Chapter 749: Qin Wanyao

“Yes, I will buy and sell it again today.”

Zhao Xudong snorted coldly. This is the site of their Daqin Chamber of Commerce, and his own strength has reached the seventh stage of his life. If he can’t force the two little guys to submit, then he is too useless.

“you sure?”

Ye Xiu took a sudden step forward, and a strong murderous intent was immediately released from his body, and the temperature of the entire room dropped a lot.


Zhao Xudong was jumped by the breath radiating from Ye Xiu’s body.

For some reason, when he faced Ye Xiu, who was three Realm lower than himself, he actually felt a sense of fear from his heart.

This makes him feel incredible.

“Why, you dare not do anything with me here?”

Soon Zhao Xudong calmed down. He was the Cultivation Base of the seventh stage of his life, and it was impossible to beat Ye Xiu of the fourth stage of his life.

Moreover, this place is still their territory, once they start, this kid will never get the slightest benefit.

As for Scarlet Cloud Sect, he was not afraid at all.

He stood behind the Daqin Chamber of Commerce, but the Daqin Dynasty, one of the seven powers in the central part of China, was not beautiful, nor was it comparable to a Scarlet Cloud Sect.

“You can try.”

Ye Xiu said with his face unchanged, this matter was originally theirs, and no one dared to say that they didn’t say a word when the lawsuit went to the horizon.

If the forces behind it would make own trouble because of this, then he would also admit it, and it would be a big deal to leave the Scarlet Cloud Sect temporarily.

The world is so big, there is no place for him.

“Qin is in charge, what happened?”

At this moment, there was a soft drink from outside, and then a group of five people walked in from outside.

The head is a beautiful girl, twenty-eight years old, wearing a light green dress, her face is white and red, like a porcelain doll carved with pink jade.

She is tall and tall, but she is not too old but a head taller than the money. Her black and beautiful hair is behind her head, and her whole body reveals a superior and noble temperament.

This kind of temperament is not pretended, it is gradually cultivated from a long-time high position, and it is the nobleness from the bones, which makes people afraid to take it lightly.

This situation reminded him of the princes and princesses of the beam imperial family. They were in a similar situation, but the temperament in them seemed insignificant when compared with others.

Behind the girl were four guards, who turned out to be all masters of Ninth Stage, and all of them were half-footed into the King of Human Realm.

There are not many such masters in Scarlet Cloud Sect, which surprised Ye Xiu.

“Dage, how do I think she looks a little like Wanqing sister?”

Qian Duoduo said.

“It’s really alike.”

Ye Xiu also felt that she had some similarities with Qin Wanqing, especially those big eyes, it was almost as if they were carved out of a mold.

So he felt that Qin Wanqing was probably related to this girl.

“His Royal Highness, why are you here!”

Zhao Xudong’s face changed abruptly when he saw this woman, and he knelt in front of the girl and gave a big gift.

This is the sixth princess of the Great Qin Dynasty, Qin Wanyao, who is also the direct person in charge of the Great Qin Chamber of Commerce, no matter which name he is able to compare.

“Answer my house’s questions.”

The woman glanced at Ye Xiu and Qian Duo and said.

“Back to your Highness, the two of them came to consign items. I saw that the goods were good, so I planned to accept it at a high price. They had already agreed on the price, but they repented to sit down and raise the price. I was about to argue with them, so you came. .”

Zhao Xudong hurriedly said, he understood the temper of this highness, if he let her know that he was buying and selling, then the consequences would not be able to bear.

So after he finished speaking, he looked at Ye Xiu and Qian Duo full of warnings, and asked them to think clearly before talking.

If you make daddy feel bad, then daddy won’t make you feel better.

“Two, what he said is true?”

Qin Wanyao frowned and looked at Ye Xiu and Qian Duoduo, and the four guards behind her also released a powerful aura and pressed towards them.

“Of course it’s not true. This old boy wants to buy and sell. If we don’t agree, he still intends to kill us.”

Qian Duoduo directly ignored Zhao Xudong’s cannibalistic eyes and answered truthfully.

“Asshole thing, you dare to turn black and white, and spit people. It’s obvious that you are sitting on the floor and raising the price. You really think that Daddy is so bullying. Daddy killed you.”

Zhao Xudong became angry, and immediately killed him.

As long as you kill them, you will be fine.


Qin Wanyao snorted coldly, but Zhao Xudong didn’t mean to stop at all, and he came to Ye Xiu and Qian Duoduo in the blink of an eye.

Seeing his approaching hand, a Daoist shadow appeared in front of him out of thin air and grabbed his fist, preventing him from making any more money.

“Kneel down!”

The guard screamed, shocked, and Zhao Xudong knelt directly in front of Qin Wanyao.

“My palace told you to stop, did you hear that?”

Qin Wanyao’s face sank, she was still biased towards Zhao Xudong, after all, Zhao Xudong is a subordinate of her own, and has made great contributions to the Daqin Chamber of Commerce.

But his behavior made himself very suspicious.

If what they said was true with a lot of money, then this Zhao Xudong was discrediting the Chamber of Commerce of the Great Qin Dynasty. It was simply Damn it.

“His Royal Highness is forgiving. The subordinates lost their minds because they were framed and angry for a while. Please forgive your sins.”

Zhao Xudong hurriedly explained that of course he heard what Qin Wanyao said, but if he didn’t kill Ye Xiu and Qian Duoduo, then own would end up worse.

So he would rather offend Qin Wanyao than commit the crime of forced buying and selling.

“Lost reason?”

Qian Duoduo glanced at him and said angrily: “I think you are so angry that you want to kill us.”


Zhao Xudong wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Qin Wanyao: “Guardian Qin, if you answer truthfully, this palace will still recite your merits lightly, but if you are already stubborn and deceive this palace, then I’m not going to blame this palace for disregarding the past.”


Zhao Xudong’s heart jumped, and he squatted his head quickly: “His Majesty, the little one did such a stupid thing because he was obsessed with a ghost, but the starting point for the little one is still for the dynasty. Please forgive your highness.”

“Well, Zhao Xudong, you really dare to do such a strong buying and selling business behind your back. Don’t you know that this is ruining the reputation of my Daqin Chamber of Commerce, and then ruining the foundation of my Daqin Dynasty, or do you think this is my palace? Is your knife bad?”

Qin Wanyao was so angry that he really dared to do it.

“His Royal Highness is forgiving.”

Zhao Xudong trembled with fright. Now he really regrets it. He had known that he would have bought Shengyuan Pill for 50 million before, and he had to stand for a little bit cheaper.

It’s all right now, I’m afraid I might even get in with my own life.

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