Chapter 482: Confession

After Ye Xiu left, he urged the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon to rush all the way, and it was not until the evening that a Yuehua tree fell down. The place was the same as before, and many Demonic Beasts gathered here.

Originally, these Demonic Beasts saw the arrival of the three Ye Xiu, one by one was extremely fierce, and even wanted to take action to tear Ye Xiu and the others to pieces.


At this moment, the Silver Emperor’s Sky Falcon made a deafening eagle chirping, and these Demonic Beasts immediately quieted down. Some Demonic Beasts of lower strength squatted directly on the ground, shaking with fright.

Ye Xiu didn’t bother to be familiar with them, and patted the silver emperor Sky Falcon’s body, and the murderous intent from the latter’s body gradually calmed down.

At this time, the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon was taking the demon spirit of the Purple Lightning Thunder Python, and the ancestral phenomenon appeared on his body. Its bloodline was by no means comparable to the ordinary Demonic Beasts.

Even Demonic Beasts whose Cultivation Base is higher than it will be suppressed by blood when they see it.

“Xiuer, why don’t you meet with Elder and the others?”

Feng Feng asked incomprehensibly.

With the help of the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon, they have come to the middle area of ​​the entire Ten Thousand Bone Cemetery, which is obviously more dangerous than the outside.

With the strength of a few of them alone, it might be difficult to live here.

“If we act with them, the target is too big and it is easy to be spotted. Let’s act alone and the target is smaller. Moreover, I also have a map of the Ten Thousand Bone Cemetery, so as long as we don’t act at night, there shouldn’t be too much danger. .”

Ye Xiu said his own idea, Feng Baizhan and Lin Qingcheng are not outsiders, so there is no need to hide them.

“How could there be such a thing on the map of Ten Thousand Bone Cemetery?”

Unbelievable, this ten thousand bone cemetery is one of the four great Jedi, and the king of people may fall into it when entering it. Who will be okay to draw the map here.

You know, drawing a map is a huge process, and it is definitely not something Yi two can do.

Furthermore, if there is a map, the senior leaders of the Lingwu family wouldn’t know it.

“I can testify about this, Xiao Yezi does have a map here.”

Lin Qingcheng had seen it with his own eyes before and could also testify.

“If this is the case, we should go to King Elder and the others. With their help, coupled with this map, wouldn’t it be easier to get the spring of life?”

Feng Baizhan thought for a while, and believed Ye Xiu’s words.

“Uncle Master, tell you the truth, Amano was previously calculated by Di Yang and hurt his heart. Now he is training at Danchenzi senior, but he must find the spring of life within a year, otherwise, after a year, he will die. undoubtedly.”

Ye Xiu thinks it is better to tell the truth: “The reason why I asked to enter here is to get the life spring by myself, but I can’t believe anyone except you.”

Originally, he planned to move alone when he was about to reach the center of the Ten Thousand Bone Cemetery.

After all, the human heart is separated from the belly, once they find the spring of life, how can they give the water of the spring of life to themselves this little person?

But what happened before made him have to leave early.

Going down with them, he might not be able to get to the center of the Ten Thousand Bone Cemetery before being pitted to death, let alone getting the legendary spring of life.

“What did you say!”

Feng Baizhan’s eyes widened, and he looked at Ye Xiu in disbelief.

Although he thought something was wrong before, he didn’t think about it. After all, the relationship between Ye Xiu and Mu Tianye was there.

He has no reason to deceive himself.

And if Mu Tianye was really injured, Ye Xiu wouldn’t be able to pretend to be okay.

But now Ye Xiu told him that Mu Tianye was hurt by someone in his heart, this is his heart, and once his heart is hurt, it almost equates to Death.

He was Mu Tianye’s master, but in the end he was the last person to know about this. This really made him unacceptable.

The most annoying thing was that Wu Santong also deceived himself with Ye Xiu, which was too much.

“Feng senior, don’t be angry. In fact, Xiao Ye Zi didn’t want you to worry too much and didn’t have any malice.”

Lin Qingcheng comforted.

“Yes, Master, we all understand your temper. Master is afraid that you will do stupid things, so I let me hide it.”

Ye Xiu continued: “Speaking of which, Amano was also implicated by me when he was injured, so you can rest assured that I will be able to find the spring of life and rescue Amano.”

“I know you are doing this for my own good, so I don’t blame you.”

Feng Baizhan took a deep breath, gradually calmed down, gritted his teeth and said: “As for Amano’s injury, you don’t have to blame yourself. I know what the relationship between you and Amano is like. I can’t talk about it. It’s not involved, but this grudge can’t just leave it alone.”

Of course he knew Wu Santong and Ye Xiu’s thoughts, and they had no choice but to do so.

After all, they were new to the wasteland, and their strength and status were not as good as Di Yang.

If you head-to-head with him, they will only suffer in the end.

But in any case, this hatred can’t be forgotten, and Di Yang must pay the price.

“This is natural.”

Of course Ye Xiu hadn’t forgotten this, that is, Di Yang didn’t follow this time, otherwise, he would definitely do everything possible to keep him here forever.

“Xiuer, what are you going to do next?”

Feng Baizhan asked.

“First take a break, and then go deeper, and strive to get the spring of life in the shortest time.”

Ye Xiu thought for a while.

“Okay, I fully support you.”

Feng Baizhan nodded and said, Amano has only one year, and several months have passed now, so they must get the life spring water as soon as possible.

At night, darkness fell again, and the moonflower tree also emitted a bright light to protect this area as before.

At this time, Ye Xiu took out the piece of iron, and after adjusting the angle, the picture appeared again, but this time it was different from the last time he saw it.

There are many bright spots and red dots on it, especially those red dots are still moving.

In addition, there is a huge water pool in the very center of the picture. Ye Xiu can be sure that this water pool did not exist before.

“Is this the map you were talking about?”

Feng Baizhan asked.


Ye Xiu nodded.

“I know this bright spot, it should be the location of the Yuehua Tree, but what do these red dots mean and what do they represent?”

Lin Qingcheng asked curiously.

“I am not sure as well.”

Ye Xiu shook his head. In fact, he was also considering what these extra things were. The water pool was easy to explain. It should be the location of the fountain of life.

As for what the red dots represent, he doesn’t know.

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