Chapter 495: Go in and stop him

As countless blood poured into the pool, the originally clear and translucent lake water was gradually swallowed by scarlet, and the light it emitted turned from white to red, revealing a cold breath and luster.

“Just pour the blood in it? Don’t you need to do something?”

Xia Jiuyou asked, according to what the black shadow said, this seal should be very powerful, and it can be broken with just some blood, then this is too trifling.

“What do you know, this spring of life is created by those old immortals to strengthen the seal, so as long as we break the balance, the power of this seal will be greatly reduced.”

The black shadow glanced at him and said in disdain.

“The fountain of life can still be created by people, are you kidding me?”

Xia Jiuyou said in disbelief that the spring of life is one of the four great springs in the legend.

But he has never heard that it can be made artificially.

If it can be created artificially, wouldn’t this spring of life be easily available, and it is necessary to risk your life to come here?

“What am I kidding you.”

Soi Ying glanced at him and said: “However, it is not easy to artificially create the fountain of life. It requires a huge amount of blood, the land of the shadow and the powerful Cultivation Base, the three are indispensable.”

“Needless to say the blood, there are a large number of Demonic Beasts dying here every day, and the blood has already gathered into a pool. As for the land of the darkest, it is the key that these blood can be transformed into the spring of life.”

“They chose this place at the beginning because this place was originally the land of the most yin, and then tens of millions of skeletal warriors were buried, which made the yin add to the yin here, and then mobilized the power in it to smelt the blood and make it cathode. Only after turning the sun can it become a spring of life.”

“It can even be said that if you store the blood in your hands anywhere in the Ten Thousand Bone Cemetery, it will become a spring of life in time. However, there is a large array of blessings here, and the spring of life will eventually gather here. Bless the seal.”

“This is really a big deal. It turned the Ten Thousand Bone Cemetery into a huge formation, and relying on the fight between the Demonic Beasts, the blood was converted into the life spring of the sun, so as to continue to strengthen the big formation. This is really One link after another.”

Xia Jiuyou exclaimed.

Although he is not very high in formation, he can also hear the power of this formation. Every detail is perfect to the extreme. It is no wonder that he can maintain it for such a long time.

At the same time, he finally understood why he saw some ancient books that recorded that someone had found the spring of life in other places in the Ten Thousand Bone Cemetery, but after a while, there was no trace.

Originally, he thought it was because the other party went to the wrong place, but now it seems that it is because the spring water has been transferred here by the formation.

“It’s not wrong for you to say that. They took great pains to seal my lord back then, but unfortunately, they didn’t expect that my lord created me.”

Sombra nodded and said, this seal is indeed very powerful, and the most annoying thing is that they also used the characteristics of bone warriors to guard this place without being wise.

With the help of those idiots, this place has become a real Jedi, and even the King of People can hardly enter it.

It tried tens of thousands of years, but failed to pass that level.

This time, if it wasn’t for Xia Jiuyou to think of a good way, I am afraid it will be the same as before.

“That’s not right. According to the situation you said, we poured blood into the pool. Over time, wouldn’t it strengthen the seal?”

Xia Jiuyou asked, if what Sombra is saying is true, then the blood here will eventually turn into a spring of life, so this way of doing it now is not breaking the formation, but strengthening the formation.

“That’s why I asked you to prepare a large amount of blood, making it unable to digest the blood in a short period of time, thereby breaking the balance, so that I can use my hands and feet.”

Sombra spit out a token directly after speaking.

This token is extremely dark, and its shape resembles a skull, with the word order written on the front, while the back of the token is written with the four characters [Ru I personally].

These four words contain endless power, which makes people shudder just to look at them.

The moment it appeared, the entire Ten Thousand Bone Cemetery shook violently, as if something was about to crawl out of the ground.

“what happened?”

Xia Jiuyou was also taken aback. This situation was so sudden that he was not mentally prepared.


The black shadow ignored him and gave a shout, and a strong black energy was immediately released from the token, which instantly merged into the ground under his feet and connected with the entire formation.

The first thing that changed was the Baigu Plain outside.

Those withered bones quickly gathered together as if they were summoned, forming thousands of giants with white bones.

With red eyes, holding a bone axe, with murderous aura, they waved the bone axe in their hands and killed Ye Xiu and the others.

At the same time, Ye Xiu and the others, who had just left the Baigu Plain and entered the woods, were also shocked by this scene. How come so many bone giants suddenly appeared.

It seems that their situation is completely different from before.

Before, they fought separately and had no discipline, but now, they are photographed in an array, like an iron-blooded army, which makes it impossible to look directly at them.

Fortunately, this forest seems to have a peculiar power, making them inaccessible.

“Xia Jiuyou, this bastard must have done something to make this change happen, go in and stop him.”

Wang Xuanyi immediately guessed that he had suspected that Xia Jiuyou had set up such a bureau before, and there must be some ulterior secret purpose.

It now seemed that his guess was correct, and it was more dangerous than he thought.

Especially after seeing these white bone giants, his heart trembled. If these things rushed out of the cemetery of ten thousand bones, it would definitely be a catastrophe for the wasteland.

So they must stop Xia Jiuyou.


Everyone responded and rushed in immediately, including Ye Xiu.

However, Ye Xiu’s face was a little pale at this time, and the blow he had just consumed an extremely large amount of power, and it was the consumption of essence, energy, and spirit at the same time, and the whole person was like an eggplant beaten by frost.

But he still has to go in.

What he cares about is not what these white bone giants will do. All he cares about is the life and death of Mu Tianye, so he must get the spring of life.

Soon the group rushed to the side of the pool, just to see Xia Jiuyou standing on the edge of the pool and the black skull token in front of him.

And the pool behind them had turned scarlet, and the rich blood could be smelled across the old Yuan.

“Destroy that token.”

After Wang Xuan finished speaking, he shot and killed him.

Although he didn’t know what the token was and what its effect was, the evil aura exuding from it was like a black dot on white paper, so obvious and so dazzling.

And he guessed that the changes outside must have a direct relationship with this token.

As long as it is destroyed, then this storm can end early.

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