Chapter 478: Late Night Terror

The news that Ye Xiu received gave a detailed introduction to the general situation of the Ten Thousand Bone Cemetery, but the core sentence was to look for a tree called Yuehua.

After finding it, using this as a base point can go deep into the deepest part of the cemetery of ten thousand bones and find the fountain of life.

You know, let alone the dim light in the Ten Thousand Bone Cemetery, Divine Mind can’t perceive it in a wide range.

So it’s easy to get lost here.

In such a place, once you get lost, the end result is a dead end.

As they continued to advance, they did not encounter anything like Bloodthirsty Vine along the way, so when they walked down the road, everyone’s nervousness gradually calmed down.

However, as the sky gradually darkened, the surrounding temperature was also rapidly decreasing, and an icy feeling hit my heart.

It’s just that this kind of coldness is not physical coldness, but coldness that goes straight to the soul, which is frighteningly cold, and at the same time it gives out an unknown premonition.

Looking at the expressions of the few masters of the natal realm, their expressions gradually became gloomy, which made their hearts that had just calmed down again.

“You must find the Moonflower Tree before night comes again.”

One of them frowned.

“Let’s find it separately, it should be nearby.”

Others also understand this. If they can’t find the Moonflower Tree before night falls, their situation will be very dangerous.

Although it was the first time for them to enter the Ten Thousand Bone Cemetery, they had heard of the Ten Thousand Bone Cemetery more or less, so they knew that the Ten Thousand Bone Cemetery was truly dangerous in the middle of the night.

Even the master of the human king realm would not dare to enter the cemetery of ten thousand bones at night.

And the moonflower tree itself is a kind of treasure of heaven and earth, which can absorb moonlight and release a kind of power that is as strong as the sun, like a big day, dispelling endless darkness and danger.

This incident was also accidentally discovered by the person auctioning the news.

At first, he thought he was dead that time, but he saw a luminous tree, and he survived because of it and received the spring of life.

But to find a tree that looks ordinary during the day in such a place is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

Fortunately, the person said the approximate location of the first tree, which is nearby, otherwise, they would not have the courage to bring people into here.


Several people nodded, leaving two guards, and the remaining seven masters of the natal realm disappeared in place.

“You rest in place, don’t walk around at will.”

The remaining two sat on the floor after speaking, no longer speaking.

As time passed by, the sky was getting darker and darker. In addition, the light in the Ten Thousand Bone Cemetery was already very dark, so at four or five o’clock in the afternoon, there was not much light.


Suddenly, one person heard the strange noise, immediately like an angry rooster, his neck was raised, and his eyes were full of fear and looked at the sound of the sound.

When he shouted, the people next to him also shook his spirits and looked in the direction he was looking.

As a result, I waited for a long time and didn’t see a half figure.

“I said, you kid, can you stop being surprised, scary people can scare people to death, okay.”

Those people said irritably, Daddy almost got scared to pee just now, don’t wait to play people like this.

“I really heard someone approaching.”

That person was also very aggrieved. He really heard the movement. Who knew that after he saw it, the movement was gone, which also made him feel strange.

But he can be sure that he will not misheard it.

“Forget it.”

These people waved their hands, and their spirits were all in a state of tension that day. Everyone was very tired, so they didn’t bother to care about them.

After speaking, he sat on the ground, taking advantage of the gap to take a good rest, who knows what terrible things will happen later.

“Fuck, what are you doing so close to me? Daddy doesn’t like men.”

“Squeeze, to be honest, I’m a little scared, aren’t you scared?”

“Afraid, but no matter how scared you are, you can’t drill into my arms, so you think you are a beautiful beauty, follow up and get out of me.”

These people are sitting in groups in groups, and to put it bluntly, they are warming each other.

After all, the scene of energy during the day was terrible, and now they are feeling cold.

So now even though they are resting, they still dare not relax in their hearts, and they look around vigilantly at all times.

“Something’s wrong.”

Qi Tian said aloud.

“I also don’t think it’s right, as if there are countless pairs of eyes staring at me in the night, this feeling is very uncomfortable.”

Ye Xiu nodded.

When the sky just darkened, this feeling had already appeared, but it was not particularly obvious.

But as the light gets darker, this feeling becomes more and more obvious, but he can’t see where the other party is, not to mention how depressing this feeling is.


At this moment, the masters of the natal realm came back.

“Found the Yuehua Tree, hurry up with me.”

One of them is humane.


Without waiting for the order, everyone stood up, but dozens of them remained silent.

“What are you doing in a daze, it’s time to go.”

One person frowned, then stepped forward and kicked one of them, but the person fell directly to the side, and the vitality of his body was instantly dissipated.

“what happened?”

Qi Tian was also shocked, but his mother formation could feel that the sub formations in these people were still running before, how could the people die in a blink of an eye.

The most frightening thing is that he doesn’t even know how the other party died.

“Hurry up.”

Several masters in the life realm saw this situation and immediately shouted loudly. They knew that the truly terrifying things in the Ten Thousand Bone Cemetery had come out.

They will die miserably if they continue to stay in the dark.

After speaking, immediately led everyone to rush in one direction.

Ye Xiu didn’t dare to stay here any longer, so he took a long stroll and rushed to the front of the crowd with Lin Qingcheng.

Looking in the direction of advancement, a bright light can be seen from a long distance away.

It is like a beacon in the dark, guiding their way.


However, as he moved forward quickly, there was a roar that was almost a beast from behind, but it was very light. If you didn’t listen carefully, you would think it was the sound of wind.

Looking back, he found a swell of pure darkness behind him, black that made his scalp numb.

But this dark power rushed toward them like a tide, and as long as the people shrouded in darkness were like mud cows entering the sea, they were completely gone.

Seeing this scene, Ye Xiu dared not stop, and the speed suddenly doubled, which made Lin Qingcheng’s breathing extremely difficult.

Seeing that he was about to reach where the light could reach, but the darkness had already reached behind him, he felt a piercing cold hit his heart before he even touched it.

With a cross in his heart, he directly lifted Lin Qingcheng up, and then threw it forward, while he himself was instantly swallowed by endless darkness.

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