Chapter 661: Soul Advancement

“Why is this?”

The dragon soul wailed weakly in his heart. After Ye Xiu and Qi Tian’s continuous refining, its power was fading at a speed visible to the naked eye.

I don’t know how long it has passed, the remaining strength is less than 10%, and even the body can no longer sustain.

You know, it is gradually bred from the soul fragments of real dragons. Although it has nothing to do with real dragons, it is much stronger than human souls.

In its heyday, its soul is even comparable to a master in the Supreme Realm.

It’s a pity that over time, the power of the dragon corpse has also been exhausted, and it has also lost its source of power, so it hides in the scales to recuperate and can only go out once in a while to draw power from the Dragon Pearl to continue its own life.

As time passed, its power became weaker and weaker, and the power it possessed at this time was less than that of the one in its heyday.

Otherwise, how can I be suppressed by a small Dao Item.

At first it was thinking that when it got out of this cage, it would be able to leap in the ocean and let the birds fly, but it didn’t expect that it would be planted in the hands of this kid today.

The powerful Universe Soul forging and Soul Refining are like two needles, constantly pulling away their own power.

Now it has no power to recover.


Suddenly, a terrifying force burst out of Ye Xiu’s body, and his body grew rapidly at this moment, and the entire Shenhai was full of waves.

Moreover, his body also seemed to have turned into a bottomless pit, and the rate of absorption suddenly Ascension ten times.

“Do not……”

The Dragon Soul was also aware of this situation, and the rate of loss of internal energy was also rapidly increasing. He knew that this was a manifestation of Ye Xiu’s soul advancement.

The price of his advancement is to sacrifice his own life.

Sure enough, it didn’t last long before it was swallowed by Ye Xiu, and the aura on his body reached its limit, no longer expanding.

Then, his body began to shrink sharply.

After a few rounds, all the Impurities hidden in the depths of the soul were squeezed out, and Ye Xiu was sent out of Shenhai.

“Good boy, the soul has advanced to the Human King Realm in one fell swoop.”

Qi Tian was also awakened by this situation, and when he saw Ye Xiu’s situation, he immediately understood everything.

You know, he is no more than a Second Stage of life now, but his soul has reached the human king stage. Don’t say that you have seen this kind of thing, or even heard it.

Moreover, the soul becomes king, so when he breaks through the king in the future, there will be no bottleneck at all, and promotion to the king is basically a certainty.

“Qi Tian, ​​how do I feel that after breaking through Realm, the heaven and the earth have become more blurred than before, as if they were covered with a veil, which made me see the truth.”

After Ye Xiu adjusted to the surge of power, he asked strangely.

“Can you still feel the vitality of heaven and earth?”

Qi Tian asked.

“This is ok, and it’s clearer than before.”

Ye Xiu nodded and said, he can now perceive everything he could perceive before, including the power of various attributes, and it is clearer than before.

But these powers are very vague, as if they were filled with a power he had never seen before.

The more he wanted to see clearly, the more he couldn’t see clearly, and he was full of exhaustion, so he hurriedly stopped and asked Qi Tian.

“This is the power of rules. Under normal circumstances, only when Cultivation Base breaks through to the human king realm and condenses the primordial spirit, and reaches the Realm of the unity of Deva, can we perceive the rules of heaven and earth.”

Qi Tian explained: “You can feel it because your soul has met the requirements, but this is both a good thing and a bad thing. If I were you, I would not want to understand the rules, because you are just like me now. Not eligible.”

The reason why he understands this in detail is because his situation is the same as Ye Xiu’s, because his soul is strong and the Cultivation Base is not enough to condense the soul.

The primordial spirit and the destiny are necessary factors for understanding the rules of heaven and earth. Without the share of the primordial spirit and close to the destiny, it will not be able to bear the oppression of the rules of heaven and earth.

Forcibly perceiving the rules, then his body will be backlashed by the rules of heaven and earth.

The injuries ranged from serious injuries to the sudden death on the spot.

This is no joke.

“What are the rules of heaven and earth?”

Ye Xiu’s experience just now made him realize the terrible rules of heaven and earth, so even if Qi Tian didn’t talk about it, he would not touch it again in a short time.

But he is quite curious about the rules of heaven and earth, Bufan knows it by his name.

“I can’t say this clearly, because I am just like you, but the soul can perceive its existence when it reaches the human king state, and I don’t have a deep understanding of the rules of heaven and earth.”

Qi Tian continued: “But you don’t have to worry, after you break through to the human king realm and condense the primordial spirit in the future, you will know what it is, and I believe it won’t be delayed for too long.”

His Cultivation Base reached the Ninth Stage at the highest level. Although his soul had already broken through to the King of Human Realm, he didn’t condense the primordial spirit, or even his natal object.

Therefore, he was also extremely unfamiliar with the rules of heaven and earth, and he knew a little more than Ye Xiu.

“It can only be so.”

Ye Xiu shook his head and temporarily suppressed the curiosity and doubt in his heart. After returning his consciousness, he walked out of the Crystal Palace and came to the side of a huge skeleton.

The Pluto sword flew out, and the bones were chopped into pieces with three strokes.

Below the bones is a Yuanzhu glowing with a golden halo. This is the Dragon Pearl mentioned in the mouth of the dragon soul.

Ye Xiu refined the soul of the dragon soul, and also got its memory, but unfortunately, only the memory after its birth, not the least bit of dragon heritage.

So apart from this Dragon Pearl’s information, everything else has no effect on him.

After that, Ye Xiu picked up the Dragon Pearl and placed it in his hand to observe.

On this Dragon Pearl, there is a dragon shadow constantly swimming, but this is not transformed by the dragon soul, but formed by the power within the Dragon Pearl.

Ye Xiu could also feel extremely strong energy fluctuations.

According to the memory of the Dragon Soul, it relied on the power of this Dragon Pearl to suck in the sea beasts close to here outside, and then was drawn a little bit of life to maintain its vitality.

If Ye Xiu’s methods were not strong enough, I am afraid that his final fate would be the same as other sea beasts sucked into here, becoming a skeleton here.

Now not only did he not die, but he also got great benefits, and his overall strength was at least ten times Ascension.

The fly in the ointment is that the dragon’s corpse disappears, otherwise his harvest will be even greater.


At this moment, the Little Cloud Beast also slowly regained consciousness, with a pair of big eyes flickering in a large number of surroundings, filled with a thick color of fear.

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