Chapter 403 You can’t kill me


Fu Lianzhan’s heart jumped, and he looked back abruptly. When he saw the person’s appearance, his expression froze suddenly, because his most worried thing had happened.

The person here is not someone else, but Ye Xiu, who he is most afraid of.

Ye Xiu’s face was pale at this time, and his whole body was scorched, but his eyes were piercing, which formed a sharp contrast with his situation.

Ye Xiu walked out from the exit of Wanlei Avenue step by step, staring at Fu Lianzhan with suspicious eyes.

“This kid is faster than me!”

Ye Xiu was a little surprised, but he walked step by step, although the speed was not fast, it was definitely not slow.

Moreover, Qi Tian also mentioned that this Ten Thousand Thunder Avenue is extremely dangerous and difficult for ordinary people to pass. He also has a deep understanding of this, and he almost gave up on a few occasions.

In the end, he spent a lot of effort to finish Wanlei Avenue.

But Fu Lianzhan was actually waiting for him here. It seems that he has been here for a while, so the speed is too fast.

“Impossible, this kid will never pass Wanlei Avenue.”

Qi Tian said immediately that the difficulty of Wan Lei Avenue was no less than passing through a Jedi, and Ye Xiu also relied on a strong will and physical body to persist to the end.

But in the meantime, he also suffered a lot, and he even almost gave up a few times.

In the wasteland, among the disciples of the light generation, there are people who can have such a will. It cannot be said that there is no one, but it will never exceed the number of hands.

However, even if they have a strong willpower, without a strong physique, it is impossible for them to pass the Wan Lei Avenue.

Although this Fu Lianzhan possessed a thunder-attribute physique, and his physical body was extremely tyrannical, he still couldn’t compare with Ye Xiu.

Although his Cultivation Base is much higher than Ye Xiu’s, in terms of physical strength, the total of ten of him is not as good as Ye Xiu’s, so it is impossible for him to pass the Wan Lei Avenue.

“Then what’s going on?”

Ye Xiu didn’t believe it too much, but the facts were in front of him, and he couldn’t tolerate his disbelief.

“This… should be related to Wanlei Avenue.”

Qi Tian is not very sure either, after all, there is no relevant record in the inheritance he got, let alone how the gods are regulated.

The reason for this situation must be that they have neglected something.

“You, you passed, how is this possible.”

Fu Lianzhan seemed to have thought of something, his face suddenly changed.

The reason why he came here, as Qi Tian said, was not because he passed the Wan Lei Avenue, but after walking more than a hundred steps, he was directly stunned by the lightning that came.

When he woke up again, people had already arrived here, and they were not sent out like Fu Ziyu.

But Ye Xiu was different. He walked out from the exit, which shows that he arrived here through Wanlei Avenue, which is completely different from own.

Thinking of the situation inside, his eyes turned to Ye Xiu with extreme horror.

What kind of person can come here with such a terrible passage?

Is that human being.

“It seems that my guess is correct. This kid should have triggered the clearance conditions set by the Shenxiaomen, so he was sent here in advance, not through Wanlei Avenue.”

Seeing Fu Lianzhan’s expression, Qi Tian immediately understood everything.


Ye Xiu also noticed it, which made him feel a little more balanced.

“Hmph, don’t think you can ignore me when you come here, kill!”

Fu Lianzhan’s face sank, and how he said he was two Realm higher than Ye Xiu.

Although he was almost killed by Ye Xiu before, but now Ye Xiu is seriously injured, and his strength is not one. Killing him by himself is simply a piece of cake.

And if you kill him, no one will compete with him for the inheritance of the gods.

Thinking of this, his mood became more and more excited, and the whole figure killed Ye Xiu like an arrow from the string, and his move was a killer move.

“court death.”

Ye Xiu’s momentum was shocked, and a sudden murderous intent spread, and then he lifted his right foot and kicked directly on Fu Lianzhan’s front door.

Fu Lianzhan was like a ball, he was kicked into the air by Ye Xiu and fell heavily on the wall, unable to get up for a long time.

“How can it be!”

Fu Lianzhan wiped off the blood from the corners of his mouth, braced Own’s body with both hands, looking at Ye Xiu with a pale face.

He had personally experienced what happened to this Wanlei Avenue, and he was fainted by lightning after only walking more than a hundred steps.

Although he did not suffer any injuries, he has not fully recovered until now.

Ye Xiu passed through Wanlei Avenue, and he was attacked dozens of times, or even hundreds of times, as much as his own. How could he still have such a powerful combat power.

Ye Xiu ignored him, dragging a heavy body and walking towards him step by step.

He had endured a great deal of pain, but the lightning strike in Wan Lei Avenue would not cause much damage to his body, it was nothing more than making his spirit a little sluggish.

Therefore, he is still in his heyday at this time.

When he was in Ningyuan Eighth Stage before, he almost killed this guy.

Now, own Cultivation Base has broken through to the first stage of Tongxuan, only two Realm lower than Fu Lianzhan, killing him is as easy as slaughtering a dog.

Under this circumstance, it was already a great gift for him to not trouble him first.

Not only was he not grateful, but he wanted to kill himself.

I really don’t know who gave him the courage.

“No, you can’t kill me, otherwise, you will never see your woman.”

Fu Lianzhan was startled by the murderous intent emanating from Ye Xiu’s body. He knew that this guy was really going to kill himself.

So he directly moved Lin Qingcheng out.

He could see that Ye Xiu cared about Lin Qingcheng very much. With Lin Qingcheng in his hands, he might be able to save his life.

“My woman?”

Ye Xiu frowned, and immediately thought of Lin Qingcheng, and said sharply, “What have you done to her?”

“Don’t worry, I didn’t do anything to her, but she is now in Yushan City. When I came, I told my subordinates. If I die, then she will be buried with me.”

Fu Lianzhan didn’t dare to irritate Ye Xiu too much, if he got angry, he would be dead.

Therefore, he didn’t even dare to say about Lin Qingcheng’s being wrapped in the spirit pendant.

“How do I believe you?”

Ye Xiu worried that this kid was lying to himself, after all, he watched Lin Qingcheng leave.

However, he did not dare to take this risk.

Little Fox has left him, and he still doesn’t know his life or death, and his whereabouts are unknown. If something happens to Lin Qingcheng, he will never forgive himself.

“You can only trust me.”

Seeing Ye Xiu’s appearance, Fu Lianzhan knew that he had used this trick correctly, so he said, “Don’t worry, as long as I leave here alive, I will release her immediately.”


A sharp light flashed under Ye Xiu’s eyes, and he stepped out one step at a time.

The figure came to Fu Lianzhan like a ghost, with his right hand pressed on top of his head, and the soul search technique was immediately activated.

It is impossible for Ye Xiu to let him go just because of Fu Lianzhan’s words.

Moreover, Fu Lianzhan said that the opponent would only act on Lin Qingcheng when he died. He didn’t kill him, but just checked his memory.

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