Chapter 663 The empty window period ends early

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Suddenly splashes of water appeared under the calm water, and a huge figure emerged from it. It was the Little Cloud Swallowing Beast, Ye Xiu was standing on top of its head.

After returning to the surface of the water, Ye Xiu slid back on the battleship.

“thank you all.”

Little Cloud Swallowing Beast thanked Ye Xiu and Lao Wu, and then slowly sank into the bottom of the sea and disappeared.

“Your kid is back. Didn’t I let you wait where you are, why did you run away by yourself?”

The old fifth greeted him immediately. He was relieved to see Ye Xiu okay, but he didn’t understand where this kid was so courageous, so he dared to run around here.

Still in the case that I clearly told them.

This is an endless sea, in which there are countless powerful sea beasts, how can Ye Xiu, who has just broken through his fate, can resist.

But he did so, and when he got rid of the few deep-sea giant sharks and went back to look for them, they had disappeared.

He searched nearby for a long time but didn’t find it, so he could only come back first.

This wait is three days.

If he changed to someone else, he wouldn’t care about it.

“Don’t mention it, we were spotted by a big crab after you left, and we ran for three days to get rid of it.”

Ye Xiu didn’t tell the story about Dragon Palace. It was too unbelievable. If he said it, it would definitely cause him a lot of trouble.

He knew the truth that Piff was not guilty, so he had to guard against it.

“It’s okay, anchor.”

The steward naturally could see that Ye Xiu didn’t tell the truth, but he didn’t bother to ask anything, and immediately ordered the anchor to set off.

The delay of three days this time has made their situation very dangerous, so they can’t continue to waste time, and they must speed up and make up for the three wasted days.

Otherwise, they are likely to encounter a storm before arriving in Shenzhou.

The storm in the endless sea is very terrifying, and he has no absolute confidence to resist it.

They encountered a catastrophe when they came before, and it was their luck that they were able to reach the Eastern Wasteland alive. This time they may not have such good luck.


The sailors had already prepared everything, and when the steward gave an order, they immediately set up Yang Fan’s anchor.

Under the full urging of everyone, this warship was like an arrow from the string, drawing a white splash on the sea and galloping away.

The speed is very fast, and in the blink of an eye, it disappears into the distant sky.

In a blink of an eye it was ten days.

For these ten days, they hurriedly rushed back only one day’s journey. Counting the ten days used before and the three days waiting for Ye Xiu, this was twenty-three days.

Counting this, they now have only seven days left.

And the distance they traveled in the true sense was only equivalent to 21 days, that is to say, they still had the distance of Nine Heavens to reach China.

Seven days is not enough.

“This is really killed by this kid.”

Many sailors directly hated Ye Xiu in their hearts. After all, it took them ten days to get back one day. This was already their limit.

For the remaining seven days, even if they tried their best, I am afraid that at most they would only be able to walk one more day, and they would not be able to reach Shenzhou before the end of the window period.

Unless the window period of the endless sea is extended by one or two days, their situation will become very dangerous.

And all this was caused by Ye Xiu. If they hadn’t waited for him for three days, they wouldn’t have fallen into such a passive situation.

How can they not hate Ye Xiu.

“Stop talking nonsense, everyone cheers me up and keep going.”

The manager also saw the changes of these people and immediately said that now is the most critical moment. They can’t relax at all, otherwise, there is only a dead end waiting for them.

Although the time is very tight, it is not completely impossible to reach China.

You know, they went to sea half a month earlier, didn’t they still arrive in Eastern Wasteland?

It’s only two days late now, it’s not a big problem.


Everyone responded immediately, and they didn’t want to die, so now they can only hope that they will be lucky.


At this moment, there was a sudden gust of wind on the sea, waves of waves appeared on the originally calm sea, and the clear sky gradually became dim.


Suddenly, a muffled thunder sounded from the sky, and everyone’s hearts were raised.

“Well, the window period ended early.”

Those very experienced sailors saw a sudden change in their expressions, because this was the sign of the end of the window period.

Calculated according to the normal time, it will take seven sky windows to end, although the situation in the endless sea is as cloudy as a woman’s mood, and occasionally fluctuates.

However, the range of this fluctuation is very small, generally it fluctuates up and down within a day or two, and it rarely fluctuates for more than three days.

But this time it was seven days ahead of schedule. In their memory, it was probably the first time that it was unprecedented, but they encountered it.

They don’t know if this is their own luck or bad luck.

In this way, they had no reason to hate Ye Xiu, because even if they didn’t wait for him these three days, they might not be able to arrive in Shenzhou as scheduled.

“Don’t stop, continue to rush forward, we still have a chance.”

The manager’s expression also changed. He also never expected that the window period of the endless sea would end early, and it was so long in advance, seven days in advance.

Too long.

Fortunately, this time is still within Own’s controllable range. If the advance time exceeds half a month, he probably won’t have any confidence at all.

“Yes, there is still a chance, everyone, work harder.”

Everyone immediately said, especially the hope in the hearts of the sailors was also mobilized. Before they had set off half a month in advance, they could have escaped. This time there was only Nine Heavens, and there was still a chance.

With that, they raised their energy for twelve points and continued to sprint forward.

However, the surrounding gusts were getting stronger and stronger and sharper, as if there were countless sharp swords hidden in the wind, the hull of the hitting ship banged straight against it.

But after hitting someone, it immediately caused patches of blood fog and screams, which was simply horrible.

“Open the big array.”

Guan Shi immediately said, this is the unique exotic wind in the endless sea, which is mixed with broken space debris, even if he himself is stabbed.

So he immediately ordered the opening of the formation on the ship, and an invisible barrier appeared to keep out these sharp exotic winds.

But there was a crackling sound from their ears, resounding like thunder throughout the cabin.

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