Chapter 765


Li Xuan was taken aback, and rushed directly to a hundred meters away, looking at Ye Xiu nervously, “I advise you not to use too much force, otherwise, you will definitely die.”

He didn’t say this with good intentions, but he was afraid that Ye Xiu would use too much force to directly poison and die, then he would not get anything.

“I think if you have this energy, it’s better to care about yourself, lest you don’t even know how you died in the end.”

Ye Xiu said lightly.


As soon as Li Xuan wanted to say something, he immediately felt a sharp pain in his body, his face changed, and he stared at Ye Xiu and said, “What did you do to me?”

“It’s okay. It’s the so-called coming and going without being indecent. It just happens that I also have a kind of poison here. I want to try whether your Tianjue ancient poison is more powerful, or I am more powerful.”

A faint smile appeared on Ye Xiu’s face.


Li Xuan was shocked and quickly took out a detoxification pill and took it.

His research on poisons is not very in-depth, it’s just a coincidence that he obtained the formula of Tianjue Ancient Poison from an ancient book.

Therefore, he only had some common detoxification pills and antidote to Tianjue Gupo.

But after this Medicine Pill went down, the pain in his body not only did not weaken, but became more violent, as if there were thousands of insects biting in his body.

Even his bones were suffering from severe pain, which showed that the poison was extraordinary.

“How about it, it tastes good.”

Ye Xiu said with a smile on his face, the poison of the bone-eroding clam is a strange poison in the world, the king of all poisons, after being refined by himself, he was affected by the power of Shura, making it even more terrifying.

Although Juegu Poison this day is peculiar, colorless, tasteless, intangible and intangible, it is impossible to guard against, but it is insignificant in the face of the poison of the bone-eroding clam.


Li Xuanyi’s expression was very ugly. He originally thought that the own plan was perfect, and he could tell Ye Xiu everything he wanted to know.

But I didn’t expect this kid to have such a hand.

You must know that although Juegu Poison is powerful on this day, it must absorb a certain amount of true essence to be able to exert its effect. If Ye Xiu doesn’t use true essence, it will be easy to stick to it for a day or two.

In contrast, Ye Xiu’s poison was very violent, and it was impossible for him to consume Ye Xiu, which directly caused him to fall into a passive situation.

“Now that we are all poisoned, how about we exchange antidote, and I can assure you that from now on, I will never trouble you anymore.”

Li Xuan said immediately, now he is really in pain, his whole body is biting like thousands of snakes and insects, the pain penetrates the bone marrow, and the whole body is eroded.

Any further delay, even if he recovers, he will cause irreparable damage to his own body.

This is not the result he wants to see.

“Who told you I was poisoned?”

Ye Xiu shrugged his shoulders and said that the mere fact that Tian Jue Ancient Poison could not have much influence on him.

“Impossible, my Heaven Jue Ancient Poison is the ancient strange poison, and the masters of the Human King Realm can’t resist it. How can it be ineffective against you? This is impossible, I don’t believe it.”

Li Xuanyi immediately shook his head and said that he had personally used Jue Gu Poison this day, and there was absolutely nothing wrong with it.

“I don’t need you to believe it, you just need to know that you still have time to live with a stick of incense, and you will suffer torture and die. If I were you, I would choose to commit suicide. This would be easier.”

Ye Xiu shrugged and said, he hadn’t planned to let Li Xuanyi leave here alive, but he hadn’t thought of using the poison of the bone-eroding clam to deal with him.

He asked for all this.

If you do this yourself, you can be regarded as giving back to the other way.

“Boy, hand over the antidote immediately, otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude to you.”

The master who was born in the Eighth Stage immediately stood up. Li Xuanyi is the true Martial Ancestor’s direct disciple, and his status in the true Martial Ancestor is extremely high. If something goes wrong here, I am afraid he will have to follow through. .

So it is impossible for him to let Li Xuan accidentally happen.

“Only you?”

Ye Xiu glanced back at him. Although this person’s Cultivation Base is not low, there is no longer any threat to himself at this time.

Killing him is not a very difficult thing for himself.

“I know it’s not your opponent, but you should know the consequences of offending our real Martial Ancestor. If Li Xuanyi dies here, the Scarlet Cloud Sect will probably not be able to protect you.”

There was a touch of fear in this person’s eyes, and he subconsciously took a step toward retreated.

Ye Xiu was right. Although his Cultivation Base was not low, his strength was at best tied with Li Xuan.

However, Li Xuanyi was not his opponent, and he might not be able to threaten Ye Xiu just by himself, so he could only move out the real Martial Ancestor, hoping that Ye Xiu could throw a rat avoidance device to let Li Xuanyi go.

“You better think about yourself first.”

Ye Xiu said lightly, originally he didn’t want to kill Li Xuanyi, after all, he still couldn’t offend the real Martial Ancestor at this time.

However, he forced himself to use the proverbial mantra, so not only Li Xuanyi is going to die, but Liu Tianci also has to die. Otherwise, he will not only face the real Martial Ancestor family, but the entire Shenzhou. Power.

In that case, own will be more passive.

“What do you mean…”

Before this person finished speaking, he saw Ye Xiu appear in front of him, scared him to turn around and run away.

Although he was not Ye Xiu’s opponent, Ye Xiu couldn’t stop him if he wanted to escape, but before he turned around, he saw a ball appear behind him and hit him. Come.

He didn’t say anything, he just hit it with a punch.

But the moment his fist touched the ball, it was like hitting a mountain, the entire right arm was broken, and then the ball hit Own’s chest without any hindrance.


A sound of bone fracture spread into his brain, and then his entire chest was crushed down, and a sharp pain was used to instantly drown his consciousness like a tide.

The dead body fell to the ground.

Just kidding, there is a Minor World in the world treasure, not to mention this guy, even the great master of the supreme realm will be directly killed without paying attention.

It’s impossible to resist a small person who is utterly destined to Eighth Stage.


Li Xuanyi looked at the scene in disbelief. This round ball didn’t seem to have any special place, how could it possess such power and directly kill a master of the Eighth Stage.

And once he died, he was completely hopeless.

“now you.”

Ye Xiu ignored Li Xuanyi, but cast his gaze on Liu Tianci’s body.

Before this kid picked up a fate from his own hand, it was considered a big fate. According to Ye Xiu’s temper, as long as he didn’t mess with himself, then he wouldn’t waste time to trouble him.

It’s a pity that this kid didn’t seem to intend to stop, and he even dared to work with Li Xuan to calculate himself. This was unforgivable.

Now that he knows the truth of Linzi, he can’t keep him.

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