Chapter 428: Future husband?

“What’s wrong, I believe Little Brother Ye Xiu won’t care about it.”

Lin Jingyun glanced at them strangely. They didn’t refute own before, but now it’s not the time, so he glanced at Ye Xiu and said faintly: “You think so, brother Ye?”

He didn’t think there was anything wrong with what he did. Ye Xiu saved his daughter, and he would also thank him, but he did have more important things now.

Moreover, this matter is related to the future of the Lin Family Chamber of Commerce, and he has to take it seriously.

Xia Shangwu also knew about this.

But what made him most strange was Lin Tianxiang’s reaction. You know, this girl has always been opposed to Ye Xiu and Lin Qingcheng coming together, so why has she started to speak for Ye Xiu today.

“It’s okay!”

Ye Xiu shrugged and said indifferently.

He really didn’t care about this, he didn’t want them to thank them for coming here, and in the entire Lin family, he only cared about Lin Qingcheng.

As for what other people think of themselves, that is their business and has nothing to do with them.

He turned and left.

“Then I will go with him.”

Lin Qingcheng’s expression was a bit unsightly, he didn’t understand why his father treated Ye Xiu like this, it was too much.

“Qingcheng, you can’t go, I’m still going to introduce a few friends to you.”

Lin Jingyun directly took Lin Qingcheng’s hand. These people came here today mainly to meet Lin Qingcheng, so she is the protagonist today.

If she left, wouldn’t she have lost her face.

“Not interested in.”

Without even thinking about it, Lin Qingcheng broke free of Lin Jingyun’s hand and walked towards Ye Xiu.

“Miss Lin, I am Bai Longfei, a true disciple of Jindingzong. I am glad to meet you.”

At this moment, the young man who had shown murder to Ye Xiu before stepped forward, stopped Lin Qingcheng’s path directly, and said.

His face also showed strong confidence.

As one of the eight masters of the wasteland, he can be said to be a collection of thousands of favorites. No matter where he goes, he is the focus of people’s attention.

He didn’t believe that a person like himself could not be compared to Ye Xiu, a little-known little person.

“Why you are like this, I have said that I am not interested, so please let me go and don’t be my way.”

Lin Qingcheng frowned and said angrily, she just wanted to leave here with Ye Xiu now, so she didn’t have a good face for Bai Longfei.

“Qingcheng, how did you talk to your future husband, don’t hurry up and apologize.”

Lin Jingyun had learned from Lin Tianxiang what this girl thought of Ye Xiu before, but he didn’t expect this girl to be so self-willed that he wouldn’t even give his own Face.

To be on the safe side, he directly pointed out the identity of Bai Longfei.

On the one hand, Ye Xiu could understand that it was impossible between them. On the other hand, he should also remind Lin Qingcheng to pay attention to the tone of speech.

“Future husband?”

Lin Qingcheng stiffened and looked at Own’s father in disbelief. She never expected that the father who loved her and petted her would do such a thing.

“Yes, they came here today to propose a marriage. I think there is nothing wrong with it, so I agreed.”

Lin Jingyun said lightly, not discussing any more, but giving orders.

In fact, he was also very helpless. After the relationship with the Xiao family froze, the business of the Lin Family Chamber of Commerce was targeted everywhere, greatly affected, and suffered heavy losses.

But the Xiao family has Yujian Villa as a backer, but the Lin family does not.

Although the Lin Family Chamber of Commerce has a cooperative relationship with Jin Dingzong and Qizong, they are also closely related to each other, and there is no other contact.

It was precisely because of this that the Xiao family dared to take action against him, and he could only swallow this breath.

So he had to find a way out, just at this time, the young Sect Leader of the Jin Dingzong, Bai Longfei, appeared.

If this marriage is achieved, then the Lin Family Chamber of Commerce and Jin Dingzong will kiss each other, and the Lin Family Chamber of Commerce will not have to be afraid of him, the Xiao Family Chamber of Commerce.

Of course, the reason why he made such a decision was also because he was very optimistic about this Bai Longfei.

I have this kind of Cultivation Base at a young age, and he is also known as the eight masters of the wilderness, especially the first-hand pill refining technique.

Now, he has been able to refine the Spirit Grade Medicine Pill.

In addition, his father is the Sect Leader of Jin Dingzong, so you don’t need to think about how far his future is.

Lin Qingcheng was not wronged by marrying him.

As for Ye Xiu, although it was also very good, it seemed trivial compared with Bai Longfei.

“Father, are you serious?”

Lin Qingcheng asked in disappointment. She didn’t expect her most beloved father to do this kind of selling his daughter, which made her very sad.

“Of course, I have promised. Don’t worry, it is a great thing for you to marry the Jindingzong.”

Lin Jingyun said.

“I don’t marry. If you want to marry, marry yourself, Xiao Ye Zi, let’s go.”

Lin Qingcheng was completely disappointed, she would not marry anyone else, because she had already recognized Ye Xiu in her heart, and it was up to him not to marry in this life.

“Naughty, stop her for me.”

Lin Jingyun said angrily, the Lin family was already in dire straits at this moment. If they didn’t find a backer, the Lin family might not be able to hold on for too long.

Although he didn’t want to force Lin Qingcheng, but for the future of the Lin Family Chamber of Commerce, he could only agree to sacrifice his most beloved daughter.

“Patriarch Lin, you don’t have to be like this. I’m Bai Longfei is not a tough guy, but a gentle lady and gentleman are so good. If you let me give up like this, I am unwilling to do so, so let me and this…”

Bai Longfei frowned and looked at Ye Xiu and asked knowingly, “By the way, what is his name?”

“Back to Sect Leader, his name is Ye Xiu.”

A dog leg next to him immediately understood and came forward.

“It doesn’t matter. I will try a game with him. If I win, he will leave. If he wins, I will leave and never mention it again. How do you feel?”

Bai Longfei was not a fool either, no one could see that Lin Qingcheng’s heart had already been placed on Ye Xiu.

But let him lose to a little guy who didn’t know where he came from. Wouldn’t it be a loss of his face? If this spreads out, then how will he behave in the future.

Moreover, this Lin Qingcheng and Lin Tianxiang look the same, and they are all overwhelming.

He naturally didn’t want to give up such beauties.

But he didn’t want to assume the name of bullying and bullying, so it was undoubtedly the best choice to let Ye Xiu retreat in the face of difficulties with this method.

“Yes, I agree.”

Lin Jingyun nodded, he also thought this was a good way. If Bai Longfei wins, no one can say anything.

As for losing, it is impossible, and the eight masters of the wasteland are not for nothing.

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