Chapter 361: Keep Improving

“Follow me.”

Dan Chenzi nodded and looked at Ye Xiu’s eyes more and more, and he was able to listen to other people’s opinions with respect to love and justice, which was very rare among the younger generation of disciples in the Lingwu family.

You know, the disciples who can enter the Lingwu family and make a certain reputation are all talented.

And geniuses often have pride that far exceeds that of ordinary people, so it is easy to be self-righteous and do things only by own preferences, and he did it at the beginning.

Later, after suffering a loss, I learned what is called “the heavens outside the sky, there are people outside the world.”

Ye Xiu can listen to the opinions of others now, which will save him a lot of detours, which is even more important than his talent.

In the wasteland, there is never a shortage of geniuses, but there are very few people who can really reach the top of the pyramid. Why, because they waste too much time on useless things when they were young.

Therefore, he is very optimistic about Ye Xiu.

With that, he led Ye Xiu and others to the own thatched cottage.

This thatched house is not big from the outside, but there is a cave inside. It is like a very quiet courtyard, in which the flowing water is gurgling and the birds and flowers are scented, just like a paradise.

No wonder Dan Chenzi had to wait so long before coming out.

“This is Minor World, this Dan Chenzi is not easy.”

Qi Tian in Ye Xiu’s divine sea couldn’t help but say when he saw this courtyard.

“What is Minor World?”

Ye Xiu asked.

“Minor World is an independent space opened up by manpower. If it is larger, it can be called a secret realm, but one is formed naturally and the other is created by man. In my opinion, this Minor World was created by him himself. Come out, its strength is unfathomable.”

With Heavenly Dao, developing Minor World is also very difficult for the masters of this destiny.

Because to open Minor World, the first step is to break open the space. Just this first step will stump many people, and he couldn’t do it in the heyday.

However, there is something called the rifting stone in this world, which is also the main material for refining space treasures.

For example, a certain amount of cracked stone is added to storage ring or storage bag. The greater the content of cracked stone, the larger the space opened up.

Of course, the cost is higher.

Therefore, the empty stone can also be used to help people develop and support a Minor World. In this way, the requirements for the people who develop it will be much lower, and it is completely incomparable with the former.

Of course, he couldn’t break the space with his own power, not that he was inferior to this Dan Chenzi, but because they focused on different aspects.

Taking the soul as an example, in the entire wilderness and even the entire Nine Heavens continent, no one would dare to say that he was stronger than him at the soul level.

But in other aspects of hair, his achievements are very mediocre.

After all, when manpower is poor, no matter how talented a person is, it is impossible to cover everything.

The so-called greed is this principle. Blindly seeking more and not seeking refinement will only waste the years, and in the end, you will get nothing.

“I know the Rift Stone, but how does this thing open up Minor World?”

Ye Xiu asked.

“You don’t need to know now. If you break through to the Heavenly Cave Realm in the future, I can teach you how to use the Hollow Stone to open up a portable space, which is much more convenient than a storage ring.”

Qi Tian didn’t say much, because it involved many aspects, even if he had told Ye Xiu all now, he wouldn’t understand it.

“All right.”

Ye Xiu did not continue to ask.

It is impossible for him to waste too much time and energy in other areas now, and then he has to cultivate well and as soon as possible to be promoted to the Heavenly Cave Realm.

But before that, he still has one thing to do.

Thinking of this, a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

“Just put him here, close to the pill furnace, the effect of pill qi absorption will be better.”

Dan Chenzi took them to the place where he usually pill refining, and said, pointing to a table next to the pill furnace.

“It’s so strong.”

After Wu Santong entered here, he felt a strong pill gas rushing toward his face.

This pill energy will gradually dissipate with the passage of time just like the heaven and earth vitality, but the pill energy here will not dissipate, and it can even be caught by the naked eye, which is really incredible.

“This is the merit of the lock-field formation, it’s nothing. If you want to, you can go to Lin Tianji Elder and ask him to help you set up a lock-field formation in the pill refining room, so that your core energy will be locked in the alchemy room. In the process, over time, the pill energy in your pill room will increase. Then when you pill refining, they can not only Ascension own Cultivation Base, but also increase the quality of your pill refining.”

Dan Chenzi said that to the pill refining master, pill energy is more precious than the vitality of heaven and earth. It is the power that overflows after Medicine Pill is formed, and it is extremely pure.

When the pill energy in the pill room reaches a certain level, it can help Ascension Cultivation Base and enhance the quality of Medicine Pill.

This situation is just like pickles. The pickles developed by the old jars are more refreshing, because many materials are absorbed by the old jars. If the pickles are too heavy, the ingredients will be incorporated into the pickles.

It is precisely to achieve this goal that he opened up this Minor World, and with the help of the Lock Domain Array, there will be no waste of pill energy here.

If it is outside, even if there is a locked domain formation pill room, the pill energy in it will still gradually overflow like a fool in an hourglass, but the amplitude is very small.

This may seem nothing to ordinary people, but it is unacceptable to Dan Chenzi.

Because he is making pill recipes and he is striving for perfection to the extreme.

“The disciple has been taught.”

Wu Santong really didn’t expect that Medicine Pill could still be refined in this way, which almost refreshed his understanding of pill refining. It seems that he still has a long way to go.

“Next, I will refine a furnace of low-grade Xuan Dan. If you want to watch it, stay here, but don’t talk. If you don’t want to watch it, you can leave now.”

Dan Chenzi also knew that Wu Santong and Ye Xiu were both pill refining teachers, and their level was not low, so he gave birth to the idea of ​​pointing them.

If it were replaced by someone else, he probably wouldn’t let them in at all.

You know, his Minor World is the most special place in the entire Lingwu family, even the Sect Leader of the Lingwu family, without permission from own, dare not enter at will.


Of course Wu Santong and Ye Xiu did not leave. It was a rare opportunity to observe Dan Chenzi’s pill refining process.

Although their pill recipe is different from the ordinary pill recipe, it is essentially the same, so observing the master pill refining is also a kind of Ascension for yourself.

After that, Ye Xiu gently placed Mu Tianye on the table next to the pill furnace and checked his condition again.

After confirming that Mu Tianye’s situation was basically stable, Ye Xiu retreated to the side of Wu Santong, quietly waiting for Dan Chenzi to pill refining, and the whole room suddenly became quiet.

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