Chapter 425 Tianxiang City

“rush out.”

Following Xia Shangwu’s order, everyone shot at the same time, as if a sharp sword pierced the crowd directly.

At this time, the people from the two major cities also reacted and immediately began to counterattack, but because Xia Shangwu’s timing was too rough and too sudden, they directly caught them by surprise.

Although they were also fighting hard, they still couldn’t completely block them, and soon the line of defense was broken.

In less than ten minutes, they rushed out.

In order to prevent them from chasing after him, Ye Xiu left the poison of the bone-eating clam on the way, so that the skill would delay their footsteps and weaken their vitality.

Killing two birds with one stone, why not do it.

After that, the group of people rushed wildly for most of the day before they really stepped out of the borderless land and returned to the wasteland.

“Lin Qi, how are our casualties?”

Xia Shangwu asked, although they succeeded in breaking through this time, they also lost a lot of people.

These are all masters that the Lin Family Chamber of Commerce has spent a lot of time and resources training, and they are also brothers who were born and died with them.

Losing one is a great loss for them.

“Back to summer Elder, ten people were killed and twenty-five were injured in this breakout on our side, of which fifteen were slightly injured and ten were seriously injured.”

Lin Qi replied.

“Take their bodies back, comfort them alive, bury them well, and treat their families kindly, remember.”

Hearing this number, the faces of Xia Shangwu, Lin Tianxiang and Lin Qingcheng were not very good, especially Xia Shangwu.

Because these people were basically cultivated by him, just like his relatives.

This time they brought a total of forty people to come, and directly reduced a quarter of their staff after this battle, of which there were ten serious injuries. This is the first time since the Lin Family Chamber of Commerce was established.


Lin Qi nodded and said, these are all brothers who lived and died with him, even if Xia Shangwu and the others didn’t say it, they would do the same.

He didn’t want his own brother to be drifting outside after his death.

“It’s not safe here, we continue on our way.”

Xia Shang Martial Dao, here is still very close to Borderlands, if they chase it out, their losses will be even more serious.

So he directly ordered to leave here.

After a long journey for half a month, everyone stopped in front of a magnificent city.

Standing at the gate, Ye Xiu saw the word “Tianxiang” written on it.

“Little Ye Zi, this is the residence of our Lin Family Chamber of Commerce. This is where my name Big sis comes from. There are many interesting places in it. I will show you around.”

Lin Qingcheng immediately stepped forward and took Ye Xiu’s hand to go inside.

“Allure is not allowed to mess around.”

Lin Tianxiang walked over and glanced at Lin Qingcheng.

This is the residence of the Lin Family Chamber of Commerce and the foundation of the Lin Family. Her every move and every move of Lin Qingcheng represents the face of the Lin Family Chamber of Commerce.

She can mess around outside, but here, she would never allow Lin Qingcheng to do anything that would harm the Lin Family Chamber of Commerce.

After all, the name between her and Ye Xiu was unfair, so what kind of demeanor did she pull and pull.

“Sister, I didn’t mess around, Xiao Ye Zi saved me, and now I am here. As the master, shouldn’t I take him around to show the friendship of the landlord?”

Lin Qingcheng said aside.

“Father will take care of this, you need to worry about it and come over to me.”

Lin Tianxiang said sharply.

“All right.”

Lin Lin Qingcheng pouted, with a look of displeasure. When he walked to Ye Xiu’s side, he whispered: “Little Ye Xiu, don’t worry, wait for me to sneak out to play with you at night.”

“Not enough.”

Lin Tianxiang shouted again.

“I know, I’m urging my life.”

Lin Qingcheng curled his lips and said angrily, but still came to Lin Tianxiang’s side obediently, with a small face bulging.

“Ye Xiaoyou, please.”

Xia Shangwu walked to Ye Xiu and said.

“I won’t go in. I have an urgent matter to rush back to the Lingwu family.”

Ye Xiu also wanted to stay with Lin Qingcheng for a while, but he was still uneasy about the things in the Thunder Mountain, and it was better to report it up as soon as possible.

In addition, he still wears the body of sin now, so he must be treated with caution, so as not to give Di Yang a word of truth.

“Little Ye Zi, wherever you just came, we have many interesting and delicious places in Tianxiang City, and the ten-year auction will be held soon. There will be a lot of good things to be auctioned here. Are you leaving now? It’s not a shame.”

Lin Qingcheng really couldn’t bear Ye Xiu. She wanted to sneak out to find Ye Xiu before, but she happened to come back from a serious injury when she came across her father.

That’s why she changed her mind and took people into the land of no masters to search for the rising sun grass.

Now that her father’s injury has stabilized, she has nothing to worry about, and she can just stay with Ye Xiu, who knows that he will leave now.

“Yeah, Xiaoyou Ye, this auction is a grand event once every ten years. There are many good things that are hard to come across, and news about the spring of life. Then the Lingwu family will send someone to come. You might as well wait until the auction ends. Leave later.”

Xia Shangwu also spoke, Ye Xiu had already reached the door, if he let him leave, the Patriarch would definitely be angry.

Moreover, this auction was indeed an unprecedented event. If Ye Xiu saw something, they could also help buy it.

This can also shorten the relationship between them.

After all, with Ye Xiu’s talent, there will be no limit in the future, and friendship with Ye Xiu will be profitable to their Lin Family Chamber of Commerce.

“The news of the spring of life, is this really true?”

Ye Xiu asked quickly, the life spring water is a necessity for Mu Tianye, but his understanding of life spring water is limited to what Dan Chenzi said.

He only knew that it was in the cemetery of ten thousand bones, but he didn’t know where it was.

If there is more news about the spring of life in this auction, then he really can’t leave.

Nothing is more important than saving Mu Tianye.

“Of course it is true. This auction is mainly organized by our Lin Family Chamber of Commerce. We naturally know more about what is being auctioned than others.”

Xia Shangwu continued: “Moreover, I personally received the news of this life spring water. It was sold by a master of the destiny state, but he didn’t exchange Spirit Stones, only the Medicine Pill that increased the lifespan. My Lin Family Chamber of Commerce There is a Tianyuan Boosting Pill in it. If you are interested in this news, we can replace it for you at that time.”

“Since it’s news, how do you tell the truth?”

Ye Xiu asked.

This news is different from the real thing. The real thing can easily distinguish the authenticity, but the news is different. Its authenticity can only be confirmed by personal verification.

In case it is fake, wouldn’t it be time-consuming and labor-intensive and less profitable.

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