Chapter 468 You are not qualified

“No, it’s better for you to go. It’s me who they want to arrest.”

Ye Xiu immediately refused. He understood Qitian’s situation. His soul was not protected by his body, just like a crab without its shell, very fragile.

It is fine to stay outside for a period of time, but it is not enough if you want to kill the enemy, not to mention that at this moment they are facing a master of the Heavenly Caverns.

Even if Qi Tian could suppress this cloudless sky with his huge soul power, it would not last long, and it would hurt his soul.

Once his soul is consumed to a certain level, he can no longer maintain his own consciousness, and the ultimate fate will be wiped out, and no one can save him.

Qi Tian is his friend, how could he watch Qi Tian die and live alone.

“Little Ye Zi, listen to me, I have experienced countless deceptions and betrayals in my life. Only you trust me from the heart. Although I don’t want to die, I don’t want you to die before me. do you understand.”

Qi Tian solemnly said.

He has always been pursuing eternal life, or on the road of eternal life.

Actually, he is not afraid of death, but he does not want to die, because his life is not only his own, but also those relatives who died in front of him in order to save him.

So he can’t die, he wants to live their share.

Originally, he thought he would resolutely leave when Ye Xiu was bound to die, but at this time, he couldn’t leave anyway.

He didn’t want to see the people he cared about die in front of him.

The feeling was so painful that he couldn’t breathe.

“I don’t understand, and I don’t want to understand. I only know that this matter has nothing to do with you. You go quickly. You can’t leave if you are late.”

Ye Xiu said firmly that he could not sacrifice other people for his own survival.


Qi Tian knew that he couldn’t persuade Ye Xiu, so he could only use the strong, huge soul power to release, directly imprison his soul, and then separate a strand of soul to control his body.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying soul pressure was released from Ye Xiu and pressed towards this Baili Wuyun.


Baili Wuyun’s face changed drastically. He didn’t understand how such a terrifying soul power could appear in this kid, and he couldn’t even compare to him, a master of Sixth Stage.

Don’t talk about him, I’m afraid the soul power of retired elder can’t be compared with it.

This is incredible.


Immediately afterwards, a roar reminded of Ye Xiu’s body, and then a phantom shadow rose up and turned into a Daoist shadow standing on top of Ye Xiu’s head.

A pair of cold eyes stared at him tightly.

On the other side, Ye Xiu stepped forward with a dull expression and galloped away, disappearing from their sight in the blink of an eye.

“This senior, I know your situation very well, so I advise you to stop immediately, otherwise, you will not only not be able to save Ye Xiu, but you may also get yourself in.”

Baili Wuyun paused and said, “Look at this, you sign a contract with me and follow me from now on. As long as you agree, I can not only let Ye Xiu go, but I can also help you after I break through my destiny in the future. Find a good physical body for you to drive.”

After all, Baili Wuyun was a master of the Cave Sky Realm, with rich experience, and he immediately saw that Qi Tian appeared in the state of soul.

If he guessed correctly, Qi Tian should have fallen, but his soul was preserved and lived in Ye Xiu’s Divine Sea. Although he hadn’t seen a similar situation in person, he had heard of it.

Moreover, Qi Tian possessed such a huge soul power, indicating that he might even be a master of the human king realm during his lifetime.

If Qi Tian can follow him, help him answer questions, guide himself in cultivation, I believe it will not take long before he can break through to his life and even the realm of the king.

Even if retired elder is really dead in the future, he is sure to support Jin Dingzong.

So this is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him.

“You are not qualified.”

Qi Tian said disdainfully, follow you? You don’t dazzle yourself in the mirror either.

He had no choice but to sign a contract with Ye Xiu at the beginning. Who would have thought that Ye Xiu possessed the Universe Soul Forging Technique, and he had no choice but to compromise with him.

This Baili Wuyun is a thing, whether it is talent, aspiration or potential, it is a thousand miles away from Ye Xiu, completely different.

It was just earlier than Ye Xiu’s cultivation.

If these time were given to Ye Xiu, I am afraid they would have reached the King of People.

Besides, how could Qi Tian say that he was also a character who was once famous in the Wild Region, how could he succumb to a wine bag and rice bag with mediocre qualifications.

“I’ll call you senior, it’s because of you, you really think of yourself as a green onion.”

Baili Wuyun coldly snorted: “Based on your current situation, how long can you trap me, one day or two? Once I fight hard, this time will be greatly shortened. When your soul power is completely consumed I can still catch up with Ye Xiu. Is this the result you want to see? So, if you are acquainted, do what I say, otherwise, none of you can escape.”

Qi Tian’s soul power is very powerful, but unfortunately, he does not have a physical body to carry it.

A soul without a physical body is like a duckweed without a root. Not only can its power not be fully utilized, but it will also be consumed very quickly.

If he is not replenished in time, he will soon be wiped out because of the exhaustion of his soul.

Therefore, Qi Tian’s current state cannot be maintained for long, nor can he cause too much damage to himself, let alone invade Own Divine Sea.

How do you say it is also a master of the cave sky realm.

At best, Qi Tian was to imprison himself here for a period of time. Once he recovered his freedom, Ye Xiu still couldn’t escape from the palm of his own hand.

But he didn’t want to do this. Such an opportunity is rare in a lifetime.

In order for Qi Tian to agree to himself, he also moved Ye Xiu out.

He could see that Qi Tian seemed to treat Ye Xiu very well, thinking that he would be regarded as a descendant of own.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to sacrifice himself to help Ye Xiu in this situation.

This has become Qi Tian’s weakness.

Unless Qi Tian didn’t want to save Ye Xiu, he could only do what he said.

“You can try.”

Qi Tian said indifferently, if someone else was really hit by this Baili Wuyun, it is a pity that he underestimated Ye Xiu, or he underestimated You Longbu.

Long walking can make Ye Xiu travel hundreds of thousands of miles. Although Baili Wuyun can cross the void, it can only cross a short distance.

Moreover, Jin Dingzong dispatched so many people, as well as an Inner Sect Elders from the Celestial Cave. The Lingwu family must have also received news. How could they watch Ye Xiu being arrested?

So I only need to hold on for half a day, Baili Wuyun will never have a chance to catch Ye Xiu again.

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