Chapter 605 This is almost the same

“I’m not a little bit younger, what are you doing, it’s obviously that it can’t beat you, why did you admit defeat?”

Long Aotian felt that his own brain was not enough, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that, even if the Rage Demon Ape was twice as strong, it would not be Ye Xiu’s opponent.

Seeing that he was about to win, this kid actually gave up, which was too shameful for him.

In any case, this kid has also gone through his own three-month training in The Underworld, which represents his own Face.

Moreover, the monkey bullied himself before and didn’t restore his memory. Now he seeks revenge from him and he is a bit bullying. He is thinking about letting Ye Xiu help him teach that guy a good lesson.

But this kid was good, and he gave me up directly. It was so irritating.

“Big man, how long have you not had monkey wine?”

Ye Xiu ignored him, but asked such a sentence without beginning or ending.

“For a long time……”

Long Aotian was startled, and immediately asked: “No, you ask me what this is doing? I will ask you why you have to admit defeat, don’t change the subject for me.”

“Then do you want to drink it?”

Ye Xiu asked again.

“Of course I thought about it. That wine is so memorable. It’s a pity that I can’t bully the small with the big one now. Otherwise, I must grab a few bottles… Wait, if you ask what this is for, it’s impossible for you to have a way to get it. To the monkey wine?”

Long Aotian was startled, and immediately couldn’t help licking his lips, looking at Ye Xiu expectantly.

“If you want to drink, don’t talk, it will bring me the wine in a while.”

Ye Xiu smiled, he also wanted to taste the monkey wine that made Long Aotian think about it.


When Long Aotian heard that there was a monkey drink, he immediately forgot the things that made him unpleasant before. Anyway, Ye Xiu played with it just to break through the Cultivation Base.

Now that the Cultivation Base has broken through, the other things don’t matter.

What’s more, there is still wine to drink.


Ye Xiu smiled, and after a while, the violent demon ape sneaked over and looked at Long Aotian vigilantly. With a wave of his hand, thirty altars of monkey wine appeared in front of them out of thin air.

“Wine, this king brought you, let’s clean up and leave.”

The violent demon monkey said with a painful expression, the 30 altars of monkey wine survived the struggle of their family for more than three hundred years, so it was sent out, and his heart was dripping blood.

But there is no way, these two guys are better than the other, it can be regarded as a disaster prevention.

“Wait a moment.”

Long Aotian suddenly stopped it.

“What do you want, silly big guy, this is already the most monkey wine that this king can take out. If you push me again, I will fight with you.”

The violent demon ape was startled, and immediately put on an expression that he could desperately anytime.

These thirty altars of monkey wine are already the limit it can produce, and no matter how many of them, the violent demon ape clan will be affected.

“What are you afraid of? I just want to ask you, how old are these?”

Long Aotian glanced at him and said, this monkey wine is the same as ordinary wine. The longer the age, the more thoroughly the medicinal materials and fruits are integrated, the stronger the taste of the wine, and the more mellow the taste.

However, the medicinal effect of monkey wine has nothing to do with the year.

“I don’t know the exact year, but it should be the oldest batch.”

The monkeys really didn’t pay attention to this, because the newly brewed monkey wine has the same effect as the previous stock, and for them, the newly brewed monkey wine has a heavier fruity taste and is more in line with their taste.

So it moved the monkey wine that was hidden in the deepest place, and no one drank it anyway.

“you can go now.”

When Long Aotian’s eyes lighted, the batch of monkey wine was his most greedy batch, but it was a pity that every time he went to them, he was like a thief, and he could only pick outside ones to steal.

But those are basically brewed recently. Drinking is the same as fruit juice. Although it tastes good, it lacks the taste of wine.

Unexpectedly, this guy actually brought these monkey wines, which really fulfilled his dream of gluttony.


The monkey didn’t want to stay here too much, so he turned and left after speaking.

After the monkey had left, Long Aotian rushed towards the wine jar and slapped a jar of monkey wine. The smell of wine suddenly overflowed, making Ye Xiu cheer up.

Long Aotian was not polite, and directly raised his head to take a sip, which was called a boldness.

In a moment, he drank up one jar of monkey wine, and then he was about to grab the second jar, but it was empty because Ye Xiu put them away directly.

“I said little, what do you mean.”

Long Aotian didn’t say it in a good manner. This was the monkey wine he had been thinking about for a long time. Just a bottle was not enough to stuff his teeth, so he put it away. It was too Damn it.

“I should ask you what you mean. According to your drinking method, another 30 altars will not be enough for you to drink. Therefore, from now on, I will take charge of the monkey wine. If you want to drink it, report it in advance.”

Ye Xiu was indifferent and honest, these thirty altars of monkey wine were more than one-third of the violent demon ape, and only ten altars had been produced in a hundred years.

According to Long Aotian’s drinking method, these thirty altars may not last for three days.

Such a good wine should be savored carefully, his drinking method is really violent, and he must take care of it.

“No, you have to report a drink, don’t you want to greedy me to death.”

Long Aotian was a little depressed.

“I got this wine. If you don’t want to, then don’t drink it.”

Ye Xiu didn’t discuss it with him again, the wine also caught his wine bugs, and the quantity was limited, and it was gone after drinking, so it was a long water.

“All right, but you can give me a ball first, so that I can be addicted to it, and I will listen to you in the future. This should be fine.”

Long Aotian sighed and said, people had to bow their heads under the eaves.

“No, but I can give you a bottle.”

Ye Xiu took out a piece of jade and placed it in the palm of his hand, Da Ri Jin Yan jumped up and melted it directly into a hip flask, after which he took out an altar full of it and handed it to Long Aotian.

“That’s it.”

Long Aotian was a little speechless, this was not enough for him to drink a sip.

“Too little? Give it back to me.”

Ye Xiu said he was going to grab it.

“A lot, a lot, not a lot at all.”

Long Aotian hurriedly hid the jug behind him, how dare he say a word.

“It’s pretty much the same.”

Ye Xiu nodded, and then looked at Long Ao Heavenly Dao: “Okay, you can drink it later. Let’s talk about business first. Do you have a better way to melt your life thing?”

Qi Tian had told him before that Dongtian wanted to make breakthrough in his original destiny completely different from before. It was not the Cultivation Base that would be able to make breakthrough.

Because Dongtian breaks through the natal realm, he will use the power of opening up the two bridges of heaven and earth for his own use, so it is necessary to smelt a natal thing to carry the power of heaven and earth.

And the stronger the destiny, the greater the potential, the greater the power of the world that can be carried, and the higher the future achievements.

In addition, the Cultivation Technique of smelting the zombies is also very important, it is related to the degree of fusion of the zombies with itself.

Of course Qi Tian also has it in his hands, but his one certainly can’t be compared with Longmen’s.

Qi Tian only suggested that Ye Xiu find a way to find Long Aotian.

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