Chapter 377 Crazy Knife


Qin Ruoshui stared at all this dumbfounded. He didn’t expect Ye Xiu to just break through a Realm and reach the Ningyuan Eighth Stage. There would be such a big Ascension in strength.

With just one move, Fu Liancheng was seriously injured, and Qi Gen interrupted all of his arms.

It’s horrible.

He had dealt with Fu Lian before, but he couldn’t resist a punch from someone else and was directly injured.

He was not surprised by this. This Fu Liancheng lived in a land of no control for a long time, and spent most of his time suppressing himself and consolidating the Cultivation Base, lest he breakthrough too quickly and could no longer stay here.

Therefore, his foundation is extremely solid, even if it is placed in the wasteland, few people in the same rank can compare with it in terms of foundation.

It is also for this reason that he and the other eight masters in the wilderness easily dare not set foot here, and if they are not careful, they may end up in a dead end.

But Ye Xiu, like himself, also came from outside Borderlands, and his Cultivation Base is now Ningyuan Eighth Stage. The sky is equivalent to himself.

He directly injured Fu Liancheng.

This situation is almost like when I face Fu Liancheng, there is no threat at all.

If he were to fight with Ye Xiu instead, I am afraid that this punch would be enough to kill him directly on the spot.

Although he had also heard of Ye Xiu’s name before, he didn’t expect Ye Xiu’s strength to be so terrifying. I am afraid that only Lei Zhengyang, the leader of the eight great masters of the wasteland, can compete with it.

“He just said I was his woman.”

Lin Qingcheng’s little face was shy, and the whole person was still immersed in what Ye Xiu had said before.

Although they had a good impression of each other, neither of them had clearly expressed their own minds, especially Ye Xiu, who had never said anything similar.

Now Ye Xiu actually said that she was his woman in front of outsiders, and saved herself with such a powerful means, making her heart quicker.

At this moment, she was as sweet as she was eating honey.

This feels really not so good.

“Who on earth are you!”

Fu Liancheng looked at Ye Xiu in disbelief and asked.

Although he was in the land of no owner, they also knew something about the situation in the wasteland.

After all, when the Cultivation Base could not be suppressed, they also wanted to leave Borderlands and enter the wasteland to survive. If they didn’t even know the situation in the wasteland, wouldn’t it be too childish.

Therefore, he knew about Qin Ruoshui before, after all, the Eight Masters of the Wasteland were the eight most famous among the younger generation of disciples in the Wasteland.

But he had never heard of Ye Xiu’s name.

This guy seemed to have emerged out of thin air. Not only was his physique powerful, but his combat skills were also extremely powerful, and he couldn’t defeat him even with his strongest blow.

Instead, he was shocked and seriously injured.

From cultivation till now, he has never suffered such a severe injury, let alone defeated so thoroughly.

From this it can be seen that Ye Xiu’s strength is even more powerful than the so-called Desolate Region Eight Masters, but how can a person with such a strong strength be a lonely and unknown person.

“Ye Xiu.”

Ye Xiu approached him and said his own name.

“Ye Xiu?”

Fu Liancheng thought for a long time in his own mind, but didn’t think of anything about the name Ye Xiu. Obviously, he should be a new master.

It’s a pity that he didn’t know Ye Xiu was so tough before, otherwise, he would definitely not fight with it.

Don’t forget, this is their turf, you can’t beat it yourself, and some of his father’s men can beat him.

“You should be on your way.”

Ye Xiu said that he had come to Fu Liancheng’s side.

He would never let this person who dares to hit his own woman’s idea.

“On the road?”

Fu Liancheng showed a resolute look on his face, and said: “Your strength is indeed very strong, and it is completely beyond my expectations, but you can’t kill me with these alone.”


Ye Xiu’s tone was plain, he also wanted to see what Fu Liancheng had to do.

“Crazy Knife out!”

Fu Liancheng snorted, and a black knife with a swarthy body and the breath of Death appeared in his hand.

Under the gaze of Ye Xiu and the others, Fu Liancheng placed this Mad Knife under Own’s severed arm, allowing Own’s blood to drip on the blade.

The moment the blood touched the Mad Knife, it was as if it had fallen on the surface of the sea, and it was instantly absorbed.


The black broadsword that had absorbed the blood trembled suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, a black aura radiated from its body, immediately enveloping Fu Liancheng’s figure, and the whole body’s aura seemed to have been affected by this knife, and earth-shaking changes had taken place.

Gradually, his eyes became extremely red, full of murderous intent, without any emotion.

It’s like turning into a murderous demon in an instant.


Suddenly, Fu Liancheng roared, but the sound was no longer like a human voice, but more like a fierce beast roaring.

Rough and tyrannical, a wave of air spread around him centered on him.

Then, he stepped on his foot, and the figure suddenly disappeared in place, and when he appeared again, he had already come behind Ye Xiudu.

The black big knife in his hand suddenly slashed, and the air was torn apart by the sharp blade, making a harsh sound, and the blade was invincible, directly splitting Ye Xiu’s body in half.

But soon, Ye Xiu’s figure disappeared with the wind, and when he reappeared, he was already a hundred meters away, looking at Fu Liancheng with a pair of strange eyes.

“Ye Xiu, this should be the legendary Mad Knife. I didn’t expect it to fall into his hand. At this time, he is completely controlled by Mad Knife, and his strength is stronger than before. You have to deal with it carefully.”

Lin Qingcheng shouted.

The Mad Knife is a very famous soldier in the wasteland, and there are related records in the Lin Family Chamber of Commerce.

The reason why it is so famous is actually not because of how high its grade is, but because it caused the destruction of more than a dozen Sects long ago, and tens of thousands of people were buried under the blade.

According to records, this knife was originally forged by the ancestors of the mad devil with Nine Nether Iron. It is a strange ore that can absorb the grievances of others and gradually Ascension power.

In addition, the ancestor of the mad demon was a great demon who did no evil, burned and looted everywhere, even the top big faction had many people killed by his sword.

This made this draw a huge resentment.

Later, after the ancestor of the mad demon was strangled by various big sects, Blood Essence was sprinkled on it, which made it worthwhile to change, and gradually formed a magic knife.

Once this knife is contaminated with human blood, the resentment in it will be activated, and the person holding the knife will also become the carrier of this resentment, gaining powerful combat power in a short time.

But this knife will gradually devour the mind of the person who uses it, and every time it is used, its mind will be infested once.

Over time, the whole person’s mind will be controlled by the Mad Knife, making it another Mad Knife ancestor.

However, she saw in the classics that the knife had been destroyed by someone, but she didn’t expect that not only was it not destroyed, it actually appeared here.

As a result, the situation of the battle will probably change.

Even if Ye Xiu accidentally responded, he might die under this magic knife.

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