Chapter 457: Encircled

“Who is this person? How can he have rejuvenation grass in his hands? Is it a member of the Jin Dingzong?”

“You are blind, the people of Jin Dingzong are nearby, and as their identities, they must be disdainful of doing this kind of hiding their heads and revealing their tails. Someone must have found another one.”

“I heard that Jin Dingzong also took out the rejuvenation grass, but I didn’t expect it to be preempted by this person. There is a good show here.”

No one is surprised, the value of rejuvenation grass can no longer be measured with a worldly perspective, it is absolutely invaluable.

But the rejuvenation grass they knew was the only one from Jindingzong, but now someone took it out before Jindingzong, and now it’s useless even if Jindingzong takes out the rejuvenation grass.

So everyone involuntarily looked in the direction where Jin Dingzong was, and saw them glaring at Private Room No. 1 one by one.

But these melon-eating people didn’t know that the reason why they were so angry was not that Ye Xiu took the lead, but because he killed Bai Longfei and broke the good deeds of Jin Dingzong.

If it were not for the pressure of the various martial arts, they might have already taken action at this time.

“Rejuvenate the grass once…”

“Rejuvenate the grass twice…”

“Rejuvenation grass three times, the deal.”

Lin Qingcheng was afraid that someone would cut his beard, so he speeded up his speech. After all, Ye Xiu paid a great price to get the news, and she naturally didn’t want Ye Xiu to be exposed in vain.

As the hammer fell, the final attribution of the news of the spring of life was also settled, and who could not change it.

After that, she winked at Lin Tianxiang, who immediately understood Lin Qingcheng’s intentions, and arranged for someone to send the news to Ye Xiu.

Now Ye Xiu’s actions have attracted the attention of many people, especially Jin Dingzong, after all, Lin Tianxiang knew the inside story.

I believe it won’t take long before they find out that the news of the life spring falls into Ye Xiu’s hands.

So before the auction has no technology, send the news first and then let him leave, which can minimize the pressure on him.

This is the only thing they can do for Ye Xiu.

In the private room, Qian Duoduo and Zhang Ming both stared at Ye Xiu dumbfounded. They didn’t understand how Ye Xiu got the Rejuvenation Grass. This thing was extremely valuable and could not be found.

“You two leave immediately, don’t follow me for a short time, so as not to be implicated.”

Ye Xiu said immediately that this matter could not be hidden at all, and his identity would be found out in a short time. If Qian Duoduo and Zhang Ming continued to follow him, they would definitely be implicated.

This is not what he wants to see.


The two of them didn’t insist anymore, they all knew their current situation. If they continued to follow Ye Xiu, not only would they not be able to help him, but it might also drag him down.

So they should leave.

“Young Master Ye, can you come in?”

At this moment, an unfamiliar voice came from outside.

“come in.”

Ye Xiu said, listening to his tone, he knew that this should be from the Lin family. If he guessed correctly, he should have sent a message to himself.

After the person opened the door, he took out a Jade Slip and handed it to Ye Xiu: “Master Ye, what is recorded here is the news of the spring of life. My master asked me to collect rejuvenation grass and come and take you out of here.”

“This is the rejuvenation grass. Take it. Besides, I want you to take them away first.”

When Jade Slip started, Ye Xiu breathed a sigh of relief, then put the rejuvenating grass in the person’s hand.

“Don’t worry about this. There is no one in the second private room next to them. They can just go straight there. Time is running out. You can go with me quickly, otherwise you won’t be able to leave.”

The man said nervously.

“Dage, they have arranged it. We will be fine. Even if senior Wu is found there, they can’t do anything to us. You can leave without worry.”

Qian Duoduo immediately said that Ye Xiu’s situation is more dangerous than they are now. As long as they are more careful, there shouldn’t be any problems.

“Well, lead the way.”

Ye Xiu knew that it was not the time to say this, so he immediately addressed the waiter.

“Please follow me.”

The waiter nodded and took Ye Xiu directly to the corner of Private Room No. 1. After that, he took out a token and buckled it on the wall next to it. The wall immediately formed a stone gate.

This is a secret passage prepared by the Lin family in advance to reach the outside of Tianxiang City in order to deal with such a situation.

However, this passage was used by the Lin family to escape for their lives, so outsiders didn’t even know that even this waiter had received Lin Tianxiang’s order before the auction started.

Therefore, if Ye Xiu left through this passage, he would never be discovered.

“I’ll go one step ahead, be careful, and see you in the Lingwu family.”

Ye Xiu said that his current Cultivation Base was not enough to go directly to the Ten Thousand Bone Cemetery to find the spring of life, so he planned to return to the Lingwu family for a Closed Door Training Cultivation, and wait until he broke through to the Heavenly Hole Realm before setting off.

And what he saw and heard in the Thunder Mountain also needed to be reported.


The two responded and watched Ye Xiu enter the passage.

After that, the messenger took the token back, and the passage on the wall gradually closed and disappeared, leaving no trace at all.

“You two, please come with me.”

As the waiter said, he led Qian Duoduo and Zhang Ming through a secret corridor to the second box.

At this time they were relieved.

“Farewell next.”

The waiter completed the own task, then bowed to Qian Duoduo and Zhang Ming, then turned and left, and went to find Lin Tianxiang to return to life.

After learning that Ye Xiu had left, Lin Tianxiang nodded at Lin Qingcheng on the stage, and the latter let out a long sigh of relief.

“The following is the last lot…”

At the same time, in a dense forest a few miles outside Tianxiang City, the ground full of weeds suddenly rose high, exposing the passage below, and then Ye Xiu walked out of it.

After that, Ye Xiu covered the exit again and looked around, and after making sure that no one was following him, he immediately galloped in the direction of the Lingwu family.

But after he walked for hundreds of miles, a group of people suddenly rushed out to surround him directly, and it was not difficult to see that they were members of the Jin Dingzong from their clothing.

And among them, the Cultivation Base has the lowest Cultivation Base Sixth Stage, and there are several masters of the Cultivation Seventh Stage watching.

This made Ye Xiu frowned. Could it be that the Lin family colluded with Jin Dingzong and betrayed him?

But soon he denied this idea again. If the Lin Family really colluded with Jin Dingzong to frame him, there was no need to show his favor, and he would think of a way to let him go.

Isn’t this superfluous?

If they ran away, wouldn’t their loss be even greater.

However, he also knew that now was not the time to think about this, regardless of whether this matter had anything to do with the Lin family, he had to get rid of them as soon as possible.

[Five changes, if you guys have any discussion about the content, you can discuss it in the book review area, I will read it, and those who want a dragon can also write it down in the book review area. 】

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