Chapter 653 News from Little Fox

Under the leadership of the waiter, Ye Xiu came to the fourth floor of the warship, but it was actually not the fourth floor, because there was a room behind it, and it was not too big from the outside, it was just a circular observation deck.

But after entering, Ye Xiu found that the space inside was huge, even ten times larger than the room he lived in, and it was no problem to accommodate a thousand people at the same time.

And all around here is transparent, you can see everything happening outside three hundred and sixty degrees without a dead angle.

This situation was the same as the wall in his room, without thinking about it, it was entirely made of Dayan Profound Crystal, and it also expanded the space in it.

This method is somewhat amazing.

“Go down.”

A voice came from the front, and then a figure appeared in front of Ye Xiu and waved at the waiter.


After the waiter retired, Ye Xiu looked at the steward carefully.

This is a middle-aged man with gray hair, thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a beard at the corner of his mouth. His eyes are deep. The clothes on his body are also very elegant. The fine ice silk weaves and the gold silk strokes.

Not only is it not luxurious, but it reveals a little simplicity, and there is a touch of elegance between the gestures.

There was no energy fluctuation from his body, and Ye Xiu couldn’t see his body cultivator. Obviously, his Cultivation Base was much higher than his own.

At least a master above the Sixth Stage King, even the entire Eastern Wasteland could not find a comparable existence.

While Ye Xiu was looking at him, he was also looking at Ye Xiu up and down, with a little surprise in his eyes.

It’s hard to imagine that such a thin, weak, and young teenager would possess such terrible power that even the Devil Emperor of Ten Thousand Bones who crossed the Nine Heavens continent died in his hands.

“More senior hospitality.”

Ye Xiu stepped forward and bowed, the other party exempted them from their boat tickets and even arranged such a luxurious room for them. No matter what the purpose was, he also needed to thank him out of politeness.

“You don’t need to thank me, I’ll still follow orders.”

The steward waved his hand.

“According to orders?”

Ye Xiu frowned, who ordered him? Who can order a high-rank king to do something, not to mention that he doesn’t know anyone in China…

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly asked: “It’s Xiaohu, it’s Xiaohu who asked you to come, right?”

He didn’t know the characters in Shenzhou, so if he insisted that he did, there was only Xiaohu.

Because he had previously speculated that Xiaohu should have been brought to China, and as time passed, this speculation was confirmed.

You know, the previous battle affected the entire Eastern Wasteland, but Xiaohu never appeared from beginning to end.

This completely confirmed his guess.

This person said so now, in all likelihood Xiaohu asked him to come.

“The same can be said.”

The steward did not deny it.

“Where is Xiaohu, how is she doing now, is she being bullied?”

Ye Xiu asked hurriedly. He was extremely excited at this moment. Although he had guessed that Xiaohu was taken to Shenzhou before, and what happened later also confirmed his point of view.

But after getting this person’s affirmation, he still couldn’t help being excited.

After all, this was the first time Xiaohu heard about her after he left him.

“Listen to me to finish.”

Guan Shi continued: “Things are a little different from what you imagined. In fact, there are two orders I gave. One is to let me escort you to China, and the other is to kill you in the Eastern Wasteland.”

“I do not quite understand what you mean.”

Ye Xiu became more confused as he listened. These two orders were completely contradictory. How could there be such an order.

“I can only tell you that the little fox in your mouth is now far higher in China than you think, and her environment is more complicated than you think.”

Guan Shi continued: “I am calling you over this time, mainly to persuade you to not think about looking for her after you arrive in China, but to Ascension own strength as soon as possible. You only have to prove yourself before you will see each other in the future. chance.”

“Why don’t you kill me and tell me this?”

Ye Xiu asked, although the manager didn’t explain it clearly, he understood the implication of the manager.

That is, there should be people with different opinions on their side. One advocates killing oneself, while the other opposes. As for how to make a decision, it must be based on the judgment of the manager.

As for why they want to do this, I don’t know.

But what is certain is that Xiaohu’s current situation does not seem to be very good, at least many things are involuntary.

“Because I am optimistic about you.”

Guan Shi gave his answer, as Ye Xiu guessed, whether to kill him or escort him to China depends on his own judgment of his potential.

After his investigation for this period of time, he found that Ye Xiu’s potential is very large.

Back then, Li Qingxuan failed to kill the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor, but sealed it up, but Ye Xiu did it. Its potential is evident and it is worth his gamble.

“How is Little Fox now?”

Ye Xiu knew what Guan Shi was talking about. The so-called optimism was only because he killed the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor.

But although he didn’t choose to kill himself, he wouldn’t tell him too much useful news according to what he meant. Knowing that he couldn’t get an answer, he didn’t bother to ask.

He just wanted to know how little Fox is doing now, and whether it is in danger.

“She is very good now, and Cultivation Base has already reached her fate, so you don’t have to worry about this at all. As for other things, I won’t tell you, nor can I say, this is for your good.”

The steward said.

“Thank you for telling me this.”

Ye Xiu thanked him from the bottom of his heart. Judging from the manager’s performance, Little Fox’s situation is not as good as he said.

It is even possible that very difficult problems will be encountered in the near future.

But knowing that Xiaohu is not in danger now is enough for him.

“Remember what I said, after arriving in Shenzhou, do not go to her, nor ask anything about her, because you are not qualified to meet her at this time, otherwise, you will not only harm yourself, but also her. , Say it all here, you can do it for yourself.”

The steward reminded again.

“I know what to do, and if nothing happens, I’ll leave.”

Ye Xiu said.

“Go ahead.”

Manager nodded, and did not leave Ye Xiu.

He has already said what he said, and believes that Ye Xiu’s cleverness should be able to guess some useful things from it, let alone do stupid things.

As for himself, as long as Ye Xiu is safely escorted to Shenzhou, then his mission will be successfully completed.

After that, he directly issued the order to sail the ship.

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