Chapter 645 Endless Sea

“Dage, what are your plans next?”

Mu Tianye asked.

“I plan to go to China!”

Ye Xiu said directly, this is the truth he had already thought about before, and now that the matter here has come to an end, he should also go to China to find the little fox.

“Dage, I’m just waiting for your words.”

Mu Tianye said with a look of excitement, he couldn’t wait long ago, he was in the same mood as Ye Xiu at this time, and he wanted to go to Shenzhou as soon as possible and find Xiaohu.

After all, Xiaohu was taken away from him, and he couldn’t find Xiaohu for a day. This matter was always his heart disease.

“Shenzhou is not so easy to go to.”

At this moment, Xiao Tianxing’s voice came from outside, and then he entered Ye Xiu’s room.

“Meet Sect Leader.”

When Ye Xiu and others saw Xiao Tianxing, they immediately saluted him.

“Don’t, you are a great hero now. I can’t stand your gift. I just came over to take a look. I didn’t expect your kid to wake up. It’s not bad, it’s not bad.”

Xiao Tianxing had also been worried about Ye Xiu’s situation, so he would come over and take a look whenever he had time.

It’s just that he is a busy man now. Eastern Wasteland has experienced a big battle. All the forces have reshuffled and a lot of territory has been vacated.

Although his Lingwu family didn’t like to compete with others, they didn’t want to make others lose the fat.

So in the past six months, he had very little free time, and he wished to use one second as an hour. How could it be like Ye Xiu’s sleep that he slept for six months.

He was very envious to death.

Today just finished busy with the things on hand, and the situation in the wasteland has basically stabilized gradually. He only had time to come over, but he didn’t expect Ye Xiu to wake up.

This is a great thing.

“Sect Leader joked.”

Ye Xiu smiled and said, he knew that Xiao Tianxing was joking, so naturally he wouldn’t take it seriously.

“Sect Leader, you just said that going to China is not so easy. What does this mean? Is there any danger on the way to China?”

Mu Tianye asked curiously.

“You don’t know about that. We are located in the easternmost part of the entire Nine Heavens continent, and because of the lack of resources and the thinness of the heavens and the earth, it is called Eastern Wasteland. Between the Eastern Wasteland and the Shenzhou is an endless endless. The sea is full of countless powerful sea beasts and the worst weather. Even the masters of the human king realm may be buried in it.”

Xiao Tianxing continued: “For this reason, our Eastern Wasteland has become a relatively closed place. Therefore, there are no people from Shenzhou here. At the same time, very few people go out here.”

“Severe weather?”

Ye Xiu was startled, wondering how Xiao Tianxing would mention the weather alone, no matter how bad the weather is, it is impossible to stop a king of men.

“You don’t know that the weather in this endless sea changes very rapidly. The previous moment may have been clear and calm, but the next moment will become extremely dangerous.”

Xiao Tianxing explained: “And the most terrifying thing in the endless sea is not the sea beasts, nor the turbulent waves. It is the harsh weather and the ubiquitous foreign winds that the king of people cannot bear.”

“How did the people before that pass?”

Mu Tianye also thought about going to Shenzhou during this period, so he also took the time to learn about it. Although he didn’t know about the endless sea, he also knew that many people had gone before.

And the Cultivation Base of those people is only their fate, not much higher than them.

“This is because every hundred years, the weather in the endless sea will have a window period of more than one month. During this time, there will be very few big winds and waves on the sea. During this time, several ships from China will arrive at Eastern Wasteland. , Make a deal with us, and bring a group of people back to China. The two teleportation charms I gave you before were the ones I exchanged with them more than ninety years ago.”

Xiao Tianxing said this matter is only known to the Sect Leaders of the various sects and the people in the places where the Shenzhou ships are docked.

The wasteland is located in the very center of the entire Eastern Wasteland, so few people know about this. In order to prevent the loss of talents, the various forces are silent about this matter, let alone register it.

You know, Shenzhou is the place that all cultivators yearn for. If these people know that there is this way to go to Shenzhou, many people will definitely be willing to take risks.

Of course, they are not doing this entirely for their own selfishness, but because there are also great risks through this method.

Because the existence of the window period only shows that the chance of wind and waves in the endless sea during this period is very small, but it does not mean that it will not appear at all.

“Sect Leader, do you mean that there is something in our Eastern Wasteland that tempts them so much?”

Qian Duoduo asked curiously. He is a businessman himself, so he is accustomed to looking at all kinds of problems with the eyes of a businessman.

As the so-called businessmen are chasing profits, if they do not have enough benefits, it is impossible to drive these people to take such a big risk, but he can’t think of anything that people in China can hope for.

After all, Shenzhou is the center of the entire Nine Heavens continent. There are countless strong people and abundant resources, so how can you fancy things in the wasteland.

“This is natural. No matter how barren our Eastern Wasteland is, there are also things that are not available on other continents. For example, the Great Wilderness Fine Gold is a specialty of the Wildland. There is no other continent but the demand is great. So when we arrived in China, the Great Wilderness Jing The price of gold can be increased by at least ten times.”

Xiao Tianxing continued: “They used something insignificant in China in exchange for massive resources. If it were you, would you be impressed?”

“I see.”

After listening to Qian Duo Duo, I was a little excited. Buying low and high is the dream of all businessmen. Who can resist this temptation, if he has the strength, he will definitely do this kind of business.

It’s a huge profit.

“You said this, don’t you want us to leave?”

Ye Xiu asked.

“No, on the contrary, I want you to leave. Eastern Wasteland is too small for you. Shenzhou is where you really should go. But I don’t want you to make detours. My life was lost in the endless sea.”

In fact, Xiao Tianxing had long guessed that Ye Xiu and the others would go to Shenzhou, after all, they had reached their destiny at a young age, and the future was boundless.

If they continue to stay in Eastern Wasteland, then they will probably stop at the king in their entire lives.

Although the vitality of the Eastern Wasteland has recovered, it is impossible to reach the level of Shenzhou, and it is impossible to support too many advanced players, let alone a higher Realm.

As he said, going to China is not an easy task. It not only requires great courage and courage, but also a certain amount of luck.

He told Ye Xiu about this, and he hoped that they would prepare mentally in advance and avoid detours.

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