not afraid of ten thousand but in case, he must explain clearly to Ye Xiu, lest he will come back and die again.

“I have left Scarlet Cloud Sect. I want to come and they have no reason to trouble you, Master, I have something to ask you before I leave.”

Ye Xiu said.

“whats the matter?”

Luo Qianshan asked.

“After I leave this time, Martial Ancestor will definitely not let it go, so I can’t bring Qingcheng with me, so I want to ask the master to take care of it.”

Ye Xiu said.

Although the outside world is huge, he is still dangerous. He can’t guarantee that the real Martial Ancestor will not find him, so he must also prepare for the worst.

And he didn’t want Lin Qingcheng to follow him through this kind of drifting life.

So the best choice is to leave Lin Qingcheng in the Scarlet Cloud Sect, with Luo Qianshan and others to take care of him, and nothing will happen in a short time.

“Do not worry.”

Luo Qianshan immediately agreed.

“No, I want to go with you.”

Of course Lin Qingcheng couldn’t agree, she finally met Ye Xiu, and he was really reluctant to leave now.

And now that Ye Xiu is in a dangerous situation, he feels very worried about being outside by himself.

“Qingcheng, listen to me. Although the real Martial Ancestor is strong, it is difficult for them to catch me with my strength, but it will not be easy to escape if you bring you together.”

Ye Xiu persuaded: “Don’t worry, when I have the strength to protect myself, I will come back to pick you up.”

He has mastered the four mantras, especially the mantras of running characters can make his speed reach an unbelievable level, as long as he doesn’t touch the masters of the supreme realm, it is easy to escape.

But bringing Lin Qingcheng is different.

Moreover, Lin Qingcheng’s cultivation method requires a quiet environment, so as to be able to meditate on pill refining. If she drifts away with her, it will definitely affect her cultivation.

Therefore, no matter from which aspect, he couldn’t take Ye Xiu with him.

“Then you bring Xiaodie, she knows a lot, maybe she can help you.”

Lin Qingcheng thought for a while and felt that what Ye Xiu said made sense, but she was still worried that it would be completely different if Xiaodie followed.

“No, you forgot. Qi Tian is still following me. He knows a lot.”

Ye Xiu shook his head. Compared to himself, he was more worried about Lin Qingcheng’s safety. After all, no one knew what the real Martial Ancestor would do.

Effectively falling by Lin Qingcheng’s side, he could save her life at a critical moment, of course he couldn’t take it away.

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