Chapter 774 Kill him, kill him

“You are Ye Xiu!”

Qu Linglong saw Ye Xiu’s appearance clearly and screamed directly. Now she finally understood everything. It turned out that Su Yan had been controlled by Ye Xiu from the beginning.

It’s just that she didn’t understand, what the ball was, she looked like a piece of paper in front of it.

You know, she is a master of the Seventh Stage Human King Realm. Although the physical body has not reached the point of invincibility, it is impossible to be shocked so easily.

“Actually, you should do what the suicide note says.”

Ye Xiu said indifferently, the reason why he took out the suicide note was that he hoped that the people in Tianxing Pavilion would be able to get lost and give up being an enemy of himself.

Although they did that, they wouldn’t let Lin Qingcheng stay here, but he wouldn’t do anything to the Tianxing Pavilion.

Unfortunately, the result disappointed him.


Qu Linglong saw that Ye Xiu even dared to mention the suicide note, and the anger in her heart broke out again.

She and the younger sister are in love with sisters, how could she not avenge the younger sister.

But as soon as she wanted to use her strength, Dantian felt a scorching sensation. It was as if she was being roasted on a fire, and a sharp pain hit her brain, screaming like a pig.

“I told you that if you don’t want to be abolished, it’s best not to mess around. Do you think I’m joking?”

Ye Xiu narrowed his eyes, and a cold light burst out.

At this time, Qu Linglong’s Dantian has been sealed by Da Ri Jin Yan. This is not to protect her Dantian from being infringed, but to limit her power.

As long as Ye Xiu thought, her Dantian could be completely destroyed.

She is not like herself, Dantian can still cultivate if destroyed.


At this moment, several Daoist shadows broke through the air and formed an encircling circle to surround Ye Xiu and the others.

The people in Tianxing Pavilion also noticed the movement here, so some people were left to continue fighting the fire, while the rest rushed here.

They also want to see who is so brave enough to run wild in their Sky Star Pavilion.

But after coming here, they found Qu Linglong lying on the ground wailing and rolling in pain, and for a while they didn’t know what to do.

“Ye Xiu, you let the pavilion master, I can let you go.”

Secretary Elder said with an ugly face. Although she didn’t know what happened, she believed that this incident must have a direct relationship with Ye Xiu.

Today, only her and the pavilion master are left in the Tianxing Pavilion, and she is only the Fifth Stage King.

If the pavilion master had something to do, the star pavilion would really be over that day.

“After we leave the Tianxing Pavilion, I will naturally let her go.”

Ye Xiu said lightly.

“You can go, but Lin Qingcheng must stay. She is a disciple of my Tianxing Pavilion.”

Secretary Elder had no opinion on letting Ye Xiu go. Not to mention that he was in charge of the life and death of the pavilion master, but that he was in his current status. She didn’t dare to let Ye Xiu go.

But Lin Qingcheng couldn’t leave. How could she say she was also a disciple of Tianxing Pavilion, and everyone in the Martial Domain knew about this.

Even if she were to leave, it would have to be the Sky Star Pavilion to drive her out of the school, otherwise, they would still have the face to meet people in the Sky Star Pavilion.

“You now know that Qingcheng is a disciple of the Sky Star Pavilion, so when you were going to use her as a bargaining chip to send to the Great Wilderness Dynasty in exchange for benefits, why didn’t you think that she was a disciple of the Sky Star Pavilion?”

Ye Xiu snorted coldly, what did you do early?

“What, is this true, isn’t the Sky Star Pavilion going to force us to do anything against our will?”

“I don’t know, but I heard that Sect sent some people to the Great Wilderness Dynasty. Senior Sister Su Yan is one of them. She just came back today.”

“If this is the case, then why do we join the Tianxing Pavilion?”

Ye Xiu’s words were tantamount to a single stone igniting a thousand waves, which directly caused a huge sensation among the disciples of the Tianxing Pavilion.

The reason why these people join the Tianxing Pavilion is because they want to hold a group to resist the stinky men outside, so as not to become a plaything under them.

But they never expected that Sect, whom they trusted, would do such a thing, and they immediately felt a sense of betrayal.

If Sect can’t give them a satisfactory explanation, then this sect has nothing worthy of their nostalgia.

“You, don’t spit people, how can our Tianxing Pavilion do such a thing.”

Secretary Elder raised his brows. This matter was kept secret in the Sky Star Pavilion. Not many people knew about it. How could Ye Xiu know such details.

And she also felt a chill in her heart when she heard what the disciples said.

If Lin Qingcheng’s departure would cause their Tianxing Pavilion to lose face, then once the charge was settled, the hearts of the people would be dissipated.

After all, their consistent purpose is to provide shelter to women, and they do not do anything to force them to do anything against their last wishes.

If this purpose is lost, who will join the Sky Star Pavilion?

“Am I spitting blood?”

A cold light flashed under Ye Xiu’s eyes, and with a wave of his hand, Su Yan was pulled out of a ray of soul power, which was turned into a video and played out under his control.

It is exactly what happened in the Great Hall before.


Secretary Elder was shocked. She didn’t expect Ye Xiu to have this hand. If Ye Xiu was allowed to play it again, then the Tianxing Pavilion would really be over.

With that, she was about to make a move.


Immediately afterwards, Qu Linglong’s screams came from his ears.

“Before you kill me, she will definitely die. Are you sure you want to do this?”

Ye Xiu said confidently.

“Secretary Elder, leave me alone, kill him, kill him.”

Qu Linglong shouted in pain. In fact, she already regretted it now. She had known that Ye Xiu was so terrible. She should listen to the words of her junior sister and stop being an enemy of Ye Xiu.

But when things reached this point, they even reached the foundation of the Sky Star Pavilion. If he was allowed to mess around, the Sky Star Pavilion would really be over.

She is not sorry for her death, but no matter how the Tianxing Pavilion must not be destroyed in her hands.


At this moment, a ball appeared behind the secretary Elder out of thin air and hit her back directly.

If you want to kill me, then I will kill you first.

“Secretary Elder, be careful.”

Qu Linglong had noticed the strangeness and immediately yelled that it was because of her carelessness that she was successfully attacked by Ye Xiu and became his prisoner.

If Si Elder was defeated by Ye Xiu again, Xingge would be really helpless that day.

“not good!”

Secretary Elder also sensed the crisis at this time, almost instinctively dodge, but was still rubbed by the ball to his left shoulder.

Suddenly, she felt like she had been knocked down by a mountain, and her entire left arm was broken.

Fortunately, the injury was not very serious, but it was scary enough.

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