Chapter 473: Go to the cemetery of ten thousand bones (1)

“I just tried it, just spurring a ray of Yin & Yang anger, it made me tired enough.”

Ye Xiu said, he has indeed reached the point where he can use Yin & Yang’s two qi, but Yin & Yang’s two qi is more difficult to control than his phenomenon.

He tried his best to spur a ray of it.

If you want to use it against the enemy, I’m afraid it will take some time to cultivate.

However, this also allowed him to determine the Bufan of Yin & Yang’s second qi. As he had previously guessed, using Yin & Yang’s second qi can completely kill the enemy invisible.

It is that his Realm is too low to be invisible and innocent. Although Cultivation Base cannot detect the direction of own attack, it can still detect the crisis.

However, it can still be used for sneak attacks.

If the old drunkard knew that Ye Xiu was going to use his little Yin & Yang technique to sneak an attack, then he would definitely be pissed alive.

“Okay, you guys don’t want to be cheap and sell well. I’m just getting angry now.”

Qi Tian felt that Ye Xiu was talking cool words, and at his current speed, it would take at least half a year to stimulate Yin & Yang’s two qi.

I feel blushing after thinking about it.

If you give him some more time, he won’t have the slightest sense of superiority at all.

“You don’t have to belittle yourself, I’m different from you.”

Ye Xiu smiled and said, the reason why he was able to cultivate so fast is all thanks to the Nine Transformation Tianxin, which can increase his affinity for Yin & Yang’s two qi.

So he realized it very quickly. As early as a month ago, he had already found the sense of qi, and it took two months of cultivation to initially stimulate Yin & Yang’s two qi.

But Jiuchang Tianxin can only increase his affinity for Yin & Yang’s two qi, and he has to rely on his own cultivation for the rest.

“Stop talking, I want to be quiet.”

The weather is not good, listen, are you talking human words?

Although he also knew that Ye Xiu was comforting himself, did you comfort people like this? People who didn’t know thought you were taunting me.

“Haha, I didn’t expect you to deflate.”

Ye Xiu was in a good mood. They had known each other for so long, and it was the first time that they saw him deflated.


Qi Tian took a sip. It was too much. Was it fun to hit me?

Ye Xiu smiled and didn’t tease him anymore, because he noticed that the wind was coming. If he expected it, the Lingwu family should be ready to go to the cemetery of Ten Thousand Bone.

And this came at the right time.

After these three months of cultivation, he not only initially mastered the small Yin & Yang technique, but also had a great ascension in formation.

With his current level, he can already set up the Promise Formation alone.

Of course, his Cultivation Base has made the most progress. He has made his breakthrough from Tongxuan Third Stage to Tongxuan Fourth Stage. Although he has only made a breakthrough in one Realm, he is not afraid of the masters of Tongxuan Seventh Stage.

If he uses means, Tongxuan’s Eighth Stage master can also kill him.

Then he walked out of the room, and it happened that Lin Qingcheng also walked out.

In the past three months, she was here at Closed Door Training, but her breakthrough speed was faster than Ye Xiu’s, and she broke through two Realms, reaching the third stage of Tongxuan.

This made Ye Xiu also very shocked.

You know, with his help, Lin Qingcheng has just broken through the Profound Realm. After a long time, she even broke through two Realms. This speed is really no one.

“Don’t look at me like that, don’t you just break through two Realms? What a thing, if I had worked hard to cultivate before, I’m afraid I will be in the sky now.”

Lin Qingcheng smiled, this is not an exaggeration.

Her talent is already very high, otherwise, the Lin family wouldn’t be able to value it so much.

It’s just that she didn’t cultivate seriously before, even if she was learning pill refining, she was fishing for three days and drying the net for two days.

But after experiencing some of the things before, she changed her mind and didn’t want to drag Ye Xiu’s legs anymore, so she took the cultivation very seriously.

Coupled with the fact that she had taken a lot of heaven and earth treasures before, plus the strong heaven and earth vitality here, the cultivation was naturally extremely fast.

Now, she has half-footed into Tongxuan Fourth Stage.

Had it not been for the movement that Ye Xiu had just made interrupted her, she might have broken through now.

“Just blow it.”

Ye Xiu didn’t say so well, can you have a thicker skin.

“Why did I blow? I’m telling the truth. Why don’t we compare and see who breaks through the Celestial Realm first?”

Lin Qingcheng glared at Ye Xiu and said, you dare to doubt me, don’t you think about it?

“Compared, what should you do if you lose?”

Ye Xiu asked.

“If I lose, you will marry me with a sedan chair. If I win, I will marry you, how?”

Lin Qingcheng said playfully.

“That’s no better.”

Ye Xiu is speechless, is there a difference?

“No, it has to be compared, that’s it.”

Lin Qingcheng stopped doing it immediately, grinning, showing her little tiger teeth, as if you dare to repent, I will kill you.


Feng Baizhan on the side rolled his eyes, have you forgotten that there is another person here?

Is it really good to sprinkle dog food like this?

“Wind senior, when did you come?”

Only then did Lin Qingcheng notice that there was another person next to him, and his face turned red.

She also didn’t have the slightest scruples in front of Ye Xiu, who would have thought that there was another person here, and that she was still the elder of the family.

This is really embarrassing.

“Just here, just here.”

Feng Baizhan almost vomited blood, I have been here for more than ten minutes before you noticed me.

Suddenly, Feng Baizhan had doubts about own’s sense of existence, when he was so easily ignored by others.

“Uncle Master, are you leaving now?”

Ye Xiu asked.

“Yes, you are going to prepare and leave tomorrow morning. By the way, people from other sects will join this time. This is also a helpless move. Don’t mind. Of course, Sect will give you a certain amount of compensation.”

Feng Baizhan said, on the one hand, he came here to inform Ye Xiu of this matter, and on the other hand, to appease Ye Xiu.

After all, he got the news of the Life Spring, and the Lingwu family was in charge without Ye Xiu’s consent, which in itself was unfair to Ye Xiu.

Of course, the Lingwu family was forced to do so by helplessness.

In fact, they were prepared as early as a month ago and could leave at any time, but Jin Dingzong and other sects blocked the door together and strongly urged to explore the cemetery of ten thousand bones together.

Jin Dingzong was also acquainted, and kept silent about Ye Xiu’s killing of Bai Longfei. He only played the emotional card and took out a large amount of Medicine Pill, as did other schools.

The Lingwu family couldn’t refuse either.

Although the Lingwu family is the strongest, it is impossible to offend all major forces at the same time.

Therefore, after more than half a month of discussions and the major forces agreed to a few conditions, the Lingwu family decided to disclose the news of the life spring in a small area and jointly develop the cemetery of ten thousand bones.

As for the benefits obtained, they are only three to seven.

The other forces are divided into 70%, and the Lingwu family alone has the remaining 30%.


Ye Xiu didn’t find it strange that the life spring was of great significance to Jin Dingzong. If they didn’t do anything, it would make him doubt.

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