Chapter 388

“Let go of you?”

Fu Lianzhan showed a joke on his face and said, “From now on, you are my Fu Lianzhan’s woman. Without my permission, you can’t die.”

He naturally couldn’t let Lin Qingcheng die here.

Such a beautiful woman is absolutely unique in the entire Borderlands.

The most important thing is that this woman had been favored by Fu Liancheng before.

All along, as long as it is something that Fu Liancheng is fond of, no matter how much he likes it, he still has to give it to him.

But it didn’t need to be this time. Not only did he kill Fu Liancheng, but he also included the woman he fancyed in his pocket. Just thinking about it made him feel extremely excited.

Moreover, he had to marry him when he succeeded the lord of Yushan City, so that the men in the entire Borderless Land would envy him.

“Do your spring and autumn dreams, even if I die, I won’t be your woman.”

A resolute color flashed across Lin Qingcheng’s face, and then a group of purple flames burst out of her body and began to burn her body.

“Soul Seal.”

Fu Lianzhan raised his brows and immediately formed a mudra with his right hand, which was heavily imprinted on the back of Lin Qingcheng’s head.

A flash of light flashed, a mark disappeared in a flash, and disappeared into Lin Qingcheng’s mind.

At the same time, Lin Qingcheng immediately fell into a coma, and the purple flame on her body immediately lost control, and then all returned to her Dantian.

“I said, you can’t die if you want to die without my permission.”

Fu Lianzhan looked at Lin Qingcheng who had fallen into a coma, with a playful smile on his face.

The fire requires the control of the power of the soul, and the soul-locking seal is a means specifically used to block the power of the soul. Without the power of the soul, the fire naturally becomes a decoration and loses its proper function.

If Ye Xiu were here, he would know that when he saw this handprint, the soul-locking seal was a secret technique of the soul refining school, spurred by the power of the soul.

In other words, this Fu Lianzhan still possesses the power of the soul, and has had contact with the Soul Refining Sect.


At this moment, the jade pendant on Lin Qingcheng’s neck trembled.

Immediately after a flash of light appeared, a shield was instantly formed, covering her body.

“What is this?”

Fu Lianzhan frowned, reached out his hand to touch the aura, and found that it was extremely hard.

After that, he took out his own spirit rank high-grade warrior and slashed it hard, but the sword in his hand was almost bounced out.

“Is this the legendary aura pendant?”

Fu Lianzhan frowned.

Aura Pendants are one of many exotic treasures. They are different from war soldiers and cannot increase the power of the person who uses them, but they have many peculiar abilities.

For example, the treasure on his body that resisted Ye Xiu and Shura’s Jinlei was a kind of strange treasure.

However, in the wasteland, the number of exotic treasures is extremely small. Except for the common ones such as treasure clothes and charms, the production methods of other types of exotic treasures have long been lost.

And this aura pendant is an extremely rare treasure.

After the Aura Pendant recognizes the Lord, it will connect with the master’s soul. Once the master falls into a coma, the soul fluctuation disappears.

Then it will be activated, instantly forming a very tough barrier to protect the owner.

Its tenacity is even comparable to that of middle-rank warriors of the Profound Rank. Even the power of the soul can’t invade it. It can only be opened after the master wakes up.

Otherwise, even the masters of this fate will not be able to open it from the outside.

But now, Lin Qingcheng fell into a coma because of her own soul-locking seal. If she couldn’t help her remove the soul-locking seal, she would not be able to wake up.

If she doesn’t wake up, this aura pendant will not be opened, which becomes an endless loop.

In other words, this aura pendant had become a coffin that could never be opened, trapping Lin Qingcheng in it forever.

Unless you use a middle-rank or even high-grade warrior of the mysterious rank, it is possible to force it to break open, but Lin Qingcheng inside will also be impacted by this, directly eliminating the jade.

“how so.”

Having figured this out, Fu Liancheng also regretted it. Didn’t he ruin his own happiness? This made him have an urge to pump his own.

“Forget it, take it home first, and think of a solution later.”

Fu Lianzhan thought for a while, he had been away for a long time, and if he didn’t go back, his father might be suspicious.

So he directly carried Lin Qingcheng up, and disappeared in a flash.

In the thunder-accumulating pool, the purple lightning thunder python was up and down, its breath was weak, and the scales on its body had been blown out, and it was scorched black.

It can be seen what kind of damage the Shura Jinlei caused to it before.

If it hadn’t been for its upper body to have evolved into a purple lightning thunder, that blow would be enough to kill it.

At this moment, it is absorbing the power in the mine pool to recover its injuries.


At this moment, the purple lightning thunder snake suddenly let out a painful roar, and then its body began to twitch violently.

It looked like it was suffering great pain.

As a result, the power of the thunder trembling violently, became chaotic, and even began to cause damage to it, making its pain more violent.

So as soon as its body moved, it immediately swam towards the bottom of the mine pond.

It didn’t take long before it came to a palace built entirely by the power of thunder.

Passing through the gate, the purple lightning thunder python entered the palace and rolled continuously on the ground.

Although this palace was built by the power of thunder, it can completely isolate the power of thunder outside, which makes the purple lightning thunder python a little better.

Not only dragon blood, everything on his body is precious, especially the upper body.

But not long after the death of the purple lightning python, the true dragon bloodline in it will gradually dissipate, completely losing its original strength, and only taking it as soon as possible can maximize the benefits.

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