Chapter 401: Painful and Happy

According to his experience, one way of cultivation is to focus on will first, and then talent.

Because talent can only determine the speed of your cultivation, but the firmness of your will directly determines the height that a person can reach in the future.

This is not difficult to see from the experience of those who stand at the top of the pyramid.

In his opinion, there has never been a lack of genius in this world, like the crucian carp that crosses the river, there are countless, but the existence that can really reach the top is very few.

There is only someone like Ye Xiu who has both outstanding talent and strong will.

Only then can we overcome obstacles all the way to the point where others can’t catch up.

Ye Xiu didn’t think there was anything. At this moment, he continued to bury his head forward, allowing this secret-level lightning strike to fall on him, and the severe pain was like a tide, constantly impacting his will, wanting to stop him. Step down.

But this physical pain, compared with the spiritual trauma he has experienced in the past, is completely pediatric.

No matter how strong the pain in the body is, there is always a limit, but the trauma in the mind can be magnified to an infinite degree, to a certain degree, and even swallow a person completely.

After walking for about a hundred steps, Ye Xiu’s progress slowed down, and sweat began to start on his forehead.

The hundreds of lightning strikes that came down in that instant, like a violent storm, struck him mercilessly, as if more than a hundred daggers pierced his body at the same time.

Even he couldn’t bear it.

Before, he felt that it was already very painful to be struck by the Oolong Whip, but compared with the situation at this time, it was insignificant and completely incomparable.

But he was still clenching his teeth and insisting, the look of expectation in his eyes became more intense.

He has only taken a hundred steps forward now, and he feels that own body is twice as strong as before, and this efficiency is even more perverted than the immortal body.

The most important thing is that the Impurities in his physical body have also been cleared a lot, making his body more transparent.

This is also of great benefit to his future cultivation.

If he can pass Wanlei Avenue, his physical strength can still Ascension, which directly saves him a lot of time, and the effect is even better than Oolong Whip.

It’s a pity that he can’t cultivate indestructible demons here.

Otherwise, he can even directly step into the Seventh Stage or even the Eighth Stage Realm of the Indestructible Demon.

Coupled with the Azure Dragon change, he is really equivalent to obtaining an immortal body.

Thinking of this, the light in his eyes became brighter, and he moved on with a little adjustment.

Although Ye Xiu’s advancement speed has slowed down a lot, and the pain he has endured has become more and more intense, but his heart is unprecedentedly bright and excited.

I really answered that sentence, painful and happy.

Those in the back were not as calm as Ye Xiu, each of them was struck by lightning and screamed, it was a miserable one.

Even Nie Yuanshan, Jiang Ruhai and others are not much better.

After all, they don’t have the physique of lightning attributes, and their immunity to lightning strikes is almost zero. The reason why they have been able to persist until now is all due to their own endurance.

You know, they are all such good players.

In order to be able to continue to dominate in Borderlands, each of them suppressed Cultivation Base for at least ten years.

Such endurance is not something ordinary people can have.

But as they continued to deepen, their endurance was about to run out. Jiang Ruhai only walked more than 30 steps before he passed out completely with pain, and then a white light flashed.

When he woke up, people had already appeared outside the Great Hall.

The situation of the others was worse, and the most of them were sent out after only fifteen steps.

In just half an hour, dozens of people were left with Nie Yuanshan, Fu Ziyu, and Fu Lianzhan, but the first two were barely maintained, and only Fu Lianzhan could move on.

Although the speed could not be compared with Ye Xiu, it was not slow, and he had already walked more than fifty steps.

This is the advantage brought to him by the Thunder attribute physique.

After another half hour, Nie Yuanshan stopped at fifty steps, and Fu Ziyu stopped at 47 steps. Since then, only Fu Lianzhan is left among them.

“There are really barriers.”

Fu Ziyu walked two steps forward, but was directly blocked by an invisible barrier.

This barrier was only a thin layer to the touch, but it contained a huge power that made him feel palpitations.

“You guys get away, let me try if I can break it open.”

Nie Yuanshan was unwilling to give up like this, and with a heart move, he directly took out his own soldiers.

This is a broken sword with a blue glow, and there is a surge of murderous intent on it. Although it is broken, its aura is even more terrifying than the average Spirit Rank best soldier.

Others were also taken aback by this situation and hurriedly stepped aside.

They all understand this sword, don’t watch it break, but it still has the rank of the inferior Profound Rank, you can imagine how powerful it is when it is intact.

As soon as this knife was released, even Fu Ziyu and Jiang Ruhai had to avoid their sharp edges.

“Break it for me.”

Nie Yuanshan yelled and slashed up.

Just hearing a bang, Nie Yuanshan was directly shaken out, and the soldiers in his hand couldn’t hold it at all, so he just got out of his hand and inserted it a hundred meters away.

“So hard.”

Nie Yuanshan’s eyes widened, his own this strike, coupled with the increase in combat troops, the masters of Dongtian Second Stage could not bear it.

But the barrier was intact, and he almost shook himself into serious injuries, which was really terrifying.

“Dage, let’s try it together?”

Jiang Ruhai asked.

“No, this barrier is very strong, and the stronger the force received, the stronger the counterattack. If the three of us work together, we are very likely to be directly shaken to death.”

Nie Yuanshan shook his head. The blow just now made him understand the characteristics of this barrier, and he couldn’t break it forcibly.

“In that case, are some of us destined to miss the inheritance of the gods?”

Jiang Ruhai was a little bit lost. This was the residence of the Shenxiao Gate. There must be a lot of good things in it, but they didn’t even get the root hair, which was really unacceptable.

“Hey, Zhan’er didn’t come out.”

Fu Ziyu suddenly discovered that Fu Lianzhan had not come out with them.

Then, as if thinking of something, he immediately smiled, Fu Lianzhan, but his own son, he can hold on, his own face is also light.

Moreover, if Fu Lianzhan can get the inheritance of the gods, then their Yushan City is really going to rise. At that time, both Nie Yuanshan and Jiang Ruhai will have to watch Own’s face and act.

Don’t think they are brothers, but they don’t have too deep friendship with each other.

The reason why they bow to worship is just a means they use to dominate the Borderlands, and at best it is a kind of cooperation.

Nowadays, the oppressive force in Borderlands is gradually disappearing.

It will not be long before Borderlands will cease to exist, and the cooperation between them will be meaningless.

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