Chapter 741: Lotus Sutra of Wonderful Dharma

“This is impossible!”

Ye Xiu didn’t even want to refuse directly, neither he nor Mu Tianye could stay, because the result of staying was that Xiao Zhantian would take possession of his body.

This is countless times worse than death.

“Impossible? Then you all have to die here.”

Xiao Zhantian said sternly, if he were not afraid of trouble, he would never propose to let a person leave. According to his original intention, he wanted to get both flesh bodies.

Later, to see who has greater potential, use whose body as the own container.

However, Ye Xiu’s pro-word mantra caused him a lot of trouble, and this made him open the door.

This kid even dared to refuse Own’s proposal. It’s really a toast and fine wine. The big deal will cost you all here. It just takes a longer time.

“You can try.”

Ye Xiu let out a cold snort, and then many purple thunders appeared on his body, it was the Purple Cloud Divine Thunder.

This Xiao Zhantian was full of demon energy at this time, and it was a complete demon, and Zixiao Divine Thunder’s suppression power against it was not bad at all, and with the proverbial mantra, he did not believe that Xiao Zhantian was not afraid at all.

“Okay, the emperor will fulfill you.”

Xiao Zhantian’s face sank, really thinking that you have more power to make you recognize yourself. Since you toast and not eat fine wine, you have nothing to say.

“I stayed.”

At this moment, Mu Tianye suddenly stepped forward.

“Amano, what nonsense are you talking about.”

Ye Xiu’s expression changed. It was definitely a line of thought to stay here. How could he let Mu Tianye stay? Even if he really wants to stay, it must be himself.

“Dage, I’m not kidding, you still have a lot to do, you can’t stay here, and it’s not so easy for him to swallow me and replace it.”

Mu Tianye shook his head and said, he did this after careful consideration.

He has the body of Heavenly Demon like Xiao Zhantian, and with the help of Ye Xiu Hongchen’s Heart Refining Song, the will of Heavenly Demon in his body has long been wiped out.

So his body is completely controlled by own.

Xiao Zhantian’s soul power is very powerful, but his own body is his own territory. Once he enters his own body, he will be isolated and helpless.

And he not only controls the sovereignty of his own body, but also possesses the Universe Soul Forging Technique, maybe he can swallow him in turn and strengthen himself.

So although this matter was dangerous, it was also a great opportunity for him, and at the same time he could save Ye Xiu, so why not do it.

Otherwise, both of them might die here, which is a result he didn’t want to see.

“No, it’s too dangerous to do so.”

Ye Xiu understood what Mu Tianye meant, but the gap between the two of them was really too big, even the Universe Soul Forging Technique would hardly cause damage to Xiao Zhantian.

Although Mu Tianye did have the possibility of winning, the possibility was too low for him to take this risk.

“Great handsome guy, let him do it. There is a set of Buddhist Heart Sutras here, which allows your brother to defeat this guy by a large margin of Ascension.”

At this time, Xiaodie’s voice suddenly rang in Ye Xiu’s mind.

“The Buddhist Heart Sutra?”

Ye Xiu was startled. He had naturally heard about Buddhism. It was a sect unique to the Western Regions, the envelope Buddha. The power they possess has a great advantage over the power of evil and the restraint of Heart’s Demon.

As far as he knows, although Buddhism is not weak, its practice method is incompatible with the popular methods on other continents, so it is resisted by all continents.

As a result, they rarely appear on other continents, and the Buddhism Heart Sutra is the secret treasure of Buddhism. How could it be obtained by Fluttershy.

“This Buddhist Heart Sutra is called the Lotus Sutra of Miao Dharma. It is the supreme mystery of Buddhism. It was obtained by refining the soul of a little bald donkey. It only has four volumes and ten sixth rank. It seems that he cannot be cultivated to become a Buddha. , But it should be enough to deal with Xiao Zhantian.”

Fluttershy explained that the Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Dharma was called the Lotus Sutra by Buddhist disciples.

That little monk has insufficient aptitude, so she only studied the first four books and ten sixth rank, so she only has the first four books in her hand, but even so, it is very rare.

Back then, the little monk fought five masters of the same rank with his own strength, and eventually killed them all, and he himself was only seriously injured.

If this weren’t the case, she really couldn’t handle that little monk.

“Are you sure this scripture can help Amano deal with Xiao Zhantian?”

Ye Xiu still didn’t dare to be sure, after all, he hadn’t touched the Buddhist Heart Sutra, and he didn’t know what special effect it had. If it was useless, wouldn’t it be harmful to Amano?

“Don’t worry, it’s definitely useful. This is what people have seen with their own eyes, and there are still fakes.”

Xiaodie continued: “However, this scripture can’t be given to you in vain. You will have to find a Cultivation Technique suitable for others to cultivate in the future. It should be an equivalent exchange, how about?”

“Okay, it’s a deal.”

Ye Xiu nodded and said, as long as this Heart Sutra is really useful, it can not only help Amano tide over the difficulties, but also give him a great opportunity.

He was willing even to let him give everything, let alone a Demonic Beasts cultivation Cultivation Technique.

“People will pass it to you. When you teach it to him, be careful not to let Xiao Zhantian discover it. Only by surprise can it have a miraculous effect.”

Xiaodie passed the contents of the Lotus Sutra to Ye Xiu through the contract.

Ye Xiu did not speak, but walked in front of Mu Tianye and patted him on the shoulder: “Amano, since you have decided, I will not insist anymore. I hope you can do it for yourself.”

At the same time, he also passed on the Lotus Sutra.


Mu Tianye’s eyes lit up, but after seeing Ye Xiu’s eyes, he immediately understood what he meant and suppressed the excitement in his heart.

With this Buddhist scripture, his confidence in refining Xiao Zhantian reached as much as 70%, which is simply as powerful as a tiger.

“Did you discuss it?”

Of course Xiao Zhantian saw those little tricks between them, but he didn’t take it to heart at all. He completely inherited Xiao Zhantian’s experience and soul power.

In the face of absolute strength, any trick is useless.

“Decided, I stay, you can let me Dage go.”

Mu Tianye turned to look at Xiao Zhan Heavenly Dao, with a look of expectation in his eyes.

“Count your acquaintances.”

Xiao Zhantian nodded in satisfaction and waved his hand, Ye Xiu disappeared in place, and then he turned into an afterimage and rushed into Mu Tianye’s body.

“So I smell it.”

“For a time, the Buddha lived in the city of Wangshe, in the mountain of Qijangbori, and was joined by the 2,000 people of the Great Bhikkhu. All are Arhat, all omissions are exhausted, no troubles, and self-interest, all knots, and feelings are at ease… ”

The moment Xiao Zhantian entered Mu Tianye’s body, the sound of Buddha came to his ears.

At the same time, a strong force came down, and he was a little breathless.

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