Chapter 671 First Show

Among the four martial arts sects of the Martial Domain, the Shendao Sect is the most radical sect.

Of course, the Sacred Sword Gate can become the number one power in the Martial Domain, and there must be some strength.

However, due to their rapid development, the training of disciples under the sect is not in place, so that the situation of disciples under the sect is uneven.

Especially some genius disciples, who grew up too fast and were not effectively guided, so that each of them developed a personality that was above the top.

A word of disagreement will make a big fight.

The Scarlet Cloud Sect and the Five Elements Sect are different. They are both sects that have been passed down for a long time, and they have a set of methods for the cultivation of their disciples.

Especially the Scarlet Cloud Sect, which has been inherited for nearly 10,000 years, and has a solid foundation.

If it hadn’t been for the various major factions in China to still suppress them, they would not have fallen to this point.

Therefore, their disciples are not as popular as the Divine Daomen.

The various martial arts also hold a pessimistic attitude towards the development of Shendaomen.

If they still can’t realize the seriousness of their own problems, then the name Shendaomen is likely to become history in the near future.

Regarding this matter, the big sects are also secretive, and sometimes even help them.

If you want to let it die, you must first let it go crazy, and that’s what they are doing.

“The Wuyu Grand Tournament has officially started. The rules are the same as before, and the draw starts when you click.”

An old man walked up to the platform and came to a closed box. He drew two number plates from it and turned over and said: “Forty-one vs. 35. Please come to the stage for the corresponding number plate.”

“Dage, you are so lucky that you were drawn to you as soon as you came up.”

Mu Tianye is full of envy and authenticity. If he can, he really wants to change with Ye Xiu. He is almost fading out of his mouth now.

“It will be you soon.”

Ye Xiu said, the competition of more than forty people can be carried out one round a day, so it can’t be long to wait.

I just don’t know who the thirty-fifth is, if the strength is too bad, then it’s meaningless.

With that said, he stepped onto the battlefield.

And a person walked out of the Shendaomen. He was the holder of the No. 35 card. His name was Bai Yanqing, the core disciple of the Shendaomen, and the Cultivation Base of the Second Stage.

“Junior Brother Bai, don’t keep your hands when you are ready to do it. If you have a chance, you will kill him directly. I will bear all the consequences.”

The man next to Liu Yu said grimly.

This person is named Xiang Shaolong, he is a true disciple of the Swordsman Cultivation Base, the third stage of his life, can be called the first genius of the young generation of Swordsman.

According to his strength, he could actually be promoted to Fourth Stage.

The reason why he suppressed Cultivation Base without breakthrough is for this day, he wants to use his own knife to let people in the martial arts know who is the strongest sect.

“Senior Brother Xiang, don’t worry, he will never live to see the sun the next day.”

Bai Yanqing nodded and said, his face also showed a cruel look, and at the same time he was full of confidence.

He also heard the words Liu Yu said before, and this kid dared to offend their magic swordsman. Only for this, Ye Xiu could not step down alive.

It’s unlucky for him to run into himself.

With that, he jumped to Ye Xiu’s face.

“The test begins.”

When the old man walked off the platform, the surrounding formation immediately started to turn around, blocking the platform.

“Boy, immediately kneel and kowtow to me three times, I can spare your life.”

Bai Yanqing said with a look of disdain, Ye Xiu was just an aboriginal from Eastern Wasteland, how could it be compared to him, a master of the sacred swordsman.

Killing him was a breeze for himself.

However, this kid humiliated the disciple of the Shendaomen, if he were killed directly, it would be too cheap for him.

So I plan to torture him well before killing him, so that everyone knows what it is like to offend them.

“Oh, do I have to thank you for your generosity?”

Ye Xiu is a little speechless, this kid feels too good about himself, everyone is natal, Second Stage day, you are so sure that you will be able to defeat me?

“So, are you not going to kowtow to me?”

Bai Yanqing frowned.

“Then so much nonsense, do it.”

Ye Xiu didn’t bother to talk nonsense with him, and was stupidly missing one.

“You asked for this.”

Bai Yanqing’s face was gloomy as water, this kid dared to disobey the meaning of own, and let him lose face in front of everyone, whether it was unbearable or unbearable.

As soon as the voice fell, he rushed to Ye Xiu’s face and blasted him with a punch.

The strong vigor rolled over, blowing his sleeves into hunting noises, and the sound of thunder and howling could still be heard faintly.


Hearing a muffled sound, he saw Ye Xiu grabbing his fist directly in the palm of his hand, and the powerful momentum came to an abrupt end.

“You just have this strength?”

Ye Xiu said with some disappointment that this is China, and the strength of these disciples should be stronger than those of Eastern Wasteland. Why are they so weak?


Bai Yanqing’s face changed abruptly.

With this punch, he had already used nearly 70% of his strength, and ordinary third-stage Rogue Cultivators couldn’t resist it, but this kid could easily block it with his body alone.

Isn’t that the strength of Eastern Wasteland’s people are average, what the hell is this kid?

However, it was not the time to think about this, he stepped on his feet suddenly, and his figure quickly retreated, standing not far away staring at Ye Xiu, as if to see him through.

“If you only have this strength, I advise you to give up.”

Ye Xiu didn’t have the idea of ​​fighting, and this guy was too weak. I’m afraid he couldn’t bear it if he hadn’t warmed up yet.

Fighting with him is a waste of time, so it’s better not to fight.

“Give up? You made a mistake, I was just 70% stronger.”

Bai Yanqing said angrily, he was actually looked down upon by this native.

“Seven percent strength?”

Ye Xiu is speechless, can I say that I’m useless for even my strength?

“Now that I am afraid, I will kneel and kowtow if I know, my previous promise is still valid…”

Bai Yanqing thought Ye Xiu was scared, and the smile on his face became even stronger.

But before he could finish his words, he saw Ye Xiu suddenly appear in front of him, hitting his abdomen with a punch, and directly blasted him out.

The whole person slammed into the formation heavily, and his body curled up like dried shrimps.

The severe pain made it difficult for him to breathe, he couldn’t scream out, his whole face was flushed, and he was lying on the ground shaking.


After a long time, Bai Yanqing only felt his own throat sweet, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, which made him feel more comfortable.

But he could still feel the colic in his own internal organs. It felt as if his own internal organs had been beaten and moved.

My heart was extremely shocked.

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