Chapter 759 What if you lose?

“You, you spit, who framed you.”

Liu Tianci was taken aback, and hurriedly explained to Li Xuanyi: “Master Li, you can’t believe his side words, he is framing me, you know, how dare I lie to you.”

Ye Xiu’s words were all concealing evil intentions, and it was obvious that they wanted to provoke the relationship between them and Li Xuanyi.

Once Li Xuanyi believed it, he could really jump into the Yellow River and couldn’t clean it.

“I don’t dare to raise up who is right or who is wrong, and I don’t want to know. I only know that the severing sword is in your hand. You hand it over now. I don’t care about you killing our true Martial Ancestor disciple.”

Li Xuanyi said lightly, he can’t tell who is right and who is wrong now, but he only knows one thing, that is, he must take this broken sword back.

Although they don’t really know the origin of this broken sword, what is certain is that the cut is extraordinary, and they also have a cut in the real Martial Ancestor.

If you can get them together, maybe you can know the origin of this sword.

Moreover, this is also an order from Sect, and he must do it.

As for the Phoenix Blood Stone, he certainly won’t give up, but it is something that can make Pill Refining Master crazy, and they really cannot wait for Martial Ancestor to take it lightly.

He was only asking to stabilize Ye Xiu, lest he jumped the wall in a hurry.

“Hehe, your abacus is very loud, but you want me to hand over a broken sword worth 60 million high-grade yuanshi with just a word of you, do you think it’s possible?”

Ye Xiu’s mouth curled up, pointing to Liu Tianci and said, “Of course, I really can’t afford the Martial Ancestor, so I can give you the broken sword, but I need his head to exchange it. This request is not excessive. Bar?”


Liu Tianci was almost paralyzed by Ye Xiu, and hurriedly looked at Li Xuan: “My lord, you must not listen to him. This kid is very cunning. He just wants to kill me by your hand.”

Ye Xiu’s words were utterly punishable. If he were himself, he would probably do it without hesitation.

He could see that one of the main purposes of Li Xuanyi’s coming to Wuyu was for this broken sword. In order to achieve this goal, Li Xuanyi really dared to kill himself.

Although he has some status in Wuyu, Li Xuan doesn’t even count as an ant in his eyes. Even if he kills himself, his father dare not avenge himself.

That’s the real Martial Ancestor. It is not too easy to destroy the Holy Martial City. It can be easily done by sending a Ninth Stage King.

“Ye Xiu, I am not discussing with you again. You should know that the person who killed our real Martial Ancestor should pay the corresponding price. I am giving you a chance to survive. I hope you don’t make mistakes.”

As soon as Li Xuan raised his eyebrows, he certainly wouldn’t kill Liu Tianci.

Although I killed him, it really didn’t have much impact on me, but once this matter spreads out, who will be willing to do things for himself in the future.

Of course, there is the most important point. If he kills Liu Tianci himself, Ye Xiuzhen will give him the broken sword? He didn’t think so.

This was obviously also Ye Xiu’s divorce strategy, how could he fail to see such a clumsy method.

“It looks like there is no more to talk about.”

Ye Xiu shrugged, disappointed on his face.

He didn’t even think of handing over the broken sword. The fragments of the Jidao Emperor Soldiers can no longer be measured by the number of Yuanshi, it is a priceless treasure.

In the future, after the Pluto Sword is promoted to a top grade or even a top grade Taoist soldier, he might still be able to use its power to advance to the emperor soldier. This is a major event for him in the future.

Moreover, Li Xuanyi now counts him as only three people, Liu Tianci can directly ignore it, and the rest is no more than the Eighth Stage of his life.

I really don’t fear them.

“If you don’t want to die, you’d better hand over the broken sword, otherwise, I will make you regret coming to this world.”

Li Xuan squinted his eyes, and the words were filled with murderous intent.

“Then do it, I also want to see what you are a real Martial Ancestor disciple.”

Ye Xiu said with expectation that he has reached the edge of breakthrough at this moment. If Li Xuanyi can bring some pressure to him, then today is the time for him to breakthrough.

So instead, he hoped that Li Xuanyi would not let him down.

“In that case, you dare to have a real fight with me. If I win, you will give me all the broken sword and the map.”

Although Li Xuanyi is not very old, his experience is very sophisticated, and he would not rush into action just because of Ye Xiu’s few words. He saw the formation under Ye Xiubu with his own eyes.

This is a formation that even two masters of Ninth Stage can easily obliterate, and he has to be jealous.

If you can’t make it, Own Xiaoming will be here.

“What if you lose?”

Ye Xiu smiled and said, how could he fail to see what Li Xuanyi meant, and he had no intention of using formation to deal with Li Xuanyi.

You know, it is not an easy task to set up an array. The reason why the two previous Ninth Stage masters were recruited was because they underestimated themselves.

Now that Li Xuanyi has been on guard, it is impossible for him to line up under his nose without knowing it.

But since it’s a competition, there must be some success. You can’t just let yourself produce something.

“What do you think, Lord Li will lose?”

Before Li Xuan had spoken, Liu Tianci, who was next to him, stepped forward to brush his sense of existence, and at least had to prove his own value.

Only in this way would he not be afraid of what Ye Xiu would use next to cheat him.

As for Li Xuanyi’s acquiescence, he also didn’t believe that he would lose to Ye Xiu.

Although he had heard Liu Tianci talk about Ye Xiu before, and knew that Ye Xiu had the ability to leapfrog a challenge, but he was different from those rubbish.

What’s more, he was three Realm taller than Ye Xiu.

If it weren’t for fear of the formation that this kid had in his hands, he would have already shot it, and it would have to wait till now.

“What if?”

Ye Xiu said lightly.

“If I lose, this Void Source Crystal is yours, it’s enough.”

Li Xuan could tell that if he didn’t bring out something, he wouldn’t give up, so he took out a fist-sized white spar from his own storage ring.

It is the Void Source Crystal, which is a necessity of Ascension Minor World.

The Void Source Crystal is extremely rare, it only exists in the void, and only masters above the supreme can obtain it, so its value is also very high.

It’s just a piece the size of a thumb, worth more than one million top-grade primordial stones, which is hundreds of millions of top-grade primordial stones, and there is still no market.

The piece in Li Xuan’s hand was about the size of a fist, and he couldn’t buy it even with tens of millions of the best gemstone.

“not enough.”

Ye Xiu shook his head. Although the Void Origin Crystal is very rare and its value is not low, it is completely incomparable with the imperial soldier fragments.

Extremely Dao Emperor Soldiers are treasures that can only be refined by the powerful in the Emperor Realm, and there are probably a few in the entire Nine Heavens Continent.

Which is higher and lower is clear at a glance.

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