Chapter 460: Zhao Yanhu

“Sang Yuchun, are you teaching me to do things?”

The person turned his head to look at the person who was speaking, his tone was cold, and at the same time, a cold breath emanated from his body, as if to freeze Sang Yuchun’s soul, scaring him back several steps. This stopped.

“No, I dare not!”

Sang Yuchun shook his head again and again, only then did he remember the identity of this person.

This senior brother Zhao is called Zhao Yanhu, is a true disciple of the Jin Dingzong, possesses the rare physical properties of wood, thunder, and fire, and is a practitioner of the Three Laws.

Although their Cultivation Base is the same as Tongxuan Seventh Stage, they are completely different from each other. In a real fight, even if the two of them add up, they are not his opponents.

And although this Zhao Yanhu looks harmless to humans and animals, he is a ruthless character, and those who have offended him will not end well.

Coupled with his outstanding talent and huge potential, even Bai Longfei’s second generation ancestor did not dare to provoke him.

If it were not for Sect Leader’s relationship, then Bai Longfei would probably not have anything to do with the Eight Heroes in the Wasteland.

Therefore, Sang Yuchun didn’t dare to disobey him at all.

“If you don’t dare, just stay and don’t dangle in front of my eyes.”

A flash of contempt flashed in Zhao Yanhu’s eyes, and he turned to look at Ye Xiu and said, “Ye Xiu, what are you thinking about? You know, this is your only way out.”

“It’s not impossible to let me go with you, just beat me.”

Ye Xiu said faintly, this Zhao Yanhu puts him under a lot of pressure. Don’t think he only has the Cultivation Base of the Seventh Stage of Tongxuan, but the aura is thicker than the average master of Eighth Stage of the Xuanxuan.

Coupled with Sang Yuchun’s performance, it can be seen that this is a ruthless person, and it is not easy to defeat him.

But it would be impossible to let himself go back to Jin Dingzong with him.

“Okay, then I will fight with you. If you win, I will let you go, but if you lose, you have to give me a trip. That’s okay.”

Zhao Yanhu said lightly.

He was different from this mindless Sang Yuchun. He had investigated Ye Xiu in detail before he came, and he also knew the feats Ye Xiu had done before.

Not to mention it, just that he forcibly killed Mu Changsheng in the Lingwu family was enough to attract his attention.

He knew this Mu Changsheng, and they had fought each other before. Although he finally won, it was almost impossible for him to kill him.

But Mu Changsheng died in Ye Xiu’s hands.

No matter what method Ye Xiu uses, whether it is fair or insidious, it is enough to attract his attention.

Moreover, he also learned that Ye Xiu had mastered the Dragon Step, which was the number one Movement Technique in the Wasteland. He didn’t know how strong this Movement Technique was, because he had never seen it with his own eyes.

Not only him, but no one who has seen this Movement Technique can be found in the wasteland today. The people who have actually seen it have already turned into dust.

But he also knew that this was definitely not groundless, so he had to take precautions.

If they directly use the strong force when they come up, it will be difficult for others to use the dragon walk to run the road, and then want to catch him.

Therefore, he didn’t take the shot directly, but let some of his men secretly lay out the formation to trap Ye Xiu, lest he escape from under Own’s nose.

As for the rewards from the Golden Ding, he didn’t care.

As a true disciple of the Jin Dingzong, the best spirit-level combat skills and high-grade combat soldiers are standard equipment. People with a little stronger strength don’t know that the combat skills or combat soldiers they have obtained are countless times better than this reward.

What he cares about is the process of arresting Ye Xiu, because he has a hobby, that is, torturing and killing those so-called geniuses.

Let them also experience the feeling of making the earth not working and making the ground not work.

Anyway, Sect is only trying to catch Ye Xiu alive, that is, he only needs to keep Ye Xiu alive. As for whether he is disabled or abolished, Sect won’t bother.

This was an opportunity to be ordered to kill geniuses, and he would naturally not miss it.


Ye Xiu also wanted to see the strength of this Zhao Yanhu.

Speaking of it, Zhao Yanhu can be said to be the one he has encountered the most pressure on. Even Mu Tianye never gave him such a feeling.

When he saw Mu Tianye, the gap between the two was not big, and this Zhao Yanhu was four Realm taller than himself.

Therefore, Ye Xiu was actually not sure to defeat it.

But he, like Mu Tianye, was born warlike, this nature has soaked his flesh and bones and cannot be changed.

Especially when he encounters a strong opponent, he will get excited and itchy hands.

Although he also knew that Zhao Yanhu was also delaying time by doing so, how could the small movements of those people be hidden from his eyes, but this was also in his arms.

“Don’t worry, I won’t take advantage of you. I will suppress my Cultivation Base at Tongxuan Third Stage to fight with you.”

Zhao Yanhu is very confident about his own strength. In his own eyes, the so-called Bajies of the Wasteland are just eight little kids playing in the house.

He didn’t even bother to fight.

“you sure?”

Ye Xiu was startled, and Mu Tianye had said similar things, but he was beaten violently by himself.

He didn’t know where Zhao Yanhu’s confidence came from.

The strength of this Zhao Yanhu is indeed extraordinary. He is invincible in the same rank, but no matter how strong he is, he cannot be compared to Mu Tianye, who has a Heavenly Demon body.

Wanting to suppress Cultivation Base and fight yourself is a bit ridiculous.

“I’ll let you do it first.”

Zhao Yanhu didn’t talk nonsense with Ye Xiu either. Everything was based on strength. Then he suppressed his own Cultivation Base to the third stage of Tongxuan, which was comparable to Ye Xiu.

“Okay, then let me weigh your weight, Jiuyang Profound Palm.”

Ye Xiu let out a low shout and slapped it out with a palm. The Golden Flame of the Sun rose immediately, dyeing the heaven and earth gold directly, and the space was a bit unable to withstand the scorching temperature, and it was distorted by the burning.

Under Ye Xiu’s control, this huge flame turned into a giant flame palm, and it hit Zhao Yanhu in general.

“Blast Flame Fist!”

Zhao Yanhu’s complexion remained unchanged, and he blasted out a fist, and a group of purple-red flames rushed out, attached to his fist, and his fist continued to grow as the power surged.

It didn’t look like a fist, but rather like a huge fireball.

The scorching temperature also distorted the space slightly, and then Zhao Yanhu took a violent step and dragged the huge fireball to greet him.


At the moment when the fireball collided with the giant flame palm, the fireball suddenly exploded, and the terrifying power instantly vented and spread to the surroundings.

However, in his imagination, the situation of the giant flame palm being shattered did not appear, but it was still strong, and was not affected by his own punch at all.

Ye Xiu’s complexion remained unchanged. Under his control, this giant flame palm grabbed hard, and directly tore the fire wave into several strands, and was absorbed by the giant flame palm with a light roll.

This flame giant has also become more powerful.

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