Chapter 363: You can’t do it, I will do it

“In that case, Mu Tianye and Xiaohu should also come to tell, why did they let you come instead of coming? Besides, who are you?”

The disciple of the Law Enforcement Hall asked rhetorically.

“Mu Tianye has been severely injured by them, and is currently receiving treatment at Dan Chenzi Elder, and the little fox also disappeared because of their pursuit. As for me, my name is Ye Xiu and I am a student of Wu Santong Elder. I am also a true disciple.”

Ye Xiu said.

“Ye Xiu, are you Ye Xiu?”

Everyone was shocked, they had naturally heard about Ye Xiu, but they had never had a chance to meet.

After all, he was the first person who dared to attack openly in the Lingwu family and was able to retreat all over his body, and he also lost the face of their law enforcement hall.

How could they not know.

But after confirming Ye Xiu’s identity, they felt that this matter was even more difficult. This guy was someone who even dared to break through the door of the Lingwu family.

If he doesn’t take his complaint, he still doesn’t know how much noise will be made.

Then I just can’t eat it and walk around.

“Now what do you say, pick up or not?”

Ye Xiu didn’t bother to talk nonsense with them, and went straight to the topic.

“This matter is beyond our authority, so I will take note of this matter, and then I will report it to Elder. You go back and wait patiently. I believe Sect will give you an explanation.”

He didn’t dare to tell Ye Xiu exactly, and he didn’t dare to refuse directly, first stabilize him, and then report this time to himself.

As for how to deal with this matter, it is not what he needs to consider.

“You give me an accurate time. If the time is up and you still have nothing to do, then I will solve the matter by myself.”

Ye Xiu saw the prevarication between this person’s words, but how could he let him succeed.

Moreover, Mu Tianye was still lying there with Dan Chenzi, and he couldn’t wait endlessly.

The reason why he didn’t go to Mu Changsheng directly was to give this law enforcement hall a face. If the time is up, they still don’t act, then no one can blame himself.

“Ye Xiu, this is the Law Enforcement Hall. Don’t think that you are a true disciple and you can go wild here. Go back and wait. We will notify you when there is news. Otherwise, don’t blame me for the crime of disturbing the Law Enforcement Hall.”

This person frowned. The disciples of their law enforcement hall have always threatened others. No one has ever dared to threaten them. Who do you think you are?

The true disciple was in front of us, so he had to hold it for me.

Ye Xiu did not speak, but stretched out a finger.

“what do you mean?”

This person is unknown.

“one day.”

Ye Xiu said indifferently: “I only give you one day. If you don’t give me an answer after one day, then I can’t blame me, you can’t do it.”

After speaking, Ye Xiu turned around and pulled the man out of the law enforcement hall, neatly and without any muddle.

“Brother, this kid is too arrogant, do you want me to catch him back and give him a lesson? If this incident goes out, we will lose all the faces of the law enforcement hall.”

“Don’t mess around, this kid is a lunatic, he can even rush into the Lingwu family, and there is nothing he can’t do. If you push him in a hurry, it won’t end well.”

“Even if you want to go, you have to have this ability. Didn’t you see that the person next to him is a disciple of the newly promoted Inner Sect? His Cultivation Base also reached the first stage of Tongxuan, but he was crippled. Don’t guess who did it, right?”

After Ye Xiu left, the law enforcement hall did not calm down for a long time.

Someone would dare to run wild in the law enforcement hall, it was worth it.

There are a few angry people who will immediately take down Ye Xiu, and then teach him a lesson so that he knows what this place is.

But before they finished speaking, the anger in their hearts was soaked by a basin of cold water.

I dare not mention anything to teach him anymore.

“Okay, let’s go all the way, you don’t care about this matter, everything is waiting for Elder to let it go.”

The person who received Ye Xiu stood up and stopped their discussion.

This Ye Xiu is a ruthless character, and he doesn’t play cards according to common sense. If he doesn’t deal with it, not only will they be embarrassed, but they will also bring the entire law enforcement hall to shame.

Besides, Ye Xiu came to complain this time.

Let’s not say whether these guys can beat Ye Xiu, even if they can, once they do it, the matter will be big, and then no one can afford it.

This matter can only be reported, and how to deal with it has to be decided by Elder, but who can’t afford it either.

As for what Ye Xiu said, he didn’t even think about it.

What do you do if we can’t do it?

That Mu Changsheng is a master of Tongxuan Seventh Stage Heaven, can you do it with a person of Ning Yuan Seventh Stage Heaven?

What a joke.

But they didn’t know that Ye Xiu was not joking.

In the end, he deliberated over and over again to report the matter.

If something really happened later, he would be easy to talk, otherwise, he would become a scapegoat.

On the other side, Ye Xiu returned to the courtyard built before and looked at the familiar environment, as if suddenly, he saw the figure of the little fox running around in it.

But after a closer look, the Yiren is no longer there.

When he and Xiaohu were together, although they were together little and more apart, the two were never really separated, and they had always depended on each other.

Today, the little fox is taken away and whereabouts are unknown, and Amano’s life and death are unpredictable, which makes him very self-blaming, because all this is caused by own carelessness.

However, he still does not regret killing Xiao Can.

Because at this point, he killed Xiao Can not just to fulfill the promise he made to Lin Qingcheng, he and Xiao Can also had a life and death feud.

And this guy is too insidious, if he doesn’t die, he won’t want to live.

But now this situation makes him unable to calm down.

Then he took out the flute and gently blew the red dust to refine the heart song, and the melodious flute sound reverberated in the mountain stream.

This flute sound was different from the past. In the past, Ye Xiu’s flute sound was stern and cold in the front, but at the back it became soft and cheerful, and the listeners were relaxed and happy.

And this is also his mental journey.

But at this time, the sound of his flute was full of deep thoughts and worries.

At the same time, I drink it without the sound of the piano, just like there is no salt in the food, it becomes bitter and hard to swallow.

On the top of the mountain not far away, Wu Santong stood at the sound of the boulder, with his hands on his back, looking at Ye Xiu who was quietly playing the flute below, with a little self-blame between his expressions.

He heard the feeling of longing in Ye Xiu’s flute, and his heart was very distressed.

If you don’t let them go out to practice, then all this probably won’t happen.

The flute sounded on the mountain all day, and the sound became more and more exciting with the passage of time, and it also revealed a touch of murderous intent.

In the afternoon of the next day, it had been a day since Ye Xiu left the law enforcement hall, and the murderous intent revealed in the sound of the flute became more and more obvious.

So that the entire mountain peak is shrouded in a piercing coldness.

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