Chapter 683 Ice Spirit Eucharist


Ye Xiu said in a pleased gesture, the competition is the competition, and Sheng Yuanguo is determined to win, it is impossible to release water on it because of this matter.

“Be careful, take the stars!”

Murong Bing let out a low cry, and a powerful breath burst out from her body, turning into a huge energy palm and grabbing it towards Ye Xiu.

The powerful aura on it also firmly locked Ye Xiu.

The star picker is one of the iconic combat skills of the Tianxing Pavilion. It can ignore the space and distance, kill the enemy thousands of miles away, cultivate to the extreme, and pick the stars with one hand. It can be said that this is a very powerful combat skill.

It is a pity that this star catcher only has the former Sixth Stage, and the cultivation method of the third Stage behind has long been lost.

But it is still difficult to conceal its power.


Ye Xiu’s complexion remained unchanged, and he stepped out in one step, like a dragon going out to sea, his figure flashed aside in an instant, successfully got rid of the lock of the star picker, and avoided her attack.

But Ye Xiu didn’t make a move, still standing in front of Murong Bing, waiting for her to attack.

“So fast Movement Technique.”

Murong Bing was startled, and his eyes became more cautious.

The previous battle between Ye Xiu and Bai Yanqing did not use any powerful means. Therefore, no one in the Martial Domain, including Murong Bing, knew how strong Ye Xiu was.

But judging from what he has shown before, his strength is by no means ordinary.

So before that, Murong Bing had already estimated Ye Xiu’s true power, and he had also overestimated it a lot, just for making mistakes.

But now it seems that he still underestimated his strength.

“Come again.”

Ye Xiu said.


Murong Bing took a deep breath, put the distracting thoughts behind him, and struck again.

This time, the energy palm was even more swift and violent, and came to Ye Xiu’s face almost instantly, spreading his five fingers and hitting Ye Xiu down.

The dots under Ye Xiu’s feet were like a fallen leaf floating behind him. His figure was so elegant that Murong Bing’s this strike failed again.

“I knew you would be like this.”

Murong Bing had already anticipated Ye Xiu’s behavior. With a move in his heart, another giant palm of energy suddenly appeared behind him and grabbed Ye Xiu in his palm.

However, the caught Ye Xiu turned into a plume of dust and dissipated between the heavens and the earth. It turned out that this was just an afterimage of him.

When his figure appeared again, he once again came to the place where he stood before, looking at Murong Bing calmly.

“Are you humiliating me?”

Murong Bing’s face immediately became cold. She had a pretty good impression of Ye Xiu before. He dared to kill the people of Shengwu City for a woman, but this was not something ordinary people could do.

Now he can only hide and not attack, what do you mean, look down on himself?

This made her very annoyed.

“Of course not, I just want to test your strength.”

Of course Ye Xiu wasn’t humiliating Murong Bing, but he asked her to express his gratitude to her in a few ways. After that, he would not keep any more hands.

But this kind of thing is impossible for him to say.

“Is there enough temptation now?”

How clever Murong Bing is, wouldn’t he fail to see Ye Xiu’s purpose, but this still made her feel extremely humiliated, and a white long sword appeared in her hand with a flick of her right hand.

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding temperature dropped sharply, and even a layer of white frost appeared on the ground.

A thick layer of ice crystals also formed on the white long sword in Murong Bing’s hand.

“This kid is actually making Murong Bing, where does he have the confidence?”

“Ye Xiu is indeed a little bit bigger. Murong does not have a rare ice attribute physique, and he has cultivated the Cultivation Technique that can cause coldness. If Ye Xiu doesn’t have a powerful fire, then he will definitely lose.”

“Yeah, Fairy was furious, frozen for thousands of miles, this time there is a good show.”

Everyone’s eyes widened, and they were full of expectation.

Murong Bing’s strength is definitely one of the best among the younger generation of Wu Yu disciples, but she rarely produces swords, because once her sword is out of its sheath, it is not as simple as one or two deaths.

They all knew that what Murong Bing possessed was Bing Spirit Eucharist, which was a powerful physique second only to Extreme Frost Bing Apparition.

And her cultivation is also the Nine Yintian Art, which is a very cold and cold Cultivation Technique, the grade is as high as the best of the profound stage, and the soldiers in her hand are cast by ten thousand years of profound ice. The body also has a great increasing effect.

When the three are superimposed, even the vitality of heaven and earth and the true essence in the cultivator can be frozen.

If she does her best, she will be affected within a 10,000-mile radius, and the temperature will drop sharply. People with insufficient Cultivation Base will not be able to bear it, and will be frozen into an ice sculpture in an instant.

It is for this reason that Murong Bing rarely uses swords, and only with her own ice spirit sacrament and nine cloudy days can already defeat most people.

Now that she actually used the war sword, the battle would be very fierce.

They can also feast their eyes.


Xiang Shaolong said irritably. In his eyes, Ye Xiu was his prey, and he should kill him if he wanted to kill.

But this kid went to provoke Murong Bing. This woman didn’t even dare to underestimate him. If she didn’t have a powerful kind of fire, she wouldn’t even dare to fight Murong Bing.

At this point, Ye Xiu’s probability of winning is almost zero.

Once Ye Xiu loses, he will not be able to defeat him in this competition, and he will be ashamed.

“Senior Brother Xiang, I seem to have said that he has a powerful flame.”

Liu Rui on the side is weak and honest.

“Very strong?”

Xiang Shaolong was startled, only then did he remember that he had indeed said this.

“Very strong.”

Liu Rui nodded. Although he hadn’t seen Ye Xiu’s fire with his own eyes, he could burn the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor to death, no matter how bad it was.

“That is not bad.”

Xiang Shaolong nodded, so that he still had a chance.


Ye Xiu knew that he couldn’t give in, otherwise it would be counterproductive.

Moreover, his original intention was to have him three moves, although it was still one move, but it was almost the same.

“It’s too late for you to admit defeat.”

Murong Bing reminded that she didn’t want to kill Ye Xiu. Although what Ye Xiu did made her feel uncomfortable, she was not guilty of death.

However, once she took action, some things were not under her control at all, and ordinary fire would be frozen. This was the reason why she rarely used swords.

But Ye Xiu’s strength was stronger than she expected, and she couldn’t accept it if she couldn’t beat Ye Xiu if she didn’t try her best.

The best result is that Ye Xiu admits defeat, then this competition can be avoided.

“It’s okay, you just do your best.”

Ye Xiu said lightly, even though Murong Bing’s Ice Spirit Saint Body is good, it still has no effect on him.

“Then you be careful.”

Murong Bing nodded and said, since Ye Xiu was so confident and wanted to have a way to deal with it, then she had nothing to worry about.

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