The 651st chapter is not much?

“Thank you young man, if it weren’t for you, we would have been cheated miserably by them.”

The people who had received the repayment immediately surrounded Ye Xiu. This was their belongings that they had kept for a long time, and they used it to buy their lives.

If they were cheated, they would have nowhere to cry.

“With a little effort, you don’t have to.”

Ye Xiu glared at Liu Rui and the others. If it weren’t for these guys to do too much, he wouldn’t show up, let alone be recognized.

“When you are young, do you think this is okay? We will give you all these essence stones, and you will take us to China together, can you?”

Everyone asked expectantly, Shenzhou is the place they are looking forward to, but they can’t believe in others, even if there is a king on these warships, they can’t believe it.

They killed themselves halfway through and threw them into the sea, I’m afraid no one would know.

But Ye Xiu is different. He is the hero of Eastern Wasteland. Although he is decisive in killing and killing, he is extremely affectionate. As long as he promises, he will definitely do what he says.

It is for this reason that Liu Rui and others can deceive so many people in one fell swoop, and there are even many people who are coming here not far away.

“You don’t need Yuanshi anymore. If I can help you, I will do my best. However, there is still a certain risk in this matter, and I can’t take care of it all, so I still want to persuade you to think twice.”

Ye Xiu sighed and said, everyone is from the same place. He will naturally not die, but he will only take care of other people as much as possible while ensuring the safety of the people on his side.

As for whether or not to reach Shenzhou, it still depends on God’s will.

“It is enough to have you, and I am willing to go to China with you.”

“I am willing.”

“Long live the young man.”

The scene immediately became lively, and the mood of being deceived before was wiped out.

Seeing this scene not far away from the eyes of Liu Rui and the others, a cold light burst out. If Ye Xiu hadn’t appeared, these primordial stones belonged to them.

“Ye Xiu, I hope you don’t let me find a chance, otherwise, I will never let you go.”

Liu Rui secretly swears in his heart that this time, their Liu family’s loss is too great, and four high-rank warships of the mysterious rank are enough to ruin their family.

If you don’t make me feel better, then I won’t make you feel better.

“Think about it again, I’ll get on the ship first.”

After Ye Xiu finished speaking, he led Mu Tianye and the others on board this mysterious rank top-grade warship. Only afterwards did they realize that there were three or sixty-nine class tickets for this ship.

It is divided into three grades: 10,000, 20,000, and 50,000.

Ten thousand is the most common ticket. You can only live on the bottom of the warship. The space is small and you can’t see the sun. After you enter, you can only get out when you arrive in Shenzhou.

The ticket of 20,000 yuan belongs to the standard cabin. It is located in the middle of the warship and can see the sun, but it is still not free to enter and exit. Only a fixed time can be entered and exited.

Fifty thousand tickets is the luxury cabin, located on the upper deck of the warship, you can do whatever you want.

Qian Duoduo waved his hand and directly bought a few luxury class tickets, which was a mere 300,000 top-grade yuan stone, which was completely a drop in the bucket for him.

“DaDa, how much money did you make during this period of time?”

Mu Tianye couldn’t help asking, he didn’t have 300,000 high-grade yuan stones, but this kid didn’t even frown his brows, so he just spent them out.

This really made him wonder how rich he is now.

“Not much, just a few million high-grade yuan stones.”

Qian Duoduo pouted.

“Just a few million… Why don’t you go to heaven.”

Everyone took a breath, including Ye Xiu.

You know, although he doesn’t have many primordial gems in his hand, the various resources are not inferior to the general top powers, but these resources can’t reach a million top-grade primordial gems.

This kid has only been in the wasteland for about a year, and he has accumulated such a huge wealth in such a short period of time. The speed of making money is also terrible.

Lin Qingcheng was also shocked. Although she was not particularly clear about the situation of the Lin family, she also knew a general idea.

The net profit of the Lin family in one year is only more than one hundred thousand top-grade Yuanshi.

Although she also knew that Qian Duo Duo had developed rapidly during this period, she did not expect that he would earn such a variety of stones, which could catch up with their Lin family’s accumulation of decades.

“Are there many millions of high-grade primordial stones?”

A lot of money didn’t think that he had made a lot of millions. If it weren’t for the turbulence in Eastern Wasteland’s relationship with the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor, the high-grade primordial stone he could use now was at least ten million.

“Not much?”

Mu Tianye really wanted to cut off this kid’s head for anatomy. It seems that what structure is inside is simply beyond the reach of human beings.

“That’s because you don’t know how many industries I have. Every small and medium-sized city has at least 30 small and medium-sized shops, and there are no less than three large-scale shops. It’s a pity that I just finished the layout, and I got out of Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor. Things, otherwise, I will have tens of millions of income a year.”

Qian Duoduo shrugged and said, “Do you still think there are more than a few million?”

“How did you develop, is this too fast?”

Lin Qingcheng is the only one of them who understands business. As far as she knows, it took decades for them to complete the layout of the Lin family.

And it only included a few large cities in each domain.

Like Qian Duoduo, it almost blooms everywhere, even if they are given a hundred years to the Lin family, they can’t do it, because it involves too many areas, and it’s completely beyond making ends meet.

If what Qian Duoduo said is true, then these millions of high-grade yuan stones are really not much.

“Trade secrets.”

A lot of money sold it off.

In fact, his method is also very simple, that is, to use all available resources to start the name of the Qianjia Chamber of Commerce everywhere, and then use the local wealthy people to get money to open stores, and they use the name of the Qianjia Chamber of Commerce. Open the situation quickly.

Therefore, these shops basically did not cost him a penny, but they would provide him with tens of thousands of source stones every day.

A shop is counted with 10,000 low-grade yuan stones, ten shops are one hundred thousand, and one hundred shops are one million.

It is conservatively estimated that he has at least 10,000 shops, and his daily income is 100 million yuan of low-grade yuan, which is 3 million for middle-grade and 30,000 for top-grade.

This is only the profit of small shops, and only a lot more for medium and large shops.

After a year, isn’t it tens of millions?

It’s just that this method is very radical, and there are many problems involved. Even a business genius like Lin Tianxiang can’t control it, even more so for his father.

So before he left, he cancelled all the small and medium-sized shops, leaving only the large shops.

But one year, at least a few million yuan in income, except for the share between the various sects, his father also has an income of one million yuan a year of high-grade Yuanshi.

This life is definitely Wu You.

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