Chapter 415: City Lord Mighty

“Brother Ye, you look down on me a little bit when you say that. You saved my life, so how can you care about an ancient facial cleansing technique?”

Without even thinking about it, Qin Ruoshui took out the ancient facial cleansing technique he had obtained from his arms and gave it to Ye Xiu, and then said: “But this ancient facial cleansing technique is not easy to cultivate. I have been cultivating for half a year. At this level, you may start cultivation now, I am afraid that time is too late.”

The ancient technique of facial cleansing is the inheritance method of the ancient school of cleansing facial cleansing.

Although the part he got is only the first two layers, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is fur, but it is also very difficult to cultivate, and it is difficult to master it in a short time.

“I just need to change my breath. It shouldn’t be long.”

Ye Xiu said that there is a way to change the appearance in the Scripture Pavilion of the Soul Refining Sect, and it is very simple to use. Now he uses this method.

The only thing hard to hide is his breath.

You know, everyone’s breath is fixed and it is difficult to change.

And Cultivation Base breakthrough Tongxuan realm, after the birth of Divine Sense, you can use Divine Sense to ascertain the other’s breath and determine the identity of the other party.

Ordinary transformation art has no effect at all in front of the masters of the Tongxuan realm.

That’s why he thought of the ancient technique of facial cleansing.

Now he has mastered the method to change his appearance, so he doesn’t need to master the ancient facial cleansing technique completely, as long as he can change his breath.

“Well, let’s find a place for you to cultivate first, and then do it later.”

Qin Ruoshui nodded.


Ye Xiu responded, and just as he was about to leave, a noisy voice came from the city lord’s mansion behind him.

Then they saw a group of people, carrying a stretcher out of the city lord’s mansion, and marching towards the central square.

“It’s Allure.”

Qin Ruoshui saw the appearance of the person lying on the stretcher at a glance, it was Lin Qingcheng who they had come to rescue this time.

“What do they want to do?”

Ye Xiu frowned, this situation was really beyond his expectations.

“Little Ye Zi, did they understand your relationship with this girl, so they want to use her to lure you out?”

Qi Tian guessed.

“It shouldn’t be.”

Ye Xiu couldn’t be sure. After all, few people knew about the relationship between himself and Lin Qingcheng. Apart from Mu Tianye, people from the Lingwu family knew about it, but definitely not many.

How could they understand this matter.

Did Di Yang send two teams to trouble Own?

“I hope not.”

Qi Tian didn’t want this either, because it would make them very passive.

“Let’s take a look.”

Ye Xiu thought for a while, whether or not Qi Tian guessed it, he had to pass.

And he felt that this might be a good thing, after all, the guards in the city lord’s mansion were tightly guarded, and even if they were mixed up, they would be greatly restricted.

But it’s different outside.

As long as you find a chance, with the speed of the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon, it will be easier to rescue Lin Qingcheng.

As for now, he didn’t dare to do it, because the people who escorted her were all masters of Tong Xuan Ninth Stage, and they seemed to know that they were here.

Once the snake is stunned, not only will he not be able to save Lin Qingcheng, but he may also get in.

Following the team to the central square of Yushan City, these people placed the stretcher carrying Lin Qingcheng in the center of the square.

The few masters of the Ninth Stage of Tong Xuan directly sat on the ground, forming a circle and guarding Lin Qingcheng in it.

There were also heavy guards around the square, which directly enclosed the square.

This move by the City Lord’s Mansion also attracted the attention of many people in the city. It didn’t take long before the entire square was crowded with people.

“What is the City Lord’s Mansion doing? Why did it carry a woman out, and also dispatched four major law guards to guard it. It’s really weird every year, and there are so many today.”

“Who knows, our city lord has never played cards according to common sense. I’m not surprised that he can do this kind of thing, but this woman is very pretty. If only he could be my wife. .”

“Could this woman be the illegitimate daughter of the city lord, who is seriously ill. This time the city lord asked her to be carried out just to find someone to treat her?”

Everyone speculated because the actions of the City Lord’s Mansion were too weird today.


At this moment, the person who had previously provided advice to Fu Ziyu came out and said to everyone: “Everyone, I know you are very curious now, and don’t know what we are doing. Don’t worry, I will Give you the answer.”

As he said, he walked beside Lin Qingcheng and said, “This person is named Lin Qingcheng, the second Miss of the Lin Family Chamber of Commerce. You have already seen the appearance, even if it is placed in the wasteland, it is still one of the best.”

“Guardian Wang, you don’t want to sell it. Then you just say what the City Lord’s Mansion wants to do?”

Someone is already impatient below.

“Yes, Wang is in charge. If you have any questions, please tell me directly, don’t suffocate our appetite.”

Others also echoed.

“You are in a hurry, that’s fine, then I’ll just say it.”

The manager Lin smiled and said: “This is the way this is. This girl was caught by the city lord some time ago. She wanted to take her as a daughter-in-law. Who ever thought she would not only refuse to agree, but also killed the young city lord. The city lord was angry. Below, the Cultivation Base that imprisoned her and didn’t want her to die too easily, so I decided to give her to you.”

“From now on, we will hold a competition here for three days. Those who are in the top 50 can go to Wushan in accordance with their ranking.”

“Fuck, the lord is trying to make this woman better than dead, but I like it.”

“The city lord’s trick is truly absolute. It both retaliates against her and buys people’s hearts. It really kills two birds with one stone, but I don’t think it is too much.”

“The lord of the city is mighty, I have decided. From today onwards, I will live as a person in Yushan City, and die as a ghost in Yushan City.

The scene exploded directly, which was too explosive.

They all know that if they are in other places, such women are not prepared for them at all. It can even be said that they are not even qualified to lift shoes for others.

Unexpectedly, they actually have the opportunity to get close to these beautiful women here, which is a great benefit.

There are many people who have sworn allegiance to Fu Ziyu, such a good city lord, where to find it.

“Damn it!”

Ye Xiu’s expression turned gloomy, this Fu Ziyu was too bad, he was able to come up with such a sullen idea.

If this matter spreads out, how will Lin Qingcheng behave?

“Little Ye Zi, don’t be impulsive, this girl is now protected by the aura pendant, and nothing will happen. They do this to irritate you and then lead you out. Don’t be fooled by them.”

Qi Tian reminded immediately.

Although Fu Ziyu’s approach was damaging, it also directly confirmed his previous guess that these nonsense was only to stimulate Ye Xiu.

Now that they understand this, they can’t even make a move, otherwise they would be a real trap.

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