Chapter 423: Cancellation of Contract

“You were caught by Fu Lianzhan, and I rescued you again.”

Ye Xiu looked at her tenderly and said, he was really afraid that Lin Qingcheng would not be able to wake up like this before. If that’s the case, he didn’t know what to do.

“Little Ye Zi, I knew you would be fine.”

At this time Lin Qingcheng also recalled what had happened before, and finally heaved a sigh of relief in his heart when he saw Ye Xiu’s appearance intact.

“Little Ye Zi, your kid is really beautiful.”

Qi Tian said with some envy, this woman didn’t care about own situation at all after waking up, she was happy for Ye Xiu when she opened her mouth, she was really infatuated.

How come I haven’t met such a confidante.

Although Ye Xiu looks a little more handsome than me and has a little higher talent than me, in general, he is not bad.

“I’m fine, but you. Didn’t I let you go? Why did you run back again? Fortunately, I have a way, otherwise you won’t be able to wake up again.”

Ye Xiu scratched her little nose and said.

“I am not worried about you.”

Lin Qingcheng’s face blushed, Ye Xiu had never done such an intimate action with her before, and at the same time he was shy and full of joy.

She had only seen Ye Xiu and Xiaohu do this action before, which made her very envious.

Now it’s finally my turn.

“Don’t do this stupid thing anymore, you know.”

Ye Xiu said, this time it really frightened him. Fortunately, Qi Tian helped. Otherwise, he really didn’t know what to do.


Lin Qingcheng nodded, and then said, “By the way, what happened in the accumulation mountain before? Why did Fu Lianzhan say you are dead?”

“Something went wrong after you left…”

Ye Xiu briefly recounted his encounter with the Purple Lightning Thunder Python.

“Fortunately, you are fine.”

Lin Qingcheng said with joy.

Although Ye Xiu’s description sounded plain and unremarkable, she knew that it must be extremely dangerous. If it weren’t for Ye Xiu’s luck, she would never have seen him again.

“What can I do? No one in this world who can kill me is born yet.”

Ye Xiu smiled.

“Bah, baah, what do you mean by immortality, what should I do if you die.”

Lin Qingcheng gave Ye Xiu a white look, and said these unlucky words.

“Well, your Big sis, they are still waiting for you outside, go out and meet them.”

Ye Xiu said.

It took him a day and a half to wake Lin Qingcheng, and Lin Tianxiang might have been impatient to wait. If she didn’t go out again, she might be going crazy again.

“My Big sis is here too?”

Lin Qingcheng had been in a coma. Naturally, she didn’t know what was happening outside, and she didn’t know that this incident had shocked her Big sis.

“Come on, just outside.”

Ye Xiu nodded.

“Then she didn’t embarrass you.”

Lin Qingcheng knows the Big sis of own very well. I don’t know why, she has a great prejudice against Ye Xiu.

During her time at Lin’s family, she did not do own work less, and wanted to keep herself away from Ye Xiu.

I can only use her words as ear winds, leaving the left ear in and out of the right ear, without staying in Own’s head for half a minute.

And with her Big sis character, it is extremely possible to embarrass Ye Xiu.

“No, we get along very well.”

What can Ye Xiu say? No matter what, they are also sisters, breaking the bones and connecting the tendons. If he speaks ill of her, he will appear to be mad at him.

“I do not believe.”

Lin Qingcheng knew Lin Tianxiang too well, if she didn’t trouble Ye Xiu, she would never believe it.

So he said: “Ye Xiu, don’t be familiar with her on my face, she’s just like that, and don’t listen to her nonsense, she is her, I am me, she can’t do anything on my behalf.”

“Really not.”

Ye Xiu smiled bitterly, but this girl knew her Big sis quite well. She didn’t say anything, she guessed it herself.

“Go out first, they must be waiting in a hurry.”

Lin Qingcheng did not continue to struggle with this matter. Although her Big sis was domineering, she really cared about herself.

There has been no news of own for such a long time, she must be waiting anxiously.

“You go out first, I’ll recover and then go out.”

Ye Xiu said that he had promised Qi Tian to terminate the contract with him before.

Now Lin Qingcheng has woken up, and it is time for him to fulfill his promise.


Lin Qingcheng didn’t think too much, and walked out directly.

“Qi Tian, ​​let’s start.”

Ye Xiu said.


Qi Tian responded and flew out of Ye Xiu’s divine sea. He had been waiting for a long time on this day.


Ye Xiu let out a low voice, and the word “contract” hidden in the depths of his soul was directly called out by him. After that, the two of them had the idea of ​​rescinding the contract at the same time.

This [qi] character seemed to be sensed, and it immediately trembled.

In a short while, the word “qi” fell apart and turned into two pure soul powers and returned to Ye Xiu and Qi Tian’s bodies respectively.

At the same time, the connection between him and Qi Tian was completely cut off.

After that, Ye Xiu passed the complete Universe Soul Forging Technique to Qi Tian, ​​fulfilling his promise to him.

“It deserves to be the Soul Breaking Technique, it is really extraordinary.”

After reading the complete Universe Soul Forging Technique, Qi Tian’s face immediately bloomed with a smile. This was the method of soul cultivation he wanted to achieve in his dreams.

With it, own soul transfer and reincarnation and soul refining almost have no defects.

“Qi Tian, ​​what are your plans next?”

Ye Xiu asked, speaking of which he was really reluctant to go to heaven.

Although the fight between them was life and death at first, they got along very well during this time, and deep down in his heart he already regarded Qi Tian as a friend.

And with his help, he can avoid many detours.

He is about to leave now, and he really feels reluctant to give up.

“I have an idea, but I don’t know if you believe me or not.”

Qi Heavenly Dao.

“What are your thoughts, let’s talk about it.”

Ye Xiu asked.

“Your kid’s luck is heaven-defying. Following you can get a lot of benefits, so I want to continue to stay in your divine sea, so that I can continue to guide you, and is it mutually beneficial.”

Qi Tian said sincerely.


Ye Xiu didn’t even think about it, and agreed directly.

“Aren’t you afraid that I will be against you? Now there is no contract between you and me.”

Qi Tian guessed that Ye Xiuhui would agree to the proposal of own, but he didn’t expect Ye Xiuhui to agree so happily, it made him feel a little weird.

After all, he had almost refined his soul power before.

If the identities between himself and Ye Xiu were changed more, I am afraid it would not be possible to agree to it so easily.

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