Chapter 627: Gathering in Yinshan Mountain

As the two demon kings broke the seal, the situation in the entire wasteland changed again, and the atmosphere became extremely tense. The remaining three kings were all dispatched, one guarding a sealed place, and Long Aotian also left the spirit. The Wu family went to help.

In contrast, the rebellion of the Heavenly Demon gate directly disrupted everyone’s rhythm, plus the human king of the mad corpse sect, they already had two human kings on their side.

If the two demon kings regain their strength, the consequences will be disastrous.

You know, they were all high-rank human kings in their heyday. Once they return to the human king state, even the same-rank human kings will hardly be their opponents.

Therefore, what they have to do now is to take advantage of their own advantages and continue to expand this advantage as much as possible.

At the same time, they also increased the manpower of the Yinshan Mountains to conduct a carpet search. As long as they found the seal of the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor, they would not be as passive as they are now.

The time is lost every minute, and it is half a month in a blink of an eye.

In the past half month, the two Demon Kings, the Crazy Corpse Sect and the Heavenly Demon Sect’s human king seemed to have known their strategy, and they disappeared without a trace.

The major forces kept searching, but couldn’t find any clues about them.

Obviously they hid and recovered their strength.

So they focused most of their attention on the Yinshan Mountain Range, but so far no news has been returned.

With the passage of time, the atmosphere in the wasteland has become more and more dull and depressed. It looks like a peaceful river, and the surface looks calm.

But everyone knows that there are already torrents under this calm water surface, and there is the possibility of breaking the bank at any time.

Moreover, once the embankment bursts, it may be a force of thunder, which instantly sweeps the entire wasteland and even the entire Eastern Wasteland.

as predicted.

One day after half a month, the two disappeared demon kings and the people from the Mad Corpse Sect and the Heavenly Demon gate appeared at the same time, and they washed a sealed place with the momentum of thunder.

Due to the sudden occurrence of the incident, the two demon kings have also recovered their strength.

The four Kings of People shot at the same time, and the King of People who hit the seal had no strength to fight back.

In this way, the number of enemy kings continues to increase like a snowball.

In just half a month, all six seals were broken.

The only good news is that Dan Chenzi and the retired elder of the Heavenly Demon gate broke through Realm during this time, and succeeded in Transcends Tribulation to be promoted to the human king realm, and the human king of the wasteland side also increased from the previous four to six.

There is one more thankful thing, that is, the place where the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor was sealed has finally been found.

“This is not the way to go. We must turn passive into active. Before the four demon kings regain their strength, we will concentrate our efforts to kill the Ten Thousand Bone Demon Emperor. Otherwise, our situation will be very dangerous.”

Xiao Tianxing had realized the seriousness of the matter, and the most serious thing was that they had fallen into a deep passivity.

Now that the six great demon kings are all broken, it will not be long before the other party will have eight powerful people in the human king realm. Although their human kings have increased to six, they still can’t compare with them.

In order to prevent the enemy from destroying them one by one, all the big sects gathered in the Lingwu family spontaneously, and concentrated their efforts to guard against sneak attacks by the other side.

However, they all knew that this was only a temporary solution, not a permanent cure, and the only way out was to turn passiveness into activeness, and do everything possible to kill the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor.

Otherwise, all of them will die.

After all, these demon kings are already so terrifying, one can imagine how strong the Ten Thousand Bone Demon Emperor will be.

“It can only be so.”

Others also responded. They all know that this may be the only way they can choose now.

After determining the method, they transferred everyone to the Yinshan Mountains, and even Sect’s resident was directly abandoned. They couldn’t get it anymore.

The current situation is that the enemy is strong and we are weak. Although there is a large array of guardians in Sect, the passive defense will end in the same way as the wild corpse. There is only one dead end.

Rather than die in silence, don’t break out in silence yet, fight to the death.

Ever since, all the disciples of the Seven Martial Arts of the Wasteland gathered in the Yinshan Mountain Range and decided to fight the Ten Thousand Bone Demon Emperor here to the death.

However, in order to continue the inheritance, all the martial arts have followed Longmen’s practices in the past, and let people take the inheritance of Sect into the lost swamp.

Ye Xiu also told them how to leave the lost swamp.

This can be regarded as leaving a ray of fire to Eastern Wasteland.

“Dage, I’m not leaving.”

Qian Duoduo said firmly.

Ye Xiu wanted him to follow the representatives of various sects to enter the lost swamp for refuge. After all, this battle was very dangerous, and he did not dare to say that he would survive.

The strength of a lot of money is not high, even if you have a small Yin & Yang technique, it is difficult to protect yourself.

Instead of staying here, it is better to enter the Lost Swamp with others to avoid this catastrophe.

Qian Duoduo didn’t think so. Even if he ran away before, it was just not to drag Ye Xiu and the others. At the same time, he also believed that Ye Xiu and the others would have no trouble.

But this time was completely different from the previous situation. This time it was too dangerous. Ye Xiu and Mu Tianye might both die here.

Although his strength is not high, he wants to leave his brother to live alone, but he can’t do it.

Even if I die, I have to die with you.

“Dage, I don’t agree with you this time. Duoduo already has a certain level of strength. He has the right to choose. Let’s let him decide.”

Mu Tianye couldn’t help but said, he understood the meaning of Ye Xiu’s arrangement. Although this was also for the sake of more money, he did not consider the idea of ​​a lot of money at all.

Of course, no matter how much he decides, he has no opinion.

“I stayed.”

Qian Duoduo resolutely said, this time, he will fight side by side with his own two Big Brothers, even if he died in this catastrophe, he has no regrets.

“Well then, the three of us will stay together and live and die together.”

Ye Xiu nodded. He knew that he couldn’t persuade him to have too much money, and Mu Tianye’s words were also very reasonable.

Life with a lot of money is his own, he can advise himself but cannot control it.

“With the total death.”

Qian Duoduo and Mu Tianye also spoke at the same time, with smiles on their faces.

“And I.”

Lin Qingcheng also looked at them firmly.

“Yes, there is also a sister-in-law, but it’s a pity that Xiaohu’s sister-in-law is not here. I don’t know how she is doing now, and I don’t know if she will have a chance to see her in the future.”

Qian Duoduo said with nostalgia.

“Boy, no one will treat you as dumb if you don’t speak.”

Mu Tianye glared at Qian Duo. You guys are really not opening the pot or mentioning which pot.

“I just said that casually.”

Qian Duoduo shrank his neck and glanced at Ye Xiu subconsciously. He was relieved when he saw that there was nothing wrong with him.

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