Chapter 625: The Devil’s Birth

In this battle, due to the help of the Yellow Dragon, the number of people lost by the various forces was not large. The seven major factions added up to lose 20,000 people, which seems to be a lot, but the mad corpse sect was destroyed, almost negligible.

Even Xiao Tianxing didn’t expect that this battle would go so smoothly. When he came back, he had even planned for the worst.

After all, this is a battle in which a king has participated, and it can’t be compared with the past. As the saying goes, the king is angry and there are millions of floating corpses. This is not an exaggeration.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to invite three kings to sit at the same time.

However, the King of Crazy Corpse Sect suddenly stopped, which made Xiao Tianxing also aware of something wrong.

“Everyone, return to their respective premises immediately to prevent accidents.”

Xiao Tianxing said immediately.

The reason why they were able to approach here without knowing it was because they didn’t use people from the various martial arts, but instead transferred directly from the seal land of the major demon kings.

This not only shortens the distance, but also deceives the spies of the mad corpse sect placed in his door.

Kill two birds with one stone.

Coupled with the simultaneous action of the three Kings of Humans, blocking the exploration of Kings of the Crazy Corpse Sect, and solving the secret whistle hidden in the dark, this allowed them to arrive unconsciously.

If you don’t do this, it is likely that the mad corpse sect will be prepared in advance.

No one knows what kind of hole cards the Crazy Corpse Sect has, if one is not good, it may even wipe out all of them.

No matter how bad they are, they fled here, the wasteland is so big, and wanting to find them is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.


Everyone responded and immediately walked away clean, leaving only 30,000 people cleaning the battlefield and dividing up the collection of the mad corpse sect.

As for the disciples of the Crazy Corpse Sect, they were accepted by various martial arts.

Judging from their previous performance, they did not know the true purpose of the Crazy Corpse Sect, and at this time, these people can also become a help when rectifying and employing people.

Of course, all the senior members of the Crazy Corpse Sect were killed to prevent any fish from slipping through the net.

One day later, the mad corpse sect was already in the empty space, and only the ruins were left to interpret the glory of the place.

Ye Xiu also returned to the Lingwu family with Xiao Tianxing, after which he and Long Aotian were called into the Great Hall alone by Xiao Tianxing.

“Your boy is really blessed and fateful, and fortunately you are okay, otherwise, I will become a sinner.”

Xiao Tianxing said that when he learned of Ye Xiu’s disappearance, he also blamed himself very much. If he had known this long ago, he shouldn’t have let Ye Xiu go to Fangcunzhi alone.

But Ye Xiu’s soul, Jade Slip, gave him a glimmer of hope.

But I didn’t expect that Ye Xiu was not only okay, but he also got a great Ascension in Cultivation Base.

Judging from his breath, he was not far from his fate.

“My luck has always been good.”

Ye Xiu smiled and said, speaking of it, he was also terrified. He didn’t even know why the teleportation talisman had a problem. If it weren’t for Qi Tian to save his life, he would still be floating in the void now.

“This is Longmen Elder, right?”

Xiao Tianxing called them, and another purpose was to meet Long Aotian.

Hearing from Wang Xuanyi, this Long Aotian was Longmen Elder. When he heard this, his shock was no worse than Wang Xuanyi.

This dragon gate has been destroyed for tens of thousands of years, and its Elder has survived. Doesn’t that mean that he has lived for tens of thousands of years?

Don’t say that he is the king of humans, even if he is a strong person in the Supreme Realm, I am afraid that he does not have such a long lifespan.

“Yes, he is Longmen Elder, Long Aotian.”

Ye Xiu introduced.

“Junior meets Dragon Elder.”

Xiao Tianxing got Ye Xiu’s confirmation and immediately bowed to Long Aotian.

He trusts Ye Xiu very much, and he can clearly see the scene where Long Aotian tears Qianshan with his hands before. Naturally, he will not belong to the Ten Thousand Bone Demon Emperor.

“Xiao Sect Leader doesn’t have to be like this.”

Long Aotian replied, saying that the Dragon Gate had already been destroyed, and it was only a coincidence that he refined the Innate stone fetus, and this has been able to survive to this day.

To put it bluntly, he is now just a Rogue Cultivators with no discipline, nothing more than getting a longer time.

Naturally, Xiao Tian should not give such a big gift.

“Dare to ask Long senior, what exactly happened that year that could have caused a sect like Longmen to be destroyed?”

Xiao Tianxing asked curiously, this matter is still a mystery, because the history of that period of time seemed to have been erased out of thin air, and a period of blankness appeared directly.

There is no related record even in the Sect classics.

“This matter also has a great relationship with the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor, because not long after we sealed it, there was a large-scale turmoil in the seal, and the major forces desperately tried to suppress them again.”

Long Aotian recalled the situation back then, and he was also terrified in his heart.

It is a pity that he has lost a lot of his memory now, so there are only some remaining fragments in his memory, but even so, it still makes him feel terrible.

“It turned out to be so.”

Xiao Tianxing heard what Lin Qingcheng and the others said, in fact, he already had a general guess in his heart, but after listening to Long Aotian’s personal statement, he was still a little shocked.

You know, the Dragon Gate after the Sealing War is still much stronger than the Lingwu family today, and even they are not the opponents of the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor, and they are directly destroyed.

He even doubted whether the current barren land forces could persist to the end.

“Don’t worry, the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor was just sealed, so the power he has is very large. After being sealed again, after tens of thousands of years of consumption, his power is no longer one in ten. , It’s not impossible to kill it.”

Having said this, Long Aotian glanced at Ye Xiu again. He felt that Ye Xiu’s great golden flames were needed to kill the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor.

“Sect Leader, the big thing is not good.”

At this moment, Chu Tianji rushed directly into the Great Hall.

“Chu Elder, what happened?”

Xiao Tianxing was startled. According to Chu Tianji’s disposition, it is impossible for ordinary things to make him so gloomy, so something big must have happened.

This made him feel tight.

“According to the news ahead, the King of the Crazy Corpse Sect appeared in a sealed place and made a strong move to suppress the disciples there. Now that seal has been broken.”

Chu Tianji hurriedly said.


Xiao Tianxing was shocked. He had felt that the actions of the King of Crazy Corpse Sect was something wrong before, so he let everyone return to their original posts.

In order to make sure that he was foolproof, he also contacted Heavenly Demon and Zhengyimen, and asked their King Realm powerhouse to take action.

Coupled with the two kings of their Lingwu family, it is enough to ensure the safety of the seal.

Even if the opponent is a powerful person in the King of Human Realm, it is impossible to break the seal so easily.

But now…

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