The 466th chapter comes from the cave


Painful screams one after another, one by one the pain in the Profound Realm fell to the ground, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into blood and invaded the ground, and the ground was stained scarlet.

“Everyone gathered around me.”

Zhao Yanhu was shocked. The poison of the bone-eating clam was too terrible. Seeing the blood seal his throat, he would die if he touched it. Even if he touched it, there was only a dead end.

If they continue to fight on their own as before, then they are likely to be wiped out just like Ye Xiu said.

So he immediately summoned these people to own, and asked those with wind attributes to release a wind wall to keep Ye Xiu and the poisonous smoke out.

Now they are like playing chess, it takes patience and time.

As long as they can drag these formation divisions to break the formation, or the arrival of Elder in the cave world, they will be safe.

“The seal of the king of nine temples, the fourth seal, break it for me!”

Ye Xiu couldn’t see their intentions, and naturally it was impossible for them to do so.

With a loud drink from him, the cold killing intent gushed from him like a tide. Against the backdrop of the poisonous smoke, Ye Xiu’s whole person was like a god of death from The Underworld, exuding endless murderous intent.

It’s scary to look directly at it.

At the same time, a black air spread and quickly converged towards the palm of his hand, and a black mark appeared in his hand.


The grimace in the black mark opened its teeth and danced its claws, roaring again and again, but the voice directly surfaced in everyone’s mind.

The voice was cold and full of murderous intent, like the howl of death.

An icy Death breath was produced in the hearts of everyone, and it spread quickly, causing them to tremble physically and mentally, shivering, and the weak-willed people were even directly frightened and stood on the spot.


Ye Xiu let out a low cry, and slowly pushed out his right hand. The billowing poisonous smoke surrounded the black seal as if being summoned, and pressed towards them like a black cloud.

Hearing a loud bang, the wind wall was instantly broken.

Those few people with the wind attribute physique were immediately backlashed, even vomiting blood, and couldn’t even stand up.

But Ye Xiu didn’t stop, and all the obstacles where the black seal passed, all the obstructions disappeared, and the poisonous smoke also madly poured into the crowd, where he passed was a scream.

“Block him, block him for me.”

There was a deep fear in Zhao Yanhu’s eyes. This Ye Xiu was too terrifying. He had never seen such a perverted opponent.

He originally thought that Ye Xiu had used his strongest means in the previous battle, but now he realized that he had taken it for granted before.

Whether it was the poison of the bone-eating venomous clam, or the seal of the nine-sharp king he had just used, it was a very powerful trick.

Especially the Nine Shas King Seal gave people an overwhelming feeling, and the power contained in it shocked him so much that he didn’t even dare to resist.

If he is hit, he won’t get the slightest benefit.

So he almost instinctively grabbed a few people next to him and threw them at Ye Xiu, wanting to sacrifice a few people to offset Ye Xiu’s offensive.

But he still underestimated the power of the Nine Temples King Seal, and the moment they met the Nine Temples King Seal, they were beaten into fly ash.

This is the fourth seal of the Nine Shas King Seal, and it is also the strongest blow Ye Xiu can hit at this time. The power is stronger than before.

If it would be blocked by a few people, then he wouldn’t deserve to be called the Nine Shas King Seal.

“Damn, how is your research going, can you break the line?”

Zhao Yanhu panicked. Since his cultivation, he has never been so scared of a person like he is now. The powerful combat power and cruel character are simply chilling.

The most important thing is that this person only has the Cultivation Base of Tongxuan Third Stage, which is four Realms lower than himself.

So far he didn’t even dare to fight Ye Xiu, it was terrible.

He suddenly felt that Ye Xiu could kill all of them even without the poison of this bone-eating clam, it just took a little longer.

So at this time he no longer thought about killing Ye Xiu, because it was impossible. The only hope was that these formation divisions could break through the formation as soon as possible, so that they could escape.

At the same time, he secretly vowed in his heart that if he could survive this time, he would never find trouble with this evil star in the future.

This guy is simply not human.

“It can be, but we need time.”

Several formation masters looked ugly. After studying for this period of time, they found that they had underestimated this formation before, and it was more complicated than the lock-field array.

These basic formations do not exist independently, but form an organic whole with other formations, and are constantly changing randomly.

To be exaggerated, this formation is like being alive, with its own life.

Even if they break a formation quickly, the big formation will repair the formation in a very short time.

In other words, if you want to break this formation, it is impossible to break the formations one by one. Only when all these basic formations are destroyed at the same time.

But at the level of these few of them, they simply couldn’t do it.

In addition to this, there is another way, that is to destroy several formations at the same time, and destroy other formations before they are fully restored, and this formation can be destroyed as well.

But it just takes time.

“how long it takes?”

Zhao Yanhu’s eyes brightened, as long as there is a chance.

“At least half a year!”

Several people looked at each other and said a time they thought was about the same.

“Half, half a year, at least!”

Zhao Yanhu was stunned. If daddy could hold on for half a year, it would still break the ass formation. When you break this formation, the grass on daddy’s grave will be three feet high.

“No way, this formation is too weird. It’s the first time we met. It’s the limit to be broken in half a year.”

A few of them also know that the current situation is not optimistic, let alone half a year, and half an hour may not be able to persist.

Knowing that this mission is so dangerous, they shouldn’t have come, but should hide Closed Door Training.

This time, they were completely planted.


But at this moment, Zhao Yanhu discovered that Ye Xiu had stopped suddenly, and then his figure appeared directly outside the formation for a flash, and ran towards the Lingwu family.

“what happened?”

Not only Zhao Yanhu, but everyone else didn’t understand why Ye Xiu suddenly ran away.

Now he has an absolute advantage, as long as he persists for a while, he will be all over.


At this moment, a sound of breaking through the air sounded, and then an old man dressed in a plain robe emerged from the void, standing in the air with his hands on his back.

“It’s Baili Elder, now we can be saved.”

The disciples of Jin Dingzong were immediately excited when they saw the people coming. Some even knelt on the ground and cried with their heads. It was not easy.

“Barry Elder help.”

Someone immediately yelled. Although Ye Xiu is gone now, the formation and the poisonous smoke in it are still there. At this moment, several people were poisoned and died.

If it drags on, they may not escape death.

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