Chapter 756: Extreme Dao Emperor Soldiers

“Is there anyone bidding?”

The host doesn’t care about this, and he can see that 60 million is already the limit, so he said: “60 million once, 60 million twice, 60 million three times, the deal.”

With the fall of the wooden hammer, this truncated sword has become Ye Xiu’s pocket.

It didn’t take long for the waiter to bring Broken Sword over, and Ye Xiu also paid six million top-grade yuan stones.

“Dage, is this truncated sword worth so much stone?”

Qian Duoduo stepped forward to observe for a while, but he didn’t find any special features about this truncated sword, and he felt a little bit at a loss in his heart.

He hadn’t seen similar fragments of war soldiers. Ten to twenty million was blocked, but Ye Xiu paid three times the price, which really made him puzzled.

“I am not sure as well.”

Ye Xiu shook his head. He didn’t know exactly what happened to this truncated sword, but judging from the reaction of the Pluto sword, it shouldn’t be a mortal thing.

Afterwards, he took the Pluto sword out and slashed towards it.


With the sound of metal mingling, Ye Xiu immediately felt a strong counter-shock force coming, and the Pluto sword almost didn’t hold the Zhenfei.

“How can it be!”

Ye Xiu was very surprised. You must know that this Pluto sword has the ability to absorb the essence of combat soldiers, Ascension itself, but his own sword, not only did not absorb the essence of combat soldiers from this broken sword, but received a powerful back shock. Power.

Even he couldn’t control it a bit, it was incredible.

“Little Leaf, you burn it with your flame.”

Xiaodie seemed to have discovered something and immediately reminded her.

“Burn with fire?”

Ye Xiu was startled, but didn’t ask much. With a wave of his left hand, a ray of golden flames burst out and fell on the broken sword, only to hear a puff.

The sound was like a drop of water dripping into a hot oil pan, which immediately caused a violent reaction.

As time passed, the black substance on it began to melt, dripping to the ground like a layer of paraffin, and at the same time revealing its true colors.

This broken sword is no longer as dark as before, but it is extremely bright, and there are bursts of cold light on the body of the sword, and there are many runes circulating.

However, these runes are very dim, as if they would collapse at any time.


Ye Xiu was also taken aback. He didn’t expect that there was still a hole in it, and from the perspective of its appearance, this sword looked much better than before.

If he doubles this sword and sells it at this time, I’m afraid someone will pay the bill.

“If people read it right, this broken sword should be an emperor soldier!”

Fluttershy opened her mouth, and it took a long time before she said her own guess.

“Emperor soldiers?”

Ye Xiu and Qian Duoduo took a breath at the same time.

Emperor Bing, that is something above Dao Item, its value can no longer be measured by the amount of the original stone, because it itself is a priceless treasure.

Even a broken sword is countless times more precious than a Dao Item.

“Yes, there is a record of Dao Item in people’s memory, but it is impossible for Dao patterns to appear on Dao soldiers. This is unique to the emperor soldiers. It belongs to the symbol of the emperor soldiers and is easy to identify.”

Xiaodie Road.

“But how could the imperial soldiers break?”

Ye Xiu asked in surprise, the emperor soldiers were too strong, and they were also called the ultimate imperial soldiers.

The so-called Ji Dao means the ultimate Dao, and it is a terrible existence above Dao Item. In this world, who can cut off the emperor’s soldiers.

“Maybe only Heavenly Tribulation can do it.”

Fluttershy thought for a while and said that only Heavenly Tribulation can do it, because it represents the will of heaven and earth, the power that surpasses the emperor.

So it is not uncommon for it to destroy an imperial soldier.

“Yes, there is only Heavenly Tribulation.”

Ye Xiu nodded. He had already experienced the baptism of Heavenly Tribulation twice.

So no one knows the horror of Heavenly Tribulation better than him. If he hadn’t possessed the Purple Cloud Divine Thunder, he would not dare to say that he would be able to survive Heavenly Tribulation.

Of course, Ye Xiu’s Heavenly Tribulation is much more powerful than others. Breakthrough will usher in the Qingyun Tribulation. This is the Heavenly Tribulation that doesn’t appear in the general Supreme Breakthrough.

Although Heavenly Tribulation will reduce its power due to Ye Xiu’s Cultivation Base, it is not something ordinary people can resist.

And this also explains why the Tong Ming King Sword can’t draw power from it, because the gap between the two is really too big.

“I have made a lot of money. Although only a part of it is definitely more precious than the average Dao Item, it is no wonder that Li Xuanyi is so persistent. It seems that they should also know this.”

Qian Duoduo’s eyes are shining, this is the Jidao Emperor Soldier, it is something that will only appear in the legend, it is invaluable.

Although there is only one section, if you want to sell it, you can at least increase it dozens of times, which is simply a huge profit.

“Little Ye Zi, how do you know it’s extraordinary?”

Xiaodie was also very curious, this thing was placed in front of her, she realized the problem with this sword, it should have been sealed by someone deliberately using something.

It stands to reason that Ye Xiu couldn’t find it.

When he didn’t know the situation of this sword, he dared to spend 60 million high-grade primordial stones to buy it, which was really crazy.

Fortunately, he made a profit this time. Otherwise, his 60 million high-grade primordial stone would be lost.

“It told me that this guy has an ability. As long as it is a soldier with a higher level than it, he can feel it for the first time. Otherwise, I won’t buy this broken sword.”

Ye Xiu didn’t hide it either. The most precious thing about the Pluto Sword is to absorb the essence of other soldiers. He wouldn’t tell anyone about this, but it didn’t matter in other respects.

“Isn’t it.”

Xiaodie was a little surprised. She didn’t know that some soldiers had strong spirituality, but most of this spirituality was reflected in the cooperation with the master.

The higher the spirituality, the higher the autonomy.

After reaching a certain level, even the owner only needs a thought, and the soldiers can take action on their own to kill the enemy.

But she had never heard of soldiers who could help her master find treasures.

“Dage, can this sword be loaned to me temporarily?”

How much money said expectantly, if I had it, I would not worry about getting rich.

“This is my destiny, what do you think.”

Ye Xiu said not angry.

“Forget it.”

Qian Duoduo scratched his head and smiled.

“You actually use the sword as your destiny, aren’t you afraid of being affected?”

Fluttershy is very speechless, using war soldiers as natal creatures is a big taboo. If there is a problem with the war soldiers, his life will be finished. Doesn’t he understand such a simple truth.

“There was nothing better at breakthrough, so I just used it to make up the number.”

Ye Xiu smiled. If Xiaodie knew the true ability of the Pluto Sword, she wouldn’t think so. This was a soldier that could grow on its own.

And it still consumes other people’s soldiers, Ascension himself, this is the only one in the world, and it doesn’t deserve its identity without being a natal thing.


The sword body of the Pluto sword trembled, as if protesting to Ye Xiu.

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