The 613th chapter is frantic

In fact, this room can’t be regarded as small, it can only be said that it is not big, only thirty or forty square meters, and there are many strange-shaped knives hanging on the walls.

There is a single bed in the middle of the room, which is as high as a person’s waist.

There was a person lying on it, his limbs were firmly fixed on the bed, his body had long been dismembered, his blood was flying, and he was obviously dead.

And there were bloody scratches on his hands, and his fingers had been worn out. It was obvious that he was dismembered alive like this, only to see Ye Xiu chills.

He has seen a lot of dead people, and even killed a lot of them with his own hands.

But using such cruel methods to mutilate a living person is a bit frantic.

The thin old man was accustomed to the situation here. With a wave of his hand, the confinement on the corpse was lifted, and then he flew into the passage next to him and disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the palm of his hand always waved again, and a force of force penetrated into Ye Xiu’s body, confining his Cultivation Base.

“Elder, what are you doing?”

Ye Xiu was stunned, and didn’t understand what Skinny Elder meant by doing this.

“Don’t worry, listen to me slowly.”

Thin Elder said lightly: “You have seen Sect Leader, and you should also know his situation at this time. It can be said that he is the only person in our wild corpse sect who has successfully refined himself into a war corpse. In this state Sect Leader, not only has its strength enhanced, its body is also impenetrable, and it also possesses almost endless life.”

“You said, if all the disciples of our wild corpse sect cultivated this method, what kind of scene would it be?”

“What does this have to do with me?”

Ye Xiu was still puzzled. Although he had never seen the Sect Leader of the Crazy Corpse Sect, he had also heard of his situation. He was indeed the only one who refined himself into a war corpse.

Therefore, he not only possessed the powerful physique of a war corpse, but also had self-consciousness, which could be described as a perfect fusion of human and war corpse.

In this case, it is equivalent to having a life that is almost immortal, and this is what Qi Tianchao thinks about.

But what he didn’t understand was what it had to do with imprisoning him.

“Of course it is related, because Sect Leader also did that step by chance, but this method cannot be widely promoted. What I have to do is to find a way to make every disciple of the mad corpse sect become so.”

Thin Elder asked expectantly: “It’s just that this process requires someone willing to give their own life to cooperate with my research. Are you willing to accept this honor?”

“Lying here for you to dissect?”

Ye Xiu finally knew why that person was so miserable, his feelings were dissected by him.

“Yes, because if you want to complete this corpse repair method, you have to study the various changes of living people from birth to death. This is to create a new way of cultivation. Once successful, you and I will be known forever. This is very big. Glory.”

Thin Elder said frantically.

“In that case, why don’t you dedicate yourself to this glory?”

Ye Xiu asked back.

“I think too, but no one is more suitable for this kind of research than me. Don’t worry, you will not die, but will be resurrected in another form.”

Thin Elder said.

“Sorry, I don’t want this glory, you should let it to others.”

Ye Xiu snorted coldly, a fool would agree to this kind of thing.

“You will agree.”

A smile flashed across Elder’s face, and his eyes gradually narrowed. A peculiar halo appeared in the bottom of his eyes, making Ye Xiu’s heart stunned.

Gradually, Ye Xiu’s expression became sluggish, as if he had become a puppet.

“Lie down on the bed.”

Thin Elder ordered.


Ye Xiu turned around and slowly walked to the bed and lay down.

And this thin old man walked up to Ye Xiu with full expectation and tied Ye Xiu’s feet and right hand with the rope above.

But just when he was about to tie Ye Xiu’s right hand, a cold light flashed, directly piercing the thin old man’s chest.

Due to the sudden incident, the thin old man was caught without even reacting.

Thump thump…

The skinny old man stepped back several steps, leaned directly against the wall, looked down at the sword stuck in his chest, looked at Ye Xiu in disbelief, and said, “How is it possible that you have been caught by my confusing mind, why? Maybe he will wake up by himself.”

“It’s just a little trick, and I want to confuse me.”

Ye Xiu coldly snorted, Mind-confuse technique is just an impenetrable means, only the power of the soul is much higher than that of the opponent to be effective.

Nowadays, although his soul power is not as good as this thin Elder, but in his divine sea, there is a fellow with Qi Tian, ​​whose soul power is comparable to the human king realm.

So the thin old man’s fascination has no effect on him at all.

Moreover, he had already noticed at the first time that the confusing technique that Thin Elder used on him was controlled by him, but because of his pretense cooperation, the old boy relaxed his vigilance.

After all, he is a master of Fate Realm, he is not his opponent at all, he can only outwit.


The thin old man finally understood at this time, and he was about to flee here immediately.

Now he has been severely injured and his heart pulse is damaged. Not to mention a master of the Heavenly Cave Realm, even a master of the Tongxuan Realm can easily kill him at this moment.

So he had to leave here as soon as possible while Ye Xiu was tied up, otherwise he would be a dead end waiting for him.

But as soon as he was about to leave, he felt his own soul was slammed by something, and he almost tore his own soul. The pain directly submerged his consciousness like a sea wave.

Ye Xiu got up directly from the bed and lifted the shackles on himself, then walked to the skin of Elder, pressing one hand on top of his head.

The soul refining technique was activated directly, pulling out his soul in an instant and completely refining it.

There are also a lot of memories about this place in my mind.

It turned out that this place was an important base for the Mad Corpse Sect to help the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor create bone warriors. Those who were captured by them would eventually be trained into bone warriors.

And after thousands of years of hard work, millions of bone warriors have been prepared here.

It’s just that the mad corpse sect had been acting secretly before, knowing that it had only recently begun to blatantly proceed.

As for the blood of those people, it will be used to break the seal in the future.

“They are really frantic.”

Ye Xiu was shocked by the situation here. They actually killed millions of people for their own sake, each of whom was a disciple of various sects.

Because the bone warriors cultivated by the cultivator have greater potential.

Calculated in this way, this is a very terrible number.

You know, all the disciples of the Lingwu family add up to only three to four hundred thousand, which is already a very large number.

Millions is equivalent to destroying several sects of people like the Lingwu family, and it is utterly frantic.

And this discovery strengthened his idea of ​​preventing the Ten Thousand Bone Devil Emperor from reappearing in the world. This guy had already died so many people before breaking the seal. If he came out, what kind of scene would it be.

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