Chapter 499: The spring of life finally arrives

“Received, conquered?”

Chu Tianji’s figure stiffened, turned his head to look at Ye Xiu, his eyes were filled with disbelief, “What method did you use?”

“I signed a master-servant contract with it, so it won’t betray me.”

Ye Xiu said.

“Can it be signed into a master-servant contract?”

Chu Tianji turned his head and glanced at Wang Xuan, his eyes full of questions.

As far as he knows, this master-servant contract is a contract between people and other wise living beings.

Because what the master-servant contract really controls is the thoughts of other creatures. To put it bluntly, the master-servant contract can only be signed with people or Demonic Beasts.

Although this bloodthirsty vine feeds on blood, it is not Demonic Beasts. Everything acts by instinct, without any intelligence or thought, at best, it has a certain spirituality.

Of course, if it grows up in the future, it will be easy to give birth to spiritual wisdom, but it certainly won’t work now.

Therefore, it cannot be signed with a master-servant contract now.

“I used my own soul power to infuse it into its body, to help it unlock its spiritual intelligence, and then sign the master-servant contract. I originally wanted to use it to visit the house, and I didn’t expect it to have this effect.”

Ye Xiu understood what Chu Tianji meant. If Qi Tian hadn’t taught him this way, he wouldn’t have thought of signing a contract with a plant.

“Your kid is smart.”

Wang Xuanyi exclaimed, not only him, but everyone present at the scene, one of them counted as one, and he certainly didn’t think of this way.

Especially these old guys, their minds have long been fixed, so that they can be cultivated step by step, but it is difficult to make new ones.

“I’m lucky too.”

After Ye Xiu finished speaking, he looked at the pool, the blood in it had faded a lot, and the bloody air in the air had also decreased a lot.

According to this momentum, the remaining blood will be absorbed for up to three days.

As for thorough purification, I believe it will not take too long.


The sound of breaking through the air sounded one after another, and the few people who were chasing Xia Jiuyou turned back.

“What about people?”

When Wang Xuan saw that Xia Jiuyou hadn’t been captured by them, he actually had some cares in his heart, but he still had a trace of luck.

If they kill Xia Jiuyou, it seems they don’t need to bring it back.

“Let him run away, that kid’s methods are very difficult, even I will be affected, and he seems to be able to control the bone giant outside. It’s really evil.”

It was the Elder of Yujian Villa who was born in Ninth Stage, and his face was also not good-looking. This Xia Jiuyou was just a third stage in the life, and he escaped from under own eyes.

This makes him feel very Losing face.

“Forget it, I ran away, and there will be opportunities to settle accounts with him in the future.”

Although Wang Xuanyi was a little depressed, he couldn’t say anything. After all, their strengths were not much different. In such a place, it would not be good for anyone to be stiff.

So he can only open one eye and close one eye.

“Where are the bone giants outside, are they still there?”

Chu Tianji asked, when they came in before, those things directly attacked, but the whole forest seemed to have an invisible barrier, blocking them out.

In this way, they were able to enter here.

Otherwise, they might have died under their hands.

“Not long ago, they suddenly stopped moving, and they all turned into bones and scattered all over the place. I don’t know what happened.”

That humanity, the reason why Xia Jiuyou was able to escape, these white bone giants also helped a lot, if they hadn’t dragged him down, Xia Jiuyou wouldn’t know how many deaths he would have died.

It’s just that when they were about to kill, the bone giants suddenly dispersed, and they didn’t reappear when they came back, and they didn’t know what was going on.

“It should be because Ye Xiu broke that token.”

Wang Xuanyi guessed.


The man frowned and looked at Ye Xiu in disbelief.

But he knew that that token could not even be used by Wang Xuanyi, how could Ye Xiu and De.

“It’s not the time to talk about this. Although we have destroyed Xia Jiuyou’s conspiracy, I always feel that this matter is not that simple. Moreover, Xia Jiuyou will definitely not let it go, so I think we should send a few people first. Go back and tell Sect executives about this, in case he does any other actions.”

Wang Xuan said sternly.

Although the token was broken by Ye Xiu and the formation resumed its operation, his heart was not calmed by this, and he always felt that something was wrong.

But he couldn’t tell what was wrong.

Coupled with the emergence of such a huge formation here, it is obvious that there are secrets buried here that they don’t know, and he can’t feel at ease until he can figure it out.

“I agree.”

“I agree too.”


Wang Xuanyi’s proposal was quickly unanimously approved by several other natal masters, because they can naturally think of things that Wang Xuanyi can think of.

Moreover, this matter is not trivial, it must be prevented.

In the end, the eight soldiers were divided into two groups, led by Wang Xuanyi, and some disciples left first, while the remaining four continued to stay here with a few masters of the cave world and Ye Xiu.

On the one hand, waiting for the purification of the life spring water, on the other hand, beware of Xia Jiuyou’s return.

They took such a big risk, spent so much effort, and died so many people, in order to bring back the spring of life, especially the people of Jin Dingzong.

Now that they have come here, the spring of life is also at your fingertips, there is no reason to come back empty-handed.

It’s only a few months anyway, they can afford to wait.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye it is three and a half months. There is no trace of blood in the life spring in the pool, and holy rays of light are released to illuminate the sky.

“The purification is complete?”

Ye Xiu asked excitedly, finally waiting for that day.

“It’s done, but the life spring water is extremely pure. Once it is contaminated, it is useless. Therefore, it needs to be stored in a special jade bottle, and the number cannot be large. Only nine bottles can be taken. We have one bottle for each of us, and Ye Xiu one bottle. That’s okay.”

Chu Tianji looked at the people and said, the life spring water itself is part of this seal, and taking too much may affect the operation of this formation.

As for Ye Xiu, this time it was hard work, and no one dared to say a word about giving him a bottle of thought.


Others also responded. After all, Ye Xiu’s previous performance was all in their eyes. If it weren’t for him, he would have died outside, so there would be no chance to get the spring of life.

Only the people of Jin Dingzong were a little unhappy, but they didn’t dare to offend the anger of the people.

So Chu Tianji took out the jade bottles that Zhiquan had prepared and filled them up, and then a group of forces gave a bottle, and Ye Xiu also got a bottle by himself.

Looking at the crystal clear life spring water, the stone in Ye Xiu’s heart was finally put down.

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