Chapter 681: The Status of Little Fox

“Brother Ye, I have a question. Isn’t it worth asking?”

Yi Wushuang asked, he felt a little strange about this matter. According to common sense, Zhou Yan offered such good conditions, and most people would definitely choose the Five Elements sect.

But in the end, they directly rejected Zhou Yan without wavering at all, which made no sense.

“Brother Yi, there are two reasons why I chose to join Scarlet Cloud Sect. The first reason, please forgive me for the inconvenience. I believe you will know it soon. As for the second reason, I am not very good. I like Zhou Yan this time. I feel that he is different from the outside.”

Ye Xiu said.

“Yes, I don’t like this guy that much either, it feels so fake.”

Mu Tianye should shout.

“You can see it for yourself?”

Yi Wushuang was startled. Hearing what Ye Xiu and Mu Tianye said, they didn’t know anything about Zhou Yan before, so that means that he had seen all this by himself.

This is incredible.

You know, Zhou Yan, who is nicknamed Smiling Tiger, usually hides well. If you don’t know him, you can easily be deceived by the illusion he shows.

Even after he took a few dark losses on this guy himself, he gradually recognized what this guy was like.

Ye Xiu was able to detect this the first time he saw him, his eyesight was extraordinary.

“What’s the meaning?”

Ye Xiu and Mu Tianye looked at each other, and they didn’t quite understand what Bai Yi Wushuang meant.

“You feel right, this Zhou Yan is a very insidious guy. People give him the nickname Smiling Tiger. You should be able to guess his personality by listening to this nickname. Therefore, I usually rarely interact with him, and at the same time I also advise you to stay with him less.”

Yi Wushuang said, Zhou Yan was too insidious, and none of the people who had been with him had a good end, so no matter which school Ye Xiu chose in the end, he didn’t want them to be deceived by Zhou Yan.

“I see.”

Ye Xiu and Mu Tianye came to understand now, it seemed that their previous feelings were correct.

“However, I’m still a little surprised. Zhou Yan is a bit insidious, but the conditions he offered can still be fulfilled, and not everyone in the Five Elements sect is the same as him.”

Yi Wushuang still couldn’t accept Ye Xiu’s reason.

Of course, he also wanted to clarify the specific situation of Ye Xiu and Mu Tianye.

Over the years, many of their Scarlet Cloud Sect’s disciples were spies sent by outside forces, which wasted a lot of Scarlet Cloud Sect’s resources.

That’s why he is so golden, he doesn’t want Sect to waste limited resources on two spies.

“I know your concerns. First of all, we are from Eastern Wasteland and have nothing to do with other schools in China. Secondly, I chose to join the Scarlet Cloud Sect to fulfill the wish of Tianqingzi.”

Ye Xiu knew the general situation of the Scarlet Cloud Sect. He didn’t want to say more, but Zhou Yan’s appearance made Yi Wushuang clearly doubt his own identity.

If he didn’t say anything useful, Yi Wushuang would not dare to believe them lightly.

“You really came to Eastern Wasteland and met Tianqingzi senior?”

Yi Wushuang’s eyes suddenly went round, especially when Ye Xiu talked about Tianqingzi, his heart trembled even more.

He had heard of Tian Qingzi’s name. It is said that he was the number one master of the Scarlet Cloud Sect tens of thousands of years ago, but he suddenly disappeared for some reason.

And the one who disappeared with him was the Scarlet Cloud Sect’s treasure, Scarlet Cloud Sword.

Since then, the situation of the Scarlet Cloud Sect has become even worse, otherwise, how could they have fallen to such a point that they would not even be able to get a mere million high-grade yuan stones.

Ye Xiu actually brought back the news of Tianqingzi, how could this not shock him?

“Of course it is true. I will personally show you the specific situation after the big competition. As for now, I think it is better not to say, what do you think?”

Seeing Yi Wushuang’s appearance like this, Ye Xiu immediately understood what he had guessed, which made it easier to handle.

“You mean to say…”

Yi Wushuang’s eyes lit up, and Ye Xiu nodded before he finished speaking. He immediately closed his mouth, but the whole person was agitated.

If the senior officials of the Scarlet Cloud Sect knew about this, they would definitely jump up happily.

“No, I have to report this matter, and, Brother Ye, stay with us these few days, lest the disciples of the Shendao Sect trouble you.”

Yi Wushuangdao.


Ye Xiu nodded, he didn’t care if he was with the Scarlet Cloud Sect or not.

Because the truth is on their side now, as long as they are still in Shengwu City, then the Swordsman Sect will not dare to risk the world’s unrest to find them trouble.

“follow me.”

With that said, Yi Wushuang’s family took Ye Xiu and left here…

A huge city is located in a dense forest full of mysterious colors in the center of China.

The city is perfectly integrated with the dense forest, and it is very quiet.

In a boudoir in the center of the city, a beautiful figure dressed in white sat in it, a pair of beautiful eyes fixed on the storage ring in his hand, and a drop of longing tears slipped quietly.

It is the little fox.

At this time, the little fox is more charming than before, and the flawless face shines with a faint brilliance under the reflection of the light, making the entire room lose its color.

A Cultivation Base has also reached the Ninth Stage of her life. Judging from her breath, she is not far from the King of Humanity.

“My son, Xiaohu misses you so much.”

Little Fox murmured that her situation was the same as Ye Xiu and the others had guessed. It was brought by Lin Tianxiang’s master, and the contract between her and Ye Xiu was forcibly cancelled.

The people here have a weird attitude towards her. If you don’t say it, they will guide their cultivation without reservation, and all kinds of resources are constantly supplied.

Well, they didn’t allow themselves to leave here for half a step, so that she spent almost every day in deep thoughts.

She wanted to go back to Ye Xiu more than once, but was stopped by their people.

However, the own Cultivation Base is not enough, and I can’t beat them at all. Otherwise, when she got the news from Ye Xiu, she would have rushed out to find Ye Xiu.

After a long time, she calmed down the emotions in her heart, and put her spirit into the storage ring, wanting to see if there was any letter or the like that Ye Xiu wrote to herself.

But after looking around, I couldn’t find it.

She knew that someone must have checked the storage before, and even if there was a letter, they might have already destroyed it.

“what is this?”

Just when Xiaohu was about to withdraw his spiritual thoughts, he found a jewelry box in an inconspicuous place. When he moved his heart, it appeared on the palm of own hand.

“Is this a gift from the son?”

Little Fox was overjoyed and was about to open it immediately, only to find that the jewelry box could not be opened.

After that, she checked it again and found that there was a very secret Restrictions on it, which could not be found if you didn’t look closely.

With a move in her heart, she immediately broke this Restrictions, and then slowly opened it with expectation.

hold head high!

The moment the jewelry box was opened, a high-pitched dragon chant came out from it, which made the little fox’s heart beat.

Then a strong dragon aura spread.

“This is……”

The little fox’s eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at the golden bead in disbelief. Also surprised was the old fifth who was hiding outside…

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