Chapter 702: A lot of money is in danger

The room was extremely quiet, Ye Xiu and Mu Tianye were both trying their best to cultivate the mantra of soldiers, and the advancement was also very good, and Mu Tianye’s face showed excitement.

Because he discovered that the mantra of the word soldier can actually cultivate, which is the result he most hopes to see.

As time went by every minute, the two suddenly frowned, and a flustered feeling appeared in their hearts at the same time, causing the two of them to wake up from the cultivation at the same time.

“Dage, do you feel it too?”

Seeing that Ye Xiu had also woke up, Mu Tianye felt a little puzzled between his eyebrows, and he shook his heart.

If only he feels this way, it means that it may be an illusion. When he and Ye Xiu felt it at the same time, it could not be an illusion.

“Yes, I suddenly felt a flustered feeling, as if something was going to happen, but I didn’t know what exactly it was.”

Ye Xiu said the feeling of own, and this feeling came quickly and went quickly, making him a little confused.

“I feel that way too.”

Mu Tianye nodded, Ye Xiu said that the situation was the same as what he felt, but he didn’t know why he felt this way.

“The soldiers will stop the water and come to the village, or try hard to cultivate. By the way, can you master the mantra of the word soldier?”

Ye Xiu shook his head. Since they didn’t know where this feeling came from, instead of wasting time on this matter, they might as well continue to cultivate and wait for it to find the door by itself.

At the end, he remembered the mantra of soldiers again, and then asked aloud.

Speaking of it, he also hopes that Mu Tianye can master the mantra of soldiers, which will also have a lot of Ascension for his strength.

“I think it’s okay. I haven’t encountered any problems yet.”

Mu Tianye nodded and said.

“That’s good, continue cultivation.”

Ye Xiu nodded. He was also happy for Mu Tianye. The nine-character mantra is very big for a person’s Ascension, which he deeply understands.

Although the threshold of cultivation is extremely high, it is not difficult to master as long as it crosses this hurdle.

Moreover, it will gradually follow the progress of Cultivation Base and cultivation. Ascension is a very powerful method. If it can be mastered, it will undoubtedly be huge for Mu Tianye’s Ascension.


Mu Tianye nodded, and then continued cultivation.

Ye Xiu didn’t waste time either, but his advancement was much faster than Mu Tianye, after all, he had the experience of cultivating the other three mantras.

In three days at most, he can fully grasp…

At the same time, in a dense forest outside Shengwu City, Qian Duoduo was dragging his exhausted body and advancing quickly, and beside him was a master of the second stage of life.

At this time, his body was also colored, his face was pale, his condition was more serious than the money, and he was obviously seriously injured.

Behind them, there are several Daoist shadows who are chasing after them, one by one, they are fierce and evil, and they want to get rid of them with a lot of money right away.

After running for another half an hour, they threw away the people behind them, and then found a secret tree hole to hide their aura.

“Dudu, I am the one who caused you.”

The man leaned in the tree hole and said with a remorse on his face.

“This matter has nothing to do with you. You give me goods, and I will give you Yuanshi and provide shelter. It’s just right to talk about who is to blame. If you want to blame, blame the people in the City Lord’s Mansion for too much.”

Qian Duoduo shook his head and said.

“No, you know who I am, but you are still willing to save me. After all, you saved my life. If we can escape by chance this time, my life will be yours from now on. ”

The man said weakly.

“Brother, you are too far-sighted when you say this. When you go out, you rely on mutual help. If I can’t save myself, am I still a human being.”

Qian Duoduo waved his hand. Although he didn’t want to cause trouble, he was not afraid of it.

Moreover, he has long been unfamiliar with the behavior of the people in the City Lord’s Mansion, anyway, his shop has just opened, so throw it away.

If you let him die without saving, then he will not be able to pass this level.


Before he finished speaking, he heard a lot of money in his ear: “It’s nothing good, but by the way, I don’t know your name yet?”

“My last name is Fu and my name is Jingyun.”

Fu Jingyun took a breath and said.

“Brother Fu, why is this City Lord’s Mansion arresting you? Of course, if you have anything unspeakable, just pretend that I haven’t asked.”

Qian Duoduo asked, the people in this City Lord’s Mansion are absolutely unprofitable, but he doesn’t look like Fu Jingyun as someone with good things, otherwise, it is impossible to pawn things with him.

But the people in the City Lord’s Mansion were chasing after him, which made him puzzled.

Is it because you missed it?

“Dao Duo, what you are saying is a secret to others, but not to you.”

Fu Jingyun continued: “This is what happened. I was the Young City Lord of Fuhu City. Half a year ago, my father accidentally discovered a map of the Phoenix Blood Stone. The next day, my Fu family suffered a horrible sword. Nie Lingyun at the door destroyed the door, I also escaped because of going out hunting.”

“Later, I learned that my father deliberately distracted me because he knew that he could not escape death, and secretly placed the map on my body. I was not reconciled, so I found the Tianxing Pavilion and Five Elements Sect, I want them to help my father get revenge, but not only did they dare not offend Nie Lingyun, they also wanted to take my map as their own. When I noticed something was wrong, I left without saying goodbye.”

“Half a month ago, I passed through Shengwu City, but they didn’t know from whom they learned about the map, so they arrested me and asked me where I was on the map. I didn’t escape until yesterday when they were not paying attention. I came out, if I hadn’t met you, I’m afraid they would have taken me back.”

“What is the Phoenix Blood Stone, is it related to the ancient mythical beast Phoenix Clan?”

Qian Duoduo is well-informed, but this is the first time I have heard of the Phoenix Blood Stone, but by hearing the name, I know that this thing should not be a mortal thing.

“No, the Phoenix Blood Stone has nothing to do with the Phoenix Clan, but its shape resembles Phoenix, and it is as red as blood, so it is called Phoenix Blood Stone. This Phoenix Blood Stone has only one function, and that is Ascension. The quality of fire.”

Fu Jingyun said.

Tinder is necessary for pill refining and refining. As far as the pill refining division is concerned, the attractiveness of a high-level fire is no less than the attraction of a top soldier to a cultivator.

But the high-level fires are just those, and most of them are already possessed, and it is almost impossible for ordinary people to get it.

But the Phoenix Blood Stone can Ascension the quality of the existing fire, as long as the quantity is enough, it can even be an ordinary fire Ascension to an intermediate or even advanced level.

Therefore, the value of the Phoenix Blood Stone is extremely high, which is why Nie Lingyun is so crazy.

Because they got the Phoenix Bloodstone, the pill refining division of the Divine Sword Gate can be as good as the Ascension, which is naturally beneficial to them without any harm.

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