Chapter 484: Unbearable

“This breath… are you from the Soul Refining Sect?”

Ye Xiu raised his brows. Although Baili Wuyun’s soul aura was huge, it gave people a very mixed feeling. Similar situations he had only felt in the soul refining sect.

In this way, this Baili Wuyun identity is not simple.

If he guessed correctly, this guy is probably the spy of the Soul Refining Sect in the Jinding Sect.

In this way, everything can be explained. With the help of the Soul Refining Array and Soul Refining Technique, he can not only completely ignore the attacks of these ghosts, but also get a lot of benefits.

“Who said that someone who knows how to refine soul skills must be a soul refiner?”

Baili Wuyun looked at Ye Xiu with a playful look: “We are just cooperating with the Soul Refining Sect. Speaking of which, I still have to thank you. If it weren’t for you, how could we get such a powerful Famen?”


Ye Xiu’s eyes widened and asked, “You mean that it’s not just you cooperating with the Soul Refining Sect, but your entire Jinding Sect is involved?”

“Have I said that?”

Baili Wuyun also realized that he had said something wrong, and immediately shut up.

The Soul Refining Sect is now a rat crossing the street, and everyone is shouting. If he admits this matter, once it is spread out, the Jinding Sect will probably follow in the Soul Refining Sect.

Although he didn’t think Ye Xiu and the others would be able to leave alive this time, he was not afraid of 10,000 yuan but just in case, he could not gamble on the fate of Jin Dingzong.

“Let me guess, is your Jin Dingzong dissatisfied with the status quo, so you accepted Xia Jiuyou’s proposal and cooperated with them, right?”

Ye Xiu guessed that this Baili Wuyun kept silent about the matter, but the situation was already obvious.

But he didn’t quite understand Jin Dingzong’s approach. In his opinion, Jin Dingzong did not need to cooperate with Soul Refining Sect. In the short term, this approach was indeed beneficial to Jin Dingzong.

After all, he is very clear about the role of soul refining. With it, the disciples of Jindingzong can greatly Ascension own soul power, thereby enhancing their pill refining level.

However, the soul refining technique in Xia Jiuyou’s hands is inherently flawed, and long-term cultivation will make his own soul power extremely mixed.

In the end, it will be extremely difficult for them to survive.

It’s impossible for the senior officials of Jin Dingzong to be ignorant of this.

“I don’t have the time to talk nonsense with you, so let me take a trip if I know, so as not to suffer from flesh and blood.”

Baili Wuyun raised his brows, he was not as smart as Ye Xiu than he thought, and he had inferred so many things from his own sentence.

“Then I will ask you one more question, is Jin Dingzong going to catch me, or Xia Jiuyou is going to catch me?”

Ye Xiu asked again.

“That’s so much nonsense.”

Baili Wuyun frowned, this kid was too abnormal, he could guess that this matter was related to Xia Jiuyou, and that Xia Jiuyou was in Jindingzong at this time.

Therefore, he couldn’t let Ye Xiu go.

He shot directly, and the huge power directly turned into a huge energy giant hand, grabbing to Ye Xiu.

“Nine Sun Profound Palm.”

A light flashed in Ye Xiu’s eyes, and the mother formation in his body immediately began to revolve, and a huge force emerged spontaneously.

Then he slapped a palm directly, and the hot flames rushed out, instantly turning into a giant flame palm and slapped towards Baili Wuyun.

The terrifying force smashed the ancients, shattered the cloudless attack in an instant, and then rushed towards him unabated.


Baili Wuyun was shocked, and he was a master of the Sixth Stage Heaven, Ye Xiu could not defeat the Fourth Stage Heaven, how could he defeat his own attack.

This is incredible.

But he also knew that it was not the time to think about these things. He stepped on his feet and his figure disappeared in place, and when he appeared again, he had already come behind Ye Xiu.


Baili Wuyun yelled, slapped another palm, and instantly it was printed on Ye Xiu’s back.

But after the blow was successful, Baili Wuyun’s face was not at all happy, and his brows wrinkled instead, and at the same time an ominous premonition was born in his heart.

Suddenly, a strong wind appeared behind him, and when he recovered, the opponent’s attack had already hit him.


Baili Wuyun was blown out like a cannonball, and fell heavily to the ground, opening his mouth just as a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

“You are nothing but that.”

Ye Xiu said lightly, at this moment, he has a large matrix without phase formation in his body, and he can use the power of others as the Ascension own Cultivation Base.

Now, with the help of the mother formation, own Cultivation Base has fully Ascension a big Realm, which is comparable to the masters of Dongtian Fourth Stage.

Therefore, the cloudlessness of the Sixth Stage of the Cave Sky is no longer a threat to him at this time.

As long as he wants, he can kill old things at any time.

“How can this be, how can you beat me.”

Baili Wuyun said in disbelief, Ye Xiu had no power to fight back in front of him before, if it hadn’t been for the appearance of the old drunkard, he would have been caught by himself.

But now, it is unbelievable that he is so vulnerable in front of him.

“Answer me a few questions, I can give you a good time, otherwise, you know what the consequences will be.”

Ye Xiu said coldly, he would definitely not let go of this Baili Wuyun, but before killing him, he had to figure out what was going on with Jinding Sect and Soul Refining Sect.

Now these two sects are both own enemies, and they will definitely be against each other in the future. Knowing yourself and the enemy can survive a hundred battles.

“If you want to kill me, you are not qualified enough.”

Baili Wuyun’s face was gloomy as water, and he was a master of the Sixth Stage Heaven, and his status was detached. How could he be threatened by a small person in the Profound Realm.

Although he didn’t know how Ye Xiu gained such a powerful force, he also knew that he couldn’t beat Ye Xiu now.

However, with his own strength, it was impossible for Ye Xiu to kill him.

After speaking, he fled directly into the darkness.

“You can’t go anywhere without my consent!”

Ye Xiu snorted coldly, and a huge soul pressure was released, like a big mountain pressing on him, directly pressing him on the ground, unable to move.

Obviously Qi Tian made the shot.

“How did your soul power recover so quickly?”

Baili Wuyun said in shock, he had almost wiped out Qi Tian’s soul power before. How long has passed since then, his soul power not only fully recovered, but also a great Ascension.

This is incredible.

“Soul refining was created by me. Why do you think I recover so quickly?”

Qi Tian’s soul rose up, a pair of eyes like cold swords, piercing Bailiwuyun’s heart.

Last time this guy almost killed him, and he hasn’t forgotten his hatred.

Now that he has a chance, he naturally finds the place back.

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