Chapter 445 Mysterious Map

“Qingcheng, take this Medicine Pill, and then consolidate the Cultivation Base. I’ll go out.”

Ye Xiu handed Lin Qingcheng the six-pattern patching pill he had previously refined. This was a good thing, and it could fix Innate’s shortcomings and increase the foundation.

Especially the height of the six patterns, there are not a few in the entire wasteland.

Lin Qingcheng’s talent was pretty good, and adding this Heavenly Patching Pill would make it even more perfect.

As for his going out, it was entirely to clean up the battlefield. These people are all from the Jin Dingzong, especially this Bai Longfei, and even the young Sect Leader of the Jin Dingzong. If you want to come, you should have a lot of good things in your hands.

Although I don’t lack resources now, who would think there are too many resources.

“What are you doing out?”

Lin Qingcheng was worried that Ye Xiu was still angry with his father and would not come back when he went out, so he directly took Ye Xiu’s hand and refused to let him go.

“Clean up, we have to stay here one day, do you want to face these corpses?”

Ye Xiu scratched her little nose, said, carrying the corpses and went out and piled them together, and took off the storage ring from their hands by the way.

It was just a fire.

After that, Ye Xiu opened these storage rings one by one. As he expected, these guys really had a lot of good things in their storage rings.

Not to mention Spirit Stones, there are all kinds of rare and exotic treasures.

Especially Bai Longfei’s collection is like a treasure house of a small school.

There are more than ten top-grade Cultivation Techniques in the spirit level alone, with three top-grade spiritual tools and one top-grade spiritual tool, which are even richer than the masters who are shocked by the sky.

“Leave this sword for Qingcheng.”

Ye Xiu sorted these things and put them into his own storage bag, but kept the superb spiritual weapon.

He has the Pluto Sword, so there is no need for the soldiers. If it is directly used to train the Pluto Sword, it will not increase much power, so it is better to leave it to Lin Qingcheng.

Now she has broken through to the Tongxuan Realm, and with this sword beside her, the master of the Second Stage of Tongxuan will hardly be her opponent.


At this moment, Qi Tian seemed to have discovered something, and he flew out of Ye Xiu’s divine sea directly in front of the pile of ashes. With a wave of his hand, the ashes scattered and revealed a black iron piece.

“what is this?”

Ye Xiu also noticed this situation, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

No one knows the power of Da Ri Jin Yan better than him. This piece of iron can withstand the calcination of Da Ri Jin Yan. Obviously it is not a common product.

So he immediately stepped forward and picked up the piece of iron.

This piece of iron was slightly cool at the beginning, not at all affected by the golden flames of the day, and it was extremely heavy, holding it in the hand as if it was holding a hill.

But there are no symbols or words on it, and the surface is as smooth as a mirror, and there is really no special place to see.

“I don’t know, but it can withstand the calcination of Da Ri Jinyan. It should not be a common product. Put it away first, and you may be able to use it later.”

Qi Tian couldn’t see the origin of this thing either.

It was neither like a fragment of a soldier nor a fragment of a treasure. He even didn’t even know what it was for.

But its material is really tough, and even Da Ri Jinyan can’t leave a trace on it.

This is tougher than any metal he has ever seen, and even Dahuang Fine Gold might not be able to compare with it.

The Great Wilderness Fine Gold is the toughest metal found in the Wildland so far, so the only thing he can be sure of is that this thing is not native to the Wildland.

Then there is only one place where this thing can appear, and that is the mainland of China.


Ye Xiu nodded.

What Qi Tian couldn’t see, even he couldn’t see it, but since this thing can withstand the burning of Da Ri Jinyan, it is enough to explain its Bufan.

It doesn’t hurt to keep it, maybe it will be used later.

But just when he was about to put it away, a ray of light shot out from the iron sheet, but it soon disappeared again.

“What happened just now?”

Qi Tian naturally noticed this change and asked immediately.

“I do not know either.”

Ye Xiu also couldn’t figure it out. Why did it suddenly shine? The most important thing is that he didn’t feel the slightest energy fluctuation, which made him very puzzled.

“This thing is shining in your hand, why don’t you know?”

Qi Tian asked.

“I really don’t know, I just want to put it in the storage ring, and it suddenly lights up…”

Ye Xiu repeated the previous actions, but before he finished speaking, the bright light appeared again. This time he and Qi Tian both discovered the secret, and said in unison: “Moonlight!”

After that, Ye Xiu repeated the previous actions again, and when the iron piece formed a certain angle with the moonlight, the bright light appeared again.

Soon, under the reflection of the iron sheet, the moonlight formed a three-dimensional pattern, the mountains and rivers on it were very clear, and even a piece of grass was clearly visible.

“what is this?”

Ye Xiu asked inexplicably, he didn’t understand the meaning of the image displayed by this piece of iron.

However, he instinctively felt that there was something hidden in this picture, otherwise it would not have been so painstakingly preserved.

You know, the material used to burn it can’t melt even the golden flames of the sun at this time, and its value can be imagined.

“If I read it right, this should be a map?”

Qi Tian said after watching for a moment.


Ye Xiu was startled, it didn’t look like a map no matter how.

“Yes, this is the map.”

Qi Tian thought for a moment, finally found the relevant situation in his memory, and then said: “This is a very ancient drawing technique. I have seen it in a classic, but it is the first time I have seen it.”

“Since it’s a map, why doesn’t it even have the least mark? What does it want to express?”

Ye Xiu asked inexplicably, if this is really a map, there should be some specific signs on it, but there is nothing else on it except those mountains and rivers.

Moreover, he had never seen a map like this, but it looked like an image rubbed from a certain place.

“You don’t know anything about it. This map is essentially different from the map you know. It is made through a special method. Only when you reach the place shown on the map, the corresponding logo will appear on it. ”

Qi Tian continued: “Moreover, the material used for drawing this map is very tough. Although I don’t know what the specific material is, I know it is not Fanpin at a glance, so I concluded that there must be a big secret hidden in it.”

“Then do you know where the place shown on the map is?”

Ye Xiu heard Qi Tian’s words so energetic, and his mood became excited.

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