Chapter 769: Contemplation and Shadow Control

“Then why didn’t you say it earlier!”

Ye Xiu said in a bad mood, pretending to be a woman, he was really not used to it. If it weren’t for saving Qingcheng, he would never do it. Thinking about it, it feels weird.

“You didn’t ask anyone again.”

Fluttershy put her arms around her chest, and said with an unhappy expression on her face.

“Good Fluttershy, don’t be angry, I’m so anxious, I apologize to you, tell me?”

Ye Xiu returned to his original appearance as he spoke, and hurriedly said with a smile, after all, it was he who wanted her now.

“It’s pretty much the same.”

Xiaodie put her arms down and said: “People can teach you a method called Contemplation and Shadow Control. After you have cultivated to a certain level, you can blend into her shadow and manipulate it. It’s just that this secret The difficulty of cultivation is not low, I don’t know if you can cultivation to that level in a short time.”

Her method was obtained from a demon disciple, and it could indeed have the effect she said before.

It’s just that this method is easy to learn but difficult to master, and it involves darkness and soul. It is difficult for ordinary people to reach the Realm she said in a short time.

She has a certain understanding of Ye Xiu, so she still has a certain degree of confidence.

“You, you can’t do this to me.”

The woman’s face is very ugly. Is there anyone like yours? I have to do it directly. It is too inhumane to say it in front of me.

“Try it first.”

Ye Xiu ignored her and waved her to sleep.

However, he didn’t know if he could cultivate this contemplation technique, but now he didn’t seem to have any other choice. If it was impossible, he could only continue to use the ancient facial cleansing technique.


Fluttershy flew to the center of her eyebrows as she said, and her little hand passed the contemplation technique over.

Ye Xiu took a closer look and found that this soul-control shadowing technique really has some ways. As mentioned above, there is a person’s soul projection in a person’s shadow.

If these projections are affected, it will also affect a person’s soul.

Contemplation and shadow control is a secret technique established on this principle. It is said to be shadow control, but in fact it is related to the power of the soul. Complementary branches.

It’s a pity that he doesn’t have the time and energy to integrate these two methods together, otherwise, he might be able to create a new soul way.

After that, Ye Xiu sorted out his own mood a bit, and began to cultivate this soul-control shadow control technique.

With the experience of refining spirits as the foundation, coupled with his need to have a powerful soul and absolute control over Shura’s power, Ye Xiu was very relaxed when he was cultivating this soul contemplating air shadow technique.

It only took him a long time to fully master the contemplation technique.

Now as long as he wants to, he can even unconsciously hold on to or even control a person, turning him into a puppet that can be slaughtered by others.

The prerequisite is that the opponent’s soul power does not exceed his own, otherwise, the other party may even use own means to control himself in turn.

Therefore, although this method is peculiar, it must be used with great caution.

However, there is nothing to worry about when dealing with the disciple of the Tianxing Pavilion.

With that, Ye Xiu waved his hand and dragged the woman up. As it was already evening, as soon as she stood up, a long shadow was drawn behind her.

With a move in Ye Xiu’s heart, several dark marks appeared and penetrated into the woman’s shadow. The next moment, the woman opened her eyes.

At this moment, Ye Xiu could even see herself through her perspective. This feeling was really peculiar.

“Have you completed it?”

Xiaodie asked in surprise. Although she also thought that Ye Xiu could master it quickly, she didn’t expect that the speed would be so fast. Is it three hours since she gave Ye Xiu the Cultivation Technique to now.

This completely exceeded his expectations.

“The soul-control shadow control technique is similar to a method I have mastered before, so it is not difficult to cultivate.”

Ye Xiu briefly explained.

“It’s no wonder.”

Fluttershy nodded. If Ye Xiu had previously cultivated a similar Cultivation Technique, it would not be worth a fuss to master the Contemplation Technique in such a short period of time.

“You enter my body first, otherwise I won’t be able to take you.”

Ye Xiu reminded.


Xiaodie nodded. She knew what Ye Xiu was going to do next, so she hugged Ye Xiu’s neck directly. After a while, she became a lifelike tattoo on Ye Xiu’s neck.

Immediately afterwards, a black Shura power appeared on Ye Xiu’s body, as if a thick fog completely enveloped his body.

Then Ye Xiu used the method mentioned in the Contemplation and Shadow Control Technique to transform into a dark power and blend into the woman’s shadow.

At the same time, Ye Xiu also fully grasped the woman’s body and walked towards the Tianxing Pavilion.

The advantage of this method is that it is difficult to be discovered, even if the opponent’s Cultivation Base is much higher than his own, it will not help, unless the opposite party injects his own soul into her shadow.

But whoever is okay will pay attention to whether there is a problem with other people’s shadows.

“Sister Su, why did you come back, Elder and the others are almost waiting in a hurry.”

When the disciples in front of the Tianxing Pavilion saw this woman’s arrival, they immediately greeted her and said with a look of eagerness.

“Something happened on the road, I will report to Elder.”

Ye Xiu knew part of the woman’s memory before, so he knew what they meant.

She actually came back from the Great Wilderness Dynasty in central China.

The central part of China is also controlled by seven forces, among which there are three major dynasties and four major Sects, so the forces in central China are also called the three dynasties and four sects.

The three dynasties are Dahuang, Daqin and Daewoo.

According to this woman’s memory, the Ascension of the Dahuang Dynasty in the past few hundred years is extremely fast, directly surpassing the Daqin Dynasty to become the first of the three dynasties, and its ambitions are also expanding day by day.

So over the years, they have been liaising with various sects in various places, wanting to absorb the power of various sects to enhance their national power and lay the foundation for future hegemony.

The senior officials of Tianxing Pavilion didn’t know where they heard about this, so some time ago they tried their best to get in touch with Dahuang Dynasty.

To put it bluntly, they just want to find a strong backer for Sect.

It stands to reason that a small sect like Tianxing Pavilion would not be seen by Dahuang Dynasty.

However, a prince of the Great Wilderness Dynasty didn’t know where he heard about the Tianxing Pavilion, he was very interested, and asked the Tianxing Pavilion to send him a few beauties.

As long as he is satisfied, he can help Tianxing Pavilion join the Great Wilderness Dynasty.

This matter was serious, and the group immediately set off to rush back, ready to report the matter to Sect.

But it is a pity that they met the robbers on the way back, only she escaped, so she was alone and was captured by Ye Xiu.

After learning of this, no matter how the senior officials of Tianxing Pavilion would view Own’s affairs, he must take Lin Qingcheng away.

Originally, his impression of Tianxing Pavilion was fair, but now he has completely changed his opinion.

This is a martial art, it is a place where dirt and dirt are hidden.

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