Chapter 374 You are fooled

“Is it funny?”

Ye Xiu’s expression remained the same. Although these people’s strengths were not bad, the words he wanted to kill them were just a flick of a finger.

“Boy, I don’t care who you are and leave immediately. Nothing happened to this Young Master. Otherwise, don’t blame me for being rude to you.”

Fu Liancheng didn’t put Ye Xiu in one’s eyes at all. Ningyuan was just a mere Seventh Stage, and he could easily kill him with a single finger.

Moreover, he could also see that this Ye Xiu might be Lin Qingcheng’s sweetheart, and he could take this opportunity to let Lin Qingcheng know how useless her sweetheart is.


Qin Ruoshui on the side looked at Fu Liancheng as if he was watching a play.

If it was before, he didn’t believe that Ye Xiu could get rid of so many masters of them, but it was different now. Even if Ye Xiu couldn’t make a move, the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon could help him accomplish all this.

You know, the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon is an ancient fierce beast, even if it is a high-rank master of Tong Xuan, it is a dead end.

Although there were a lot of people around Fu Liancheng, they didn’t add up enough for the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon to stuff his teeth.


Ye Xiu’s voice was not loud, but it was full of endless murderous intent, as if death had descended, directly condemning these people to death, making their hearts very embarrassing.

This feeling appeared extremely abrupt, and they didn’t know where it came from.


At this moment, a white figure fell from the sky, like a strong wind, sweeping behind Fu Liancheng.

Everyone couldn’t resist even a round wherever they went, and they were blown over by this white figure, blood splashing, and short limbs flying horizontally.

The scene became extremely bloody.

After a while, only Fu Liancheng among the group was still standing, others with broken legs, broken arms, and even a few people were cut off at the waist and died on the spot.

The survivors lay on the ground one by one, wailing in pain, making Fu Liancheng his scalp tingling.

He grew up so big, that he has seen such a tragic scene.

After doing this, the white shadow also stopped, turning into a palm-sized bird and falling on Ye Xiu’s shoulder, motionless.

But its white, snow-like eyes were like two icy sword lights, piercing Fu Liancheng’s chest, making his whole body stiff, like falling into an ice cave.

“Silver Emperor Falcon, Young Master, this is Silver Emperor Falcon.”

Someone among them recognized the identity of the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon, shouted loudly, and their voice trembled violently.

“How can it be!”

Fu Liancheng’s pupils shrank suddenly, and he was so frightened that he took a step toward retreated. His eyes were instantly rounded, and he looked at Ye Xiu in disbelief.

Although he lives in a secluded land, he has also heard of the name of the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon. This is a very powerful and cruel beast, how could it be subdued.

“Do you still find it funny now?”

Ye Xiu asked faintly, the endless murderous intent in his voice, making his heart tremble.

“You, don’t mess around. My father is Fu Ziyu, the lord of Yushan City. If you dare to touch one of my hair, my father will not let you go.”

Although Fu Liancheng couldn’t believe it, it seemed that only the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon had such a terrifying strength.

Facing the fierce Silver Emperor Sky Falcon, he didn’t even have the courage to escape.

The Silver Emperor Sky Falcon is known for its speed, even the Lightning Golden Eagle can’t compare with it, and this place is thousands of miles away from Yushan City, and it is impossible for him to run back in a short time.


Ye Xiu said indifferently.

“If you have a kind, don’t use the power of the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon, and fight me like a man with real swords and guns. Relying on external forces is nothing.”

Fu Liancheng was so scared that he hurriedly shouted, his voice trembling.

“as you wish!”

Ye Xiu also wanted to see what kind of strength Fu Liancheng had, and even dared to hit his woman’s attention.

As soon as the voice fell, he walked towards Fu Liancheng step by step.

“You are fooled, die for me!”

A sharp light flashed in Fu Liancheng’s eyes. He was waiting for this moment. With a movement in his heart, a jade charm appeared in his hand and directly crushed it to pieces.

Then a terrifying force burst out from it, like an arrow from the string, and instantly came to Ye Xiu’s.

“not good.”

Ye Xiu frowned, and he could feel the power contained in this strike. Once he was hit, he couldn’t resist it physically.

Without saying anything, he directly used the Dragon Step, and his body turned into an afterimage and fleeed into the distance.

But this attack was like a tarsal maggot. It followed closely behind, unable to dodge at all.

With only a bang, Ye Xiu was shaken out like a cannonball.

“Ye Xiu…”

Lin Qingcheng and Qin Ruoshui were both surprised. They didn’t expect that Fu Liancheng would use such insidious methods.

Moreover, the power contained in this strike is very terrifying, I am afraid it is a full blow from a high-rank master of Tong Xuan, and under such a powerful attack, Ye Xiu is also very difficult to resist.

“Haha, this is my father’s full blow to save my life. Even if the same rank master is concentrated positively, it will definitely die. You can die here under a single strike, and you are proud of it.”

Fu Liancheng said excitedly.

After he saw Ye Xiu summon the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon, he had already figured out how to deal with it, deliberately showing the enemy’s weakness, in order to paralyze Ye Xiu and let him relax his vigilance.

The result was the same as he expected.

This jade talisman contained his father’s full blow, an attack of this magnitude, even a master of Ninth Stage Heaven could hardly resist.

Ye Xiu was just venting profound energy to the sky, and it would never be possible to survive.

“you wanna die!”

At this moment, Ye Xiu’s voice sounded again, rushing straight from a distance.

But at this time, his complexion was ruddy, and he was not hurt at all.

“How can it be!”

Fu Liancheng looked at Ye Xiu in disbelief. At such a close distance, it was impossible for Ye Xiu to escape this strike.

Even if he could survive, he wouldn’t be able to get out of trouble.

“I see.”

At this time, Fu Liancheng found that the Silver Emperor Falcon on Ye Xiu’s shoulder was missing, and he immediately understood that the feeling was that the Silver Emperor Falcon had blocked this strike for him.

No wonder Ye Xiu has nothing to do.

However, now that Ye Xiu didn’t have the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon, there was no threat to him.


Ye Xiu yelled angrily and slammed a punch to kill him.

It was indeed the Protector of the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon just now. He blocked a blow for him. The Silver Emperor Sky Falcon was seriously injured by his this strike. Fortunately, its physique was strong and did not hurt its lives, but it also lost the power to fight again. .

So Ye Xiu put it in the royal animal bag to recuperate.

However, even without the help of the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon, he could kill him himself.

“Hmph, when the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon was there, I was a bit jealous of you. As for now, you are not my opponent at all, let me die.”

Fu Liancheng broke out completely, and Ye Xiu, who did not have the Silver Emperor Sky Falcon, had no threat to him.

With that, he also rushed towards Ye Xiu.

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