Chapter 407 What are you talking about?


Ye Xiu’s eyes lit up. He didn’t know the specific way to rescue Lin Qingcheng, but Qi Tian shouldn’t deceive himself on this matter.

In this way, he doesn’t have to worry as much as before.

“In fact, this method is not complicated for you. You only need to use your Pluto sword to absorb the essence of the Aura Pendant. When the defense is weakened to a certain level, then open a gap, and then transfer the power of the soul to break the lock. The soul seal is enough.”

Qi Tian didn’t continue to hide and tuck, but directly said the method.

His method is based on the Pluto Sword in Ye Xiu’s hands, because the Pluto Sword has the effect of devouring the essence of war soldiers, and it is also useful for different treasures.

Although the defensive power of this Aura Pendant is strong, it can’t resist the absorption of the Pluto sword.

As long as the defensive power is weakened to a certain level, Ye Xiu can try to awaken Lin Qingcheng.

“So simple?”

Ye Xiu originally thought it was a difficult method, but he didn’t expect to use the power of the Pluto sword. It was much simpler than he thought.

“No, it’s not easy at all.”

Qi Tian shook his head and said: “I told you before that the girl’s soul and the Aura Pendant are already connected, so while weakening the power of the Aura Pendant, it is also weakening that girl’s soul.”

“If you weaken too much, it will directly hurt the girl’s soul, and if you weaken too little, you can’t open the gap. Therefore, you must take action at the most appropriate time to avoid hurting her.”

“Also, if you want to break the soul-locking seal in that girl in this situation, you need to penetrate the own soul into her body. Therefore, you still need to resist the influence of the soul-locking seal. Otherwise, You will end up worse than that girl.”

The function of the soul-locking seal is to block the power of the soul.

It is like a magnet, and any iron filings around it will be firmly attracted by it.

Ye Xiu’s soul power is like this iron filings. Once inside Lin Qingcheng’s body, the soul lock seal will seal Ye Xiu’s soul power together.

Although Lin Qingcheng was imprisoned by the soul-locking seal, her soul was still in her body.

With her Cultivation Base, even if she maintains this state for several years, she can’t die.

But Ye Xiu was different. If his soul was sealed in someone else’s body, he would die on the spot, and it would be too late for other people to save him.

Therefore, trying to rescue Lin Qingcheng is a very dangerous thing. If you are not careful, Ye Xiu will also be caught in it.

“With the God Order, can this danger be eliminated?”

Ye Xiu asked. He understood what Qi Tian meant. Since he said that with the Order of the Gods, it would be easier to save Lin Qingcheng, there must be his reason.

“Yes, this Shenxiao Ling can protect your soul’s power, and it will not be affected by the soul-locking seal in a short period of time. You only need to break the soul-locking seal within this period of time.”

Qi Tian only thought of this after hearing Ye Xiu’s introduction to Shen Xiao Ling.

With this method, Ye Xiu was able to rescue Lin Qingcheng without hurting himself.

“Very good.”

Ye Xiu was also very happy.

“I can only say that you are really out of luck.”

Qi Tian couldn’t help but said, originally he asked Ye Xiu to stay in order to give Ye Xiu Ascension some strength, so that the possibility of rescuing Lin Qingcheng would be greater.

Who ever thought that his stay directly solved this problem.

It was really dozing off and someone gave him a pillow, which made him very envious.

If he had this kind of luck back then, maybe the law of immortality had already been studied by him.

“Qi Tian, ​​you tell me the method now, aren’t you afraid that I will break my promise?”

Ye Xiu asked, they had to stay together because they compromised with each other from the beginning, and he almost died in Qi Tian’s hands.

Although Qi Tian was also trying his best to help himself during this period, in his opinion, Qi Tian did this entirely to get rid of himself quickly and obtain a complete Universe Soul Forging Technique.

Without the constraints of the contract, he would not be able to fully trust him.

It was also for this reason that he had previously proposed the conditions for the freedom of the sky in order to get a way to rescue Lin Qingcheng.

Because he knew that Qi Tian would never refuse this condition.

But now that he hadn’t terminated the contract with him and returned him freedom, he actually told himself the way to save Lin Qingcheng, which was really unexpected.

After all, they hadn’t agreed on these before, and even if he broke his promise, he would not be punished by the contract.

“you will not.”

Qi Tian understands Ye Xiu’s character. If he breaks his promise, it is not Ye Xiu.

“You know me.”

Ye Xiu smiled, he really wouldn’t do that.

Even if he did so, Qi Tian might counterattack him, but since he agreed, he would not break his promise.


As soon as Ye Xiu’s words fell, the entire Great Hall of Gods trembling, a white light flashed, and he felt a flower in front of him.

When he came back to his senses, people had already appeared outside the Great Hall.

The Great Hall of the Gods re-hidden into the void and disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

“what happened?”

Ye Xiu just woke up like a dream at this moment.

He hadn’t taken the soldiers in the Great Hall of Gods as his own, so why did he come out?

“This Great Hall of the Gods may also be part of the seal. The treasures in it are probably the same except for the Order of the Gods. You cannot move. However, it is worthwhile for you to get the Order of the Gods. Don’t be greedy anymore. NS.”

Qi Tian guessed that he could only think of such a reasonable explanation.

“I know, I just feel a pity.”

Ye Xiu felt that Qi Tian was right. Shenxiaomen must have their reason to do this, but it was a pity for those soldiers.

If all the soldiers were given to him, it would not take long for the Pluto sword to be able to Ascension to an extremely high level, which would also be of great benefit to the Ascension of his own strength.

But now, the Great Hall of the gods has hidden into the void, and even through the order of the gods, he can’t get in touch with it.

Even if he had a hundred reluctances, he couldn’t change much.

“Why are you, my son!”

Fu Ziyu hasn’t left for half a step during this period, and has been waiting outside the gate.

But he waited for a long time, but he didn’t wait for Fu Lianzhan. Instead, he waited for Ye Xiu until the Great Hall of God retreated into the void, and he didn’t see Fu Lianzhan coming out of it.

Then there is only one explanation.

“Killed by me.”

Ye Xiu said lightly, as if to say another trivial thing.

“What did you say!”

Fu Ziyu had actually guessed the result, but he didn’t want to admit it.

You know, Fu Lianzhan is a master of the Third Stage of Tongxuan, how could he lose to Ye Xiu, who only had the Second Stage of Tongxuan, and be killed by him directly.

Moreover, before leaving, he gave him a lot of life-saving things.

Especially the venom sac of the Bone-Eater Toxic Clam, even if the masters of the natal realm do not pay attention, they will not directly poison to death.

With so many things protecting him, how could Ye Xiu kill him.

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